
Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure & Jaiswara, Ranjana, 2012, Phalangopsidae crickets from the Indian Region (Orthoptera, Grylloidea), with the descriptions of new taxa, diagnoses for genera, and a key to Indian genera, Zootaxa 3444, pp. 1-39 : 4-5

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Key for Phalangopsidae crickets of continental India

1. Both males and females with long FWs covering the whole abdomen. TIII with three pairs of subapical spurs ( Meloimorpha ), or less ( Cacoplistes ).................................................................................... 2

- Males and females either apterous, or with short, more or less reduced FWs. TIII with four outer subapical spurs, and three ( Paragryllodes ) or four inner subapical spurs................................................................ 3

2. Large species, with strong body and legs. Pronotum concave dorsally, its margins deeply carinated. TIII thick with strong latero-dorsal margins; subapical spurs very short; apical spurs widely set apart from each other on both inner and outer sides..................................................................... Cacoplistes Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1873

- Small and thin species, with thin legs. Pronotum margins not carinated, but dorsal disc saddle-like. TIII without lateral carina, quadrangulate in section; subapical spurs long and clearly articulated; apical spurs close to each other on each tibia side................................................................................... Meloimorpha Walker, 1870

3. TIII with three inner subapical spurs. Fastigium very narrow, much more narrow than the scape, and furrowed. Male subgenital plate elongate; FWs short; stridulum: harp crossed by many veins, mirror not well defined (Fig. 41 in Chopard 1928). Male genitalia typical for the genus, with a short, transverse pseudepiphallic sclerite and long ectophallic dorsal valves (Desutter- Grandcolas 1999). Female winged, FWs with projecting veins (Fig. 40 in Chopard 1928)............................................................................................................. Paragryllodes Karny, 1909

- TIII with four inner subapical spurs. Fastigium wider and not furrowed. Male apterous or winged; when the stridulum is present, harp crossed by no more than two or three veins; mirror present, reticulate or not. Male genitalia without ectophallic dorsal valves. Females apterous when known (except in Luzaropsis )................................................... 4

4. TIII apical spurs: median spurs the longest on both inner and outer sides; on outer side, the median either greatly ( Arachnomimus , Zacla ?, Fig. 1 J) or slightly ( Kempiola , Fig. 3 C) longer than the dorsal spur................................... 5

- TIII apical spurs different............................................................................... 7

5. Both sexes apterous. TI without tympanum. Male genitalia: median process resembling those of Zacla (cf. infra). Female genitalia long and horse-foot shaped, with a thinner basis and a wider, split apex, and with a plicated, basal membrane ( Fig. 1 G, H)......................................................................... Arachnomimus Saussure, 1897

- Male FWs more or less reduced in length, but with a complete stridulum; female apterous. TI with an inner tympanum (except in K. flavipunctatus Desutter-Grandcolas n. sp.)............................................................ 6

6. TIII serrulation very sparse (except in K. flavipunctatus Desutter-Grandcolas n. sp.); TIII median and dorsal outer apical spurs subequal, the median only slightly longer than the dorsal one ( Fig. 3 C). Male stridulum reticulated. Male genitalia: pseudepiphallus with a long and narrow median process, and elongate lateral lobes ( Figs 3 F, 5 B). Female copulatory papilla elongate and very flat, entirely sclerotized ( Fig. 3 D, E, G–I)................................. Kempiola Uvarov, 1940

- TIII serrulation strong; TIII median outer apical spur clearly longer than the dorsal one. Male stridulum not reticulated (Fig.

166 in Chopard 1969). Male genitalia with a short and straight median lobe, slightly shorter than lateral sclerites (Fig. 4.1 – 3 in Gorochov 2003 a). Female genitalia unknown............................................. Zacla Gorochov, 2003 7. TIII apical spurs: dorsal spur the longest on outer side, and dorsal spur the longest on inner side (except in P. (?) chopardi Desutter-Grandcolas n. sp., in which the median is slightly longer than the dorsal). TI without a tympanum. Males apterous or with very short FWs. Females apterous, when known........................................................ 8

- TIII apical spurs: median spur the longest on outer side, and dorsal spur slightly longer on inner side. TI with an inner tympanum, or two tympana. Both sexes winged................ Larandopsis Chopard, 1924 , Luzaropsis Chopard, 1925

8. TIII not serrulated. Eyes reduced, as long as the scape. Male first abdominal tergite very large and produced above the other tergites in the shape of a triangular shield. Female unknown............................. Aspidogryllus Chopard, 1933

- TIII serrulated. Eyes not as reduced. Male first abdominal tergite not modified...................................... 9

9. Pronotum distinctly transverse ( Figs 7 C, G, 10 E). Fastigium much wider than the scape ( Figs 7 G, 10 E)................. 10

- Pronotum less transverse ( Fig. 10 A). Fastigium slightly more narrow than the scape ( Fig. 10 B). Male unknown. Female copulatory papilla small and flat, flap-like ( Fig. 9 O)......................... Speluncasina Desutter-Grandcolas n. gen.

10. TIII subapical spurs: outers much longer than the inners. Male apterous or with flap-like, largely separate FWs; lateral parts of supra anal plate elongate. Male genitalia resembling those of Phalangopsina , but small, rounded and compact ( Fig. 12); pseudepiphallic sclerite median lobe flat; pseudepiphallic parameres having the shape of acute hooks ( Fig. 12 B, C). Female ovipositor shorter than FIII; copulatory papilla flat, concave, sclerotized only distally ( Fig. 11 H–J)........................................................................................... Opiliosina Desutter-Grandcolas n. gen.

- TIII subapical spurs: outers only slightly longer than the inners. Male FWs as long as tergite 1, slightly overlapping; supra anal plate simple. Male genitalia: pseudepiphallic sclerite with a wide median part, more or less reversed overhead, and two long lateral sclerites; pseudepiphallic parameres very large, concave, making a kind of wide wide forceps ( Fig. 6 D–F). Female ovipositor longer than FIII; copulatory papilla large, sclerotized and elongate ( Figs 6 G–H, 8 F, G), with a longer and thinner distal part (shorter in P. (?) chopardi Desutter-Grandcolas n. sp., see Fig. 8 K, L).......... Phalangopsina Chopard, 1933

Chopard, L. (1924) On some cavernicolous Orthoptera and Dermaptera from Assam and Burma. Records of the Indian Museum, 26, 81 - 92.

Chopard, L. (1925) The Gryllidae of Ceylon in the British Museum collections. Annals and Magazine of natural History, 9 th series, 89, 505 - 536

Chopard, L. (1928) Revision of the indian Gryllidae. Records of the Indian Museum, 30, 1 - 36.

Chopard, L. (1969) The fauna of India and adjacent countries. Orthoptera. Volume 2. Grylloidea. Baptist Mission Press, Calcutta. xviii + 421 pp.

Gorochov, A. V. (2003 a) New and little known crickets of the subfamily Phalangopsinae (Orthoptera, Gryllidae): 1. Southern Asia and Soenda Isles. Entomological Review, 83, 708 - 718.

Desutter-Grandcolas, L. (1999) The genus Paragryllodes Karny, 1909 in tropical Africa (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Phalangopsidae): new taxa and field observations on the habitat of the species. Zoosystema, 21, 495 - 524.

Karny, H. H. (1909) Ostafrikanische Orthopteren Sammelausbeute von A. Borgert, 1904 - 1905. Zoologische Jahrbucher, Abteilung fur Systematik, 27, 477 - 480.

Uvarov, B. P. (1940) Twenty-eight new generic names in Orthoptera. Annals and Magazine of natural History, 11, 173 - 176.

Walker, F. (1870) Catalogue of the specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the collections of the British Museum. Part 3. British Museum, London, 425 - 604.

Brunner von Wattenwyl, C. (1873) Systeme des Gryllides. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft, (1873), 163 - 170.