Sphelodon, Townes, 1966

Herrera-Florez, Andres Fabian, 2017, A new species of Sphelodon Townes (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Banchinae) from Colombia, Zootaxa 4277 (2), pp. 289-294 : 293

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4277.2.11

publication LSID




persistent identifier


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scientific name



Key to Sphelodon View in CoL View at ENA species occurring in the Neotropical Region

(Adapted in part from Gauld et al., 2002 and Herrera & Penteado-Dias 2011)

1. Metasoma pale yellowish brown or orange (Figs 1,6) ...................................................................................................................... 2

- Metasoma black or dark brown with transverse white or pale yellowish bands ............................................................................... 8

2. Flagellum without a median white band ......................................................................................................... S. brunicornis Herrera

- Flagellum with a median white band ................................................................................................................................................ 3

3. Mesopleuron closely and coarsely punctate ................................................................................. S. guanacastensis Godoy & Gauld View in CoL

- Mesopleuron with fine, inconspicuous punctures (Figs 1,4) ............................................................................................................ 4

4. Pronotum in dorsal view with upper end of epomia forming a distinct tubercle ...................................... S. wardae Godoy & Gauld View in CoL

- Pronotum in dorsal view not tuberculate above (Figs 2,3)................................................................................................................ 5

5. Base of tergite I with margin of lateral tooth pointing laterally ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 3 – 6 ) ........................................................................................... 6

- Base of tergite I with margin of lateral tooth pointing down ........................................................................................................... 7

6. Gena and vertex mostly yellow (only the interocellar area black) ........................................................... S. ugaldei Godoy & Gauld View in CoL

- Gena and vertex mostly black ( Figs 2–4 View FIGURES 1 – 2 View FIGURES 3 – 6 ) ................................................................................. S. antioquensis Herrera-Florez sp. n.

7. Propodeum with anterior and posterior transverse carinae normally developed; the latter rather straight (Fig. 13). Triangular area of tergite II with some punctures ....................................................................................................................... S. plaumanni Herrera

- Propodeum with anterior transverse carina, complete and strong and posterior transverse carina complete, strong and sinuous. Triangular area of tergite II smooth ............................................................................................................... S. boraceiensis Herrera

8. Propodeum without an enclosed area superomedia ...................................................................................... S. phoxopteridis (Weed) View in CoL

- Propodeum with an enclosed area superomedia................................................................................................................................ 9

9. Antenna with 39–40 flagellomeres. Mesosoma black in part ...................................................................... S. annulicornis (Morley) View in CoL

- Antenna with 43 or more flagellomeres. Mesosoma partly orange or red ...................................................................................... 10

10. Lateral area of tergite II with some sparse punctures. Propodeum with area petiolaris, area posteroexterna and most of area denti- para and area superomedia yellow; area externa mostly orange, rest of propodeum dark ferrugineous; apex of fore wing with a weak brown spot ..................................................................................................................................................... S. zuleidei Herrera

- Lateral area of tergite II different (smooth with some pubescence). Propodeum mostly red with yellow spots in area dentipara; fore wing hyaline ............................................................................................................................................ S. botucatensis Herrera

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