Pygmarrhopalites, Vargovitsh, Robert S., 2009

Vargovitsh, Robert S., 2009, New Cave Arrhopalitidae (Collembola: Symphypleona) from the Crimea (Ukraine), Zootaxa 2047, pp. 1-47 : 20

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.186465


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scientific name


gen. nov.

Genus Pygmarrhopalites gen. nov.

Type species: Dicyrtoma pygmaea Wankel, 1860 = Arrhopalites pygmaeus ( Wankel, 1860) sensu Stach 1945

Diagnosis. Genus of Arrhopalitidae with characters: trichobothrial pattern of pygmaeus - type (ABC form a very obtuse angle, AB and BC equidistant or AB<BC); secondary seta FS present in fore and mid tibiotarsi; cuticular spines on anal valves always absent; anterior surface of dens with 4 rows of setae (except aberrations) and anterodistal seta never as a spine; shape of mucronal apex pointed or broadened; Ant IV usually distinctly divided on subsegments; vertex with simple or spine-like setae.

Etymology. After type species and reflecting close relations to genus Arrhopalites .

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