Endynomena Chaudoir, 1872

Shi, Hongliang, Zhou, Hongzhang & Liang, Hongbin, 2013, Taxonomic synopsis of the subtribe Physoderina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), with species revisions of eight genera, ZooKeys 284, pp. 1-129 : 81-82

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scientific name

Endynomena Chaudoir, 1872


Genus Endynomena Chaudoir, 1872

Endynomena Chaudoir 1872: 186; Jedlička, 1963: 308; Habu, 1979b: 61.

Saronychium Blackburn 1877: 142. Type-species: Saronychium inconspicuum Blackburn, 1877 [= Plochionus pradieri Fairmaire], by monotypy; Andrewes 1919: 483 (synonymized with Endynomena Chaudoir). [Synonym]


Plochionus pradieri Fairmaire, 1849a, by monotypy.


Dorsal side evenly pubescent, elytra with accessory setae on all intervals; mandibles strongly widened; labrum and outer scrobe of mandibles nearly glabrous; pronotum with basal foveae wide and shallow; elytral intervals hardly convex; median lobe of aedeagus setose around apical orifice, apical orifice opened dorsally. This genus strongly resembles Orionella ; distinguishing characters are presented in the diagnosis of Orionella .

Generic characters.

Dorsal side uniform brownish; body rather flat; dorsal side densely pubescent, pubescence somewhat short, not erect. Head. Eyes hemispherical, strongly prominent; tempora short, half length of eyes, distinctly tumid, gradually narrowed behind eyes; vertex not distinctly tumid. Antennae not extended to elytral base. Labrum widened to apex, apical margin distinctly bilobed, with faint isodiametric microsculpture, glabrous or with a few very fine and short secondary setae; mandibles distinctly widened, outer margins rounded, glabrous on outer scrobe, with some setae along dorsal ridge; terminal maxillary palpomeres slender in both sexes, apex slightly truncate in males; terminal labial palpomeres slightly widened in both sexes, wider in males, narrowly securiform, apex slightly truncate; ligula with apex slightly projected, with four setae; paraglossae membranous, not longer than ligula, slightly widened, adnate; mentum tooth short and wide, apex nearly rounded, with two long setae near base; submentum with two long setae; genae with long setae beneath eyes; gula nearly glabrous except apical part. Pronotum transverse, surface densely pubescent; lateral margins with setae along full length, a few long setae present at front angles, three or four long setae at the greatest width, primary setae on hind angles slightly longer than others; basal foveae wide and shallow; pronotal base hardly lobed; lateral margins completely rounded in middle, slightly sinuate before hind angles; hind angles not sharp. Elytra wide, slightly expanded to apex; apex truncate, sutural angles not projected, outer angles completely rounded; basal margination only reaching 3rd interval; basal pores large; striae indistinct, not distinctly punctate; intervals flat; all intervals evenly pubescent, pubescence fine, not erect; primary setigerous pores small, 3rd interval with four pores, 5th interval with one pore near base, 7th interval with several long setae inserted in large pores; 3rd to 6th intervals slightly depressed near middle, 7th and 8th intervals slightly tumid near apex. Ventral side with dense pubescence; males with apex of terminal sternum moderately emarginate, with two pairs of setae; females with apex of terminal sternum straight, with two pairs of setae. Legs short; protibiae with cleaning spur well developed, distant from inner margin; tarsi widened, 4th tarsomere bifid, claws pectinate. Males with adhesive hairs well developed (two whole rows) on 1st and 2nd protarsomeres and 1st and 2nd mesotarsomeres; rudimentary (very weak single row) on 3rd protarsomere, apex of 3rd mesotarsomere, and apex of 1st metatarsomere. Male genitalia with median lobe of aedeagus slightly stout, not twisted, slightly bent in lateral view, strongly bent to right side in dorsal view; apical orifice large, placed dorsally; apical lamella very small, apex rounded; apical orifice with basal two-thirds surrounded by long setae; internal sac with main flagellum very short, a wide scaled area near middle, apical bursa absent, secondary flagellum present. Left paramere completely rounded, right paramere typical for the subtribe. Female genitalia. Apical segment of ovipositor slightly widened, apex slightly rounded, base not widened, apex with membranous extension fine and long. Inner structure of reproductive system not studied.


The single species of the genus is widely distributed along the Asia-Pacific range, reaching southern Japan in the north, and southern India in the west, and in many Pacific islands, east to Tahiti and Hawaii, and south to Tonga.

Monophyly and relationships.

This genus strongly resembles Orionella in external characters, but genital characters show other relationships. The setae around the apical orifice and rudimentary adhesive hairs on the 1st metatarsomere suggest that Endynomena is closely related to Paraphaea or Anchista . The half-reduced main flagellum of the internal sac shows an intermediate status between Paraphaea (main flagellum complete) and Anchista (main flagellum absent), but the strongly widened mandibles in Endynomena contradict this affinity. The special left paramere shape of Endynomena may support its monophyly ( Fig. 110 View Figures 95–110 ).

Andrewes, HE, 1919. Papers on Oriental Carabidae. I. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9) 3: 469-483. ., 10.1080/00222931908673846

Blackburn, T, 1877. Characters of a new genus, and descriptions of new species, of Geodephaga from the Sandwich Islands. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 14 [1877-1878]: 142-148.

Chaudoir, BM, 1872. Monographie des Callidides. Annales de Societe Entomologique de Belgique 16: 97 - 204

Gallery Image

Figures 95 - 110. Left and right parameres of male genitalia, scale bars = 0.2 mm: 95 Paraphaea binotata (Dejean), a specimen from Guangxi 96 Paraphaea minor sp. n., holotype 97 Anchista brunnea (Wiedemann), a paralectotype of picea Chaudoir 98 Anchista pilosa sp. n., holotype 99 Metallanchista laticollis sp. n., holotype 100 Physodera amplicollis van de Poll, a specimen from Taiwan 101 Diamella cupreomicans (Oberthuer), a specimen from Yunnan 102 Diamella arrowi (Jedlicka), holotype 103 Allocota aurata (Bates), a specimen from Tonkin 104 Allocota aurata (Bates), a specimen from Shaanxi 105 Allocota bicolor sp. n., holotype 106 Lachnoderma asperum Bates, a specimen from Taiwan 107 Dasiosoma ivorense Basilewsky, a paratype from Cote d'Ivoire 108 Dasiosoma quadraticolle sp. n., holotype 109 Orionella kathmanduensis (Kirschenhofer), a specimen from Nepal 110 Endynomena pradieri (Fairmaire), a specimen from Fujian.









