Halirages, Boeck, 1871

D'Acoz, Cédric D'Udekem, 2012, On the genus Halirages (Crustacea, Amphipoda), with the description of two new species from Scandinavia and Arctic Europe, European Journal of Taxonomy 7, pp. 1-32 : 26

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Carolina (2020-05-26 18:24:48, last updated 2020-05-27 01:32:45)

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Key to Halirages species

1. Ep3 with posteromedian and posteroventral tooth (posterior border forming an angular protrusion) ( Fig. 12A View Fig )............................................................................................................................................. 2

– Ep3 with posteroventral tooth only (posterior border rounded) ( Fig. 7C View Fig )........................................... 4

2. Pereionite 7 with 0-1 posterodorsal tooth; pleonite 1 and 2 with 1 posterodorsal tooth ..................... 3

– Pereionite 7 and pleonites 1-2 with 3 posterodorsal teeth ............................... H. nilssoni Ohlin, 1895

3. Telson distally truncated and slightly concave; ventral border of coxae 1-2 smooth; posterior border of basis of P5-7 with very weak crenulations; carpus of Gn1-2 equal to propodus.............................................................................................. H. fulvocinctus (M. Sars, 1859)

– Telson pointed, with large distal tooth flanked by 2 pairs of small lateral subdistal teeth; ventral border of coxae 1-2 and posterior border of basis of P5-7 distinctly serrate; carpus of Gn1-2 distinctly longer than propodus........................................................................................................ H. stappersi sp. nov.

4. Ventral lobe of head produced into a sharp tooth; carpus of Gn1-2 about 4 x as long as broad or narrower; at least some segments of pleon with posterodorsal tooth*; telson pointed; bathyal and abyssal species ..................................................................................................................................... 5

– Ventral lobe of head bluntly subquadrate; carpus of Gn1-2 a bit less than 2 x as long as broad; pleon smooth, segments without posterodorsal tooth; telson truncated; infralittoral species....................................................................................................... H. mixtus Stephensen, 1931

5. Eyes present ......................................................................................................................................... 6

– Eyes absent........................................................................................................................................... 7

6. Eye large and broad; coxa 1 with anteroventral corner pointing anteriorly; ventral border of coxa 1 with about 20 pronounced serrations; posteroventral corner of basis of P7 forming a sharp square angle; pereionite 7 (and often 6) and pleonites 1-2 with posterodorsal tooth; tip of telson tridentate ........................................................................................ H. qvadridentatus G.O. Sars, 1877

– Eye small and subreniform; coxa 1 with anteroventral corner forming a square angle; ventral border of coxa 1 with about 10 weak crenulations; posteroventral corner of basis of P7 bluntly angular; pereionite 7 (but never 6) and pleonites 1-2 with posterodorsal tooth; tip of telson with a single distal tooth .......................................................................................................................... H. cainae sp. nov.

7. Ventral border of coxa 1-2 with pronounced serrations........................ H. gorbunovi Gurjanova, 1946

– Ventral border of coxa 1-2 smooth or nearly so...................................... H. caecus Kamenskaya, 1980

* The pleon of the type specimens of H. gorbunovi (and only known specimens) is missing and its ornamentation is therefore unknown. However, since that species looks very similar to H. qvadridentatus , it is assumed that some of the posterior body segments have a posterodorsal tooth.

Gurjanova E. F. 1946. New species of Isopoda and Amphipoda from the Arctic Ocean. Transactions of the Drifting Expedition of the Main Administration of the Northern Sea Route on the Icebreaker Sedov , 1937 - 1940 3: 272 - 297 (in Russian).

Kamenskaya O. E. 1980. Deep sea Amphipoda (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) collected from the drifting station ' North-Pole 22 ': In: Vinogradov M. E. & Melnikov I. A. (eds), Biology of the central Arctic Basins: 241 - 250 (in Russian). Nauk Moskva, Moscow.

Ohlin A. 1895. Bidrag till kannedomen om malakostrakfaunan i Baffin Bay och Smith Sound. Acta Regiae Societatis Physiographicae Lundensis, n. f. [= new series] 31.

Sars M. 1859. Oversigt over de i den norskarctiske region forekommende krebsdyr. Forhandlingar i Videnskabs-Selskabet i Kristiania 1858: 122 - 163.

Sars G. O. 1877. Prodromus descriptionis crustaceorum et pycnogonidarum, qvae in expeditione Norvegica anno 1876, observavit. Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab 2: 337 - 271 [sic.] [= 237 - 271].

Stephensen K. 1931. Crustacea Malacostraca. VII. (Amphipoda. III). The Danish Ingolf-Expedition 3 (11): 179 - 290.

Gallery Image

Fig. 12. Halirages stappersi sp. nov., holotype ♂, 20 mm, Kara Sea, RV Belgica stn 132. A-B. original; C-F. after Stappers (1911). A. medium part of body. B. urosome and right U1 and U2. C. left U1. D. left U3. E. telson in dorsal view. F. telson in lateral view.

Gallery Image

Fig. 7. Halirages cainae sp. nov., holotype ♂, 40 mm, Norwegian Sea, MAREANO 2009-111, R-station 487, sample 157. A. pleonite 1. B. pleonite 2. C. pleonite 3. D. ventrolateral part of urosomite 1 and right U1 (apical cluster of spines of outer ramus drawn after left U1). E. left U2. F. right U3.