Tremex longicollis Konow, 1896

Shinohara, Akihiko, 2023, The woodwasp genus Tremex (Hymenoptera, Siricidae) of Japan, Zootaxa 5239 (1), pp. 1-40 : 22-23

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5239.1.1

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scientific name

Tremex longicollis Konow, 1896


Tremex longicollis Konow, 1896

( Figs 2A, D View FIGURE 2 , 3C View FIGURE 3 , 4E View FIGURE 4 , 5C, J View FIGURE 5 , 6A View FIGURE 6 , 7E, F View FIGURE 7 , 9B View FIGURE 9 , 10C View FIGURE 10 , 11B View FIGURE 11 , 12E View FIGURE 12 , 14 View FIGURE 14 ; Tables 1–4 View TABLE 1 View TABLE 2 View TABLE 3 View TABLE 4 )

Tremex longicollis Konow, 1896: 45 ; Yano, 1917: 120 (“ longicolis”); Yano, 1932: 473; Gussakovskij, 1935: 67; Esaki et al., 1939: 330; Takeuchi, 1938: 193; Benson, 1943: 30; Maa, 1949: 159; Takeuchi, 1949: 47; Miyatake, 1950: 38; Takeuchi, 1950: 1333; Takeuchi, 1955a: 2, 7; Takeuchi, 1955b: 115; Okutani 1959: 554; Kondo, 1961: 4; Okutani 1962: 343; Takeuchi, 1962: 3, 10; Kim, 1963: 295; Okutani 1963: 25; Okutani, 1967: 44; Kim, 1971: 85; Okutani, 1971: 18; Tanaka, 1971: 202; Kondo & Miyake, 1974: 15; Kondo & Miyake, 1976: 3; Okutani, 1977: 286; Smith, 1978: 99; Tanaka, 1979: 459; Shimoyama, 1986: 7; Abe & Togashi, 1989: 558; Xiao et al., 1992: 56; Tabata & Abe, 1995: 447; Sakamoto, 1997: 25; Lee et al., 1998: 299; Nagase, 2004: 1254; Naito et al., 2004: 68; Yoshida, 2006: 105; Nagase, 2007: 291; Yamazaki & Matsumoto, 2009: 313; Taeger et al., 2010: 108; Funamoto, 2010: 10; Tanaka, 2015: 38; Nagase & Watanabe, 2018: 950; Higurashi, 2019: 93; Lee et al., 2019: 14 View Cited Treatment ; Naito, 2019: 20; Naito, 2020: 467; Ogata, 2021: 186.

Tremex similis Marlatt, 1898: 49 ; Konow, 1899: 86 (synonym of T. apicalis ); Matsumura, 1906: 80; Matsumura, 1930: 59; Matsumura, 1931: 79; Matsumura, 1932b: 952; Smith, 1978: 99.

Tremex fuscicornis: Togashi, 1965: 244 , plate 122, fig. 15. Not Fabricius, 1787.

See Smith (1978) and Lee et al. (2019) for more synonyms and references.

Diagnostic characters. Female. Length without ovipositor 22–35 mm. Head pale brown, usually with blackish mark across ocellar area. Antenna blackish brown, with two to four basal and one apical antennomeres pale brown ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 ). Thorax black, at least dorsal half of pronotum (usually without blackish line medially) and sometimes propleuron, parascutal lobe and mesoscutellum marked with pale brown. Legs brown, most of coxae, trochanters, anterior and dorsal surfaces of mid femur, hind femur, dorsal parts of hind tibia and hind tarsomere 1 blackish brown to black ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 ). Forewing pale brownish hyaline, without distinct infuscation ( Fig. 7E, F View FIGURE 7 ). Abdomen black, with following pale brown: Most of tergum 2, anterior and often posterior margins of terga 3–6 (tergum 3 often almost entirely), tergum 8 (except anterolateral corner and large roughly heart-shaped black mark at middle), posterior half of tergum 9 (without black area along posterior margin), including entire precornal basin, and cornus. Antenna with 14–16 antennomeres. Pronotum ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ) long, MPL 0.74–0.95 (average 0.85) times as long as OOCL. Hind tibia 1.00–1.12 (average 1.07) times as long as hind tarsomere 1; dorsal margin of hind tibia straight or very shallowly concave ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 ). Forewing 1.10–1.38 (average 1.2) times as long as ovipositor sheath. Abdominal tergum 8 0.94–1.29 (average 1.10) times as long as terga 5–7 combined; precornal basin long, its length 0.74–0.98 (average 0.86) times as long as wide; ovipositor sheath 2.24–2.74 (average 2.55) times as long as apical sheath.

Male. Length 21 mm. Head, antenna, thorax and legs black except as follows: postocular area and temple (gena) entirely pale brown. Antenna with scape and pedicel pale brown ( Fig. 5J View FIGURE 5 ). Lateral sunken area of parascutal lobe pale brown. Fore leg with posterior half of coxa, femur, tibia and tarsus pale brown; mid leg with part of femur, ventral surface of tibia and apical tarsomere pale brown; hind leg with most of femur and apical tarsomere pale brown. Wings yellowish hyaline, with brownish veins ( Fig. 9B View FIGURE 9 ). Abdomen pale brown, with entire tergum 1 and narrow anterior lateral margins of each segment blackish. Antenna with 14 antennomeres. Pronotum ( Fig. 4E View FIGURE 4 ) long, MPL about 0.91 times as long as OOCL. Hind tibia short, 1.19 times as long as hind tarsomere 1.

Material examined. 69♀ 1³ (1♀ from Taiwan, 34♀ from Honshu, 11♀ 1³ from Shikoku, 21♀ from Kyushu and 2♀ with no locality data). See Appendix for collection data.

Distribution ( Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 ). Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Tsushima Island),? Korea (see discussion below), Taiwan, China (Fujian ( Xiao et al. 1992)).

Host plant. Cannabaceae : Celtis sinensis Pers. ( Takeuchi 1949; Okutani 1967).

Remarks. This species occurs in autumn ( Table 4 View TABLE 4 ) and the female is well characterized by the largely blackish brown antenna ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 ), the long pronotum ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ), the dorsally blackish and ventrally brownish hind tibia ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 ), the pale brownish wings without distinct infuscation ( Fig. 7E, F View FIGURE 7 ) and the elongate precornal basin ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ). The male of this species is very rare. It was described by Yano (1932), Esaki et al. (1939), Takeuchi (1962) and Naito (2020) but only one specimen listed above was available for the present study. It differs from the males of other Japanese congeners by the pale brown temple, gena, antennal scape and pedicel ( Figs 4E View FIGURE 4 , 5J View FIGURE 5 ), the pale brown wings without dark cloud ( Fig. 9B View FIGURE 9 ) and mostly pale brown abdomen ( Fig. 12E View FIGURE 12 ).

Gussakovskij (1935) noted “ Korea (?)” for the distribution of this species and, probably after him, Kim (1963) also included it in the Korean fauna without giving any collection data. Lee et al. (1998) gave the collection records of three males collected in April and two males collected in August but no females. The identity of these Korean specimens, particularly those collected in April, needs confirmation, because the Japanese specimens examined are all females except for one male as noted above and all were collected in September to October with a few exceptional collection data in July, August and November ( Table 4 View TABLE 4 ).

The specimens listed in Appendix (also Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 ) from Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Saitama, Aichi, Mie, Kyoto, Kagawa, Fukuoka, Nagasaki ( Tsushima Island ) and Kagoshima prefectures represent the first collection records from these prefectures.

Matsumura’s (1906, 1932b) host records of conifers and Okutani’s (1959) host record of “Muku” (= Aphananthe aspera (Thunb.) Planch. ( Cannabaceae )) are probably erroneous. Ogata (2021) observed the oviposition of this woodwasp on Podocarpus macrophyllus (Thunb.) Sweet f. angustifolius (Blume) Pilg. ( Podocarpaceae ). This is an interesting observation, because all the known host plants of Tremex species are angiosperms and T. longicollis is thought to be monophagous on Celtis sinensis ( Sakamoto 1997) . The host association of T. longicollis with P. macrophyllus f. angustifolius is unlikely and needs confirmation.














Tremex longicollis Konow, 1896

Shinohara, Akihiko 2023

Tremex fuscicornis: Togashi, 1965: 244

Togashi, I. 1965: 244

Tremex similis

Smith, D. R. 1978: 99
Matsumura, S. 1932: 952
Matsumura, S. 1931: 79
Matsumura, S. 1930: 59
Matsumura, S. 1906: 80
Konow, F. W. 1899: 86
Marlatt, C. L. 1898: 49

Tremex longicollis

Ogata, K. 2021: 186
Naito, T. 2020: 467
Higurashi, T. 2019: 93
Lee, J. - W. & Choi, J. - K. & Park, B. 2019: 14
Naito, T. 2019: 20
Nagase, H. & Watanabe, K. 2018: 950
Tanaka, S. 2015: 38
Taeger, A. & Blank, S. M. & Liston, A. D. 2010: 108
Funamoto, D. 2010: 10
Yamazaki, K. & Matsumoto, R. 2009: 313
Nagase, H. 2007: 291
Yoshida, H. 2006: 105
Nagase, H. 2004: 1254
Naito, T. & Yoshida, H. & Nakamine, H. & Morita, T. & Ikeda, T. & Suzuki, H. & Nakanishi, A. 2004: 68
Lee, J. - W. & Ryu, S. - M. & Chung, D. - K. 1998: 299
Sakamoto, M. 1997: 25
Tabata, M. & Abe, Y. 1995: 447
Xiao, G. & Huang, X. & Zhou, S. & Wu, J. & Zhang, P. 1992: 56
Abe, M. & Togashi, I. 1989: 558
Shimoyama, K. 1986: 7
Tanaka, C. 1979: 459
Smith, D. R. 1978: 99
Okutani, T. 1977: 286
Kondo, T. & Miyake, M. 1976: 3
Kondo, T. & Miyake, M. 1974: 15
Kim, C. - W. 1971: 85
Okutani, T. 1971: 18
Tanaka, C. 1971: 202
Okutani, T. 1967: 44
Kim, C. - W. 1963: 295
Okutani, T. 1963: 25
Okutani, T. 1962: 343
Takeuchi, K. 1962: 3
Kondo, T. 1961: 4
Okutani, T. 1959: 554
Takeuchi, K. 1955: 2
Takeuchi, K. 1955: 115
Miyatake, M. 1950: 38
Takeuchi, K. 1950: 1333
Maa, T. - C. 1949: 159
Takeuchi, K. 1949: 47
Benson, R. B. 1943: 30
Esaki, T. & Hori, H. & Yasumatsu, K. 1939: 330
Takeuchi, K. 1938: 193
Gussakovskij, V. V. 1935: 67
Yano, M. 1932: 473
Yano, M. 1917: 120
Konow, F. W. 1896: 45
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