
Kašćelan, Slavica, Mandić, Sreten, Radović, Ivica & Krpo-Ćetković, Jasmina, 2009, An annotated checklist of Echinodermata of Montenegro (the south Adriatic Sea), Zootaxa 2275, pp. 21-40 : 35

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scientific name



Fam: Toxopneustidae

Sphaerechinus granularis (Lamarck, 1816)

Material: 255 specimens; stations: T 1, T 3, T 5, T 6, T 7, T 8, T 9, T 10, S 3, S 4, S 5, S 6, S 7, S 8, S 9, S 11, S 13, S 14, S 15; depth: 1-20 m; substrates: stones, sand, mud, meadows of Posidonia oceanica .

Distribution: Atlantic–Mediterranean.

Literature records for central and/or north Adriatic: Kolosváry (1937), Zavodnik (1960, 1977, 1997), Tortonese (1965), Despalatović (2005), Zavodnik et al. (2005).

Literature records for south Adriatic ( Croatia): Zavodnik (2003).

Literature records for Montenegro: Tortonese (1965), Karaman & Gamulin-Brida (1970), Bruno (1972), Milojević (1979, 1982), Stjepčević & Parenzan (1980).

Zavodnik, D., Pallaoro, A., Jaklin, A., Kovacic, M. & Arko-Pijevac, M. (2005) A benthos survey of the Senj Archipelago (North Adriatic Sea, Croatia). Acta Adriatica, 46, 3 - 68.

Bruno, C. (1972) Echinodermi di Boka Kotorska. Thalassia Salentina, 6, 37 - 46.

Despalatovic, M. (2005) Raznolikost i rasprostranjenost bodljikasa (Echinodermata) kontinentske podine sjevernog i srednjeg Jadrana. [Diversity and distribution of echinoderms (Echinodermata) of the continental shelf of the north and central Adriatic.] PhD thesis, Sveuciliste u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 282 pp. (in Croatian)

Karaman, G. & Gamulin-Brida, H. (1970) Contribution aux recherches des bicenoses benthiques du Golfe de Boka Kotorska. Studia Marina, 4, 3 - 42.

Kolosvary, G. v. (1937) Die Echinodermen des Adriatischen Meeres. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstage von Professor Dr. Embrik Strand, 2, 433 - 473.

Milojevic, S. (1979) Biocenoti c ki pregled faune Echinodermata u Bokokotorskom zalivu. [Bioecoenotic review of the echinoderm fauna in the Bay of Kotor.] II Kongres ekologa Jugoslavije, Zbornik radova, Zagreb, pp. 1859 - 1868. (in Serbian)

Milojevic, S. (1982) Fauna Echinodermata u litoralnom podrucju ispred usca rijeke Bojane. [Echinoderm fauna in the littoral area around the Bojana River mouth.] Biosistematika, 8, 141 - 158. (in Serbian)

Stjepcevic, J. & Parenzan, P. (1980) Il Golfo delle Bocche di Cattaro - condizioni generali e biocenosi bentoniche con carta ecologica delle sue due baie interne. Studia Marina, 9 - 10, 3 - 149.

Tortonese, E. (1965) Echinodermata, Fauna d' Italia. Edizioni Calderini, Bologna, 422 pp.

Zavodnik, D. (1960) Echinodermata der Insel Krk. Acta Adriatica, 11, 3 - 19.

Zavodnik, D. (1977) Echinodermata of the island Vir (Adriatic Sea). Biosistematika, 3, 69 - 78.

Zavodnik, D. (1997) Echinodermata of the marine National Park Kornati (Adriatic Sea). Periodicum Biologorum, 99, 367 - 380.

Zavodnik, D. (2003) Marine fauna of Mljet National Park (Adriatic Sea, Croatia) 2. Echinodermata. Acta Adriatica, 44, 105 - 160.