Leptobasis Selys, 1877

Mauffray, William F. & Tennessen, Kenneth J., 2019, A Catalogue and Historical Study of the Odonata of Ecuador, Zootaxa 4628 (1), pp. 1-265 : 50-51

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Plazi (2019-07-15 08:11:51, last updated by Veselin 2019-09-17 11:57:47)

scientific name

Leptobasis Selys, 1877


Leptobasis Selys, 1877

Small to medium slender damsefllies, only two of the nine species being found in Ecuador; undetermined specimens also exist in collections that could represent an undescribed species. The thorax usually has green stripes and the slender, elongate abdomen is often orange or yellowish ( Fig. 22 View FIGURE 22 ). See Garrison & von Ellenrieder (2010) and Johnson (2016) for identification. The Ecuador species inhabit open to partly shaded shallow marshes and the edges of small slow streams.

Leptobasis linda Johnson, 2016 . Publ. Recs. MN: Johnson (2016 — Holotype: ♂, from a small forested stream, N of Chindul, (0.2389, -79.8742, about 30m), 1 iii 2010, leg. JTJ [FSCA]); LR: Johnson (2016 — Allotype ♀: from a small stream, 1.8 km N of Hwy. 491, approx. 25 km E of Babahoyo, (-1.8111, -79.3189, about 60m), 7 iii 2010, leg. JTJ [FSCA]); EO: Johnson (2016).

Addl. Data. GY, Naranjal: 1 ♀, “Finca de la Gringa,” 15 km E of Tres Cerritos, near Cerro Cimalón (-2.4456, -79.5556, 25m), 12 iv 2008, leg. & det. JTJ [JTJ].

Note: Kennedy (1919) recognized that “the species (of Leptobasis labeled vacillans ) in the Cornell University collection from Ecuador appears to be entirely new and have long forcipate inferiors.” He showed figures of the Cornell specimen genital ligula.

Leptobasis vacillans Selys, 1877 . Publ. Recs. ECU: Paulson (1983), Tsuda (1986 — as L. v. ecuadorica ), Tsuda (1991), (H08), (P11), (H14); EO: Campos (1927); GY: * Calvert (1909), Campos (1922), Garrison & von Ellenrieder (2010); LR: * Calvert (1909 — as “ L. vacillans race ecuadorica ” ), Campos (1922); SD: Daigle et al. (1997), Garrison & von Ellenrieder (2010 — as Pinchincha). Also BRA, CEN, GUF, SUR, VEN: (H08), (P11); plus COL: (P11), (P&P).

Addl. Data. GY, Guayaquil: 7 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, Quayaquil (-2.7333, -79.75, 17m), date?, leg. F. Campos, det. P. Calvert, data provided by RWG, [ANSP,USNM]; Naranjal: 2 ♀♀, [San Rafael], listed as “San Raphael” (-2.18, - 79.23, 200m), date?, leg. F. Campos, det.? [FSCA]; LR, Quevedo: 5 ♂♂, 1 ♀, Quevedo (-1.0333, -79.4500, 11m), date?, leg. F. Campos, det. P. Calvert 1909, data provided by RWG [ANSP]; MN, El Carmen: borrow pit/small slow stream, NW of El Carmen (-0.1375, -79.5728, 185m), 28 ii 2010, leg. & det. JTJ [JTJ]; SD: 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, seepage fen at Hotel Colorado, Hwy. 30 about 16 km E of Santo Domingo (-0.31, -79.03, 762m), 31 i 1997, leg. & det. KJT [KJT]; 2 ♂♂, same data but leg. & det. JJD [FAL, JJD]; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same data but 30 i 1997, leg. JJD, det. RWG [ RWG]; 2 ♀, same data but leg. & det. WFM [ FSCA, QZAC]; 2 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, 29 km W Santo Domingo de los Colorados , 5 vii 1975, leg. A. Langley & P. Spangler, det. RWG [ USNM] .

Leptobasis unresolved: GY, Duran: Leptobasis nov. sp. “as por Calvert” (* Campos 1922); LR, Babahoyo: 6 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀, 10 km N of Babahoyo, banana plantation, (-1.8167, -79.5167, 56m), 22 vi 1975, leg. J. Cohen, A. Langley, P. Monnig, det. RWG & NVE 2009 [USNM]; Buena Fé: 37 km N of Quevedo, 7 iv 1975, leg. J. Cohen & A. Langley, det.? [USNM]; Quevedo: 1 ♀, Pichilingue (-1.1000 -79.4833, 40m), 2 ii 1955, leg. E. I. Schlinger & E. S. Ross, det. RWG 2009 CAS [DRP].

Note: These are all probably Leptobasis linda , pending re-examination of the specimens.

Calvert, P. P. (1909) Contributions to a knowledge of the Odonata of the Neotropical region, exclusive of Mexico and Central America. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, 6 (3), 73 - 280.

Campos, F. (1922) Catalogo Sistematico y Sinonimico de los Odonatos del Ecuador. Revista del Colegio Nacional Vicente Rocafuerte, 8 - 9, 1 - 75.

Campos, F. (1927) Las Libelulas de la Provincia de El Oro. Revista del Colegio Nacional Vicente Rocafuerte, 30 - 31, 79 - 81.

Daigle, J. J., Mauffray, B & Tennessen, K. J. (1997) Go south, young men, go south. Argia, 9 (1), 11 - 13.

Johnson, J. T. (2016) Leptobasis linda sp. nov. from Ecuador (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa, 4171 (2), 373 - 381. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4171.2.10

Kennedy, C. H. (1919) The Phylogeny of the Zygoptera, a Study of the Phylogeny of the Zygoptera from the Evidence Given by the Genitalia. Ph. D. thesis, Cornell University, 293 pp.

Paulson, D. R. (1983) Odonata of South America. List compiled and distributed originally for the IUCN meeting in Calgary, Canada. [updated several times and later replaced by his web site; see Paulson, 2011, 2016]

Tsuda, S. (1986) A distributional list of world Odonata, Preliminary edition. Published by author, Osaka, 246 pp.

Tsuda, S. (1991) A distributional list of World Odonata. Published by author, Osaka, 362 pp.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 22. Leptobasis vacillans. (a) ♂; (b) ♀, COSTA RICA, Alajuela province, Cano Negro Wildlife Refuge, 12 vi 2017; photo P. Deviche.


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History









