Sphenella, Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

El-Hawagry, Magdi S., 2017, Catalogue of Egyptian Tephritoidea (Diptera: Schizophora: Acalyptratae), Zootaxa 4299 (2), pp. 151-190 : 173

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Plazi (2017-08-15 09:00:51, last updated 2024-11-29 09:40:05)

scientific name



Genus SPHENELLA Robineau-Desvoidy View in CoL View at ENA

Sphenella Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 773 View in CoL . Type species: Sphenella linariae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 View in CoL (= Tephritis marginata Fallén, 1814 View in CoL ), monotypy.

Sinevra Lioy, 1864: 1024 . Type species: Tephritis marginata Fallén, 1814 View in CoL , by subsequent designation ( Hardy 1977: 130).

Sineura Hendel, 1927a: 169 . Misspelling of Sinevra Lioy.

Sphenelle Hardy, 1977: 130. Misspelling of Sphenella Robineau-Desvoidy View in CoL , attributed to “authors”.

Sphenella marginata ( Fallén, 1814) View in CoL

Tephritis marginata Fallén, 1814: 165 View in CoL . Unspecified type. Sweden (Esperods mark i Skane [Kristianstads: Asperod ]) ( ZIL?).

Sphenella linariae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 774 View in CoL . Syntypes destroyed. Type locality not stated [probably France] ( MNHNP).

Acinia miranda Wollaston, 1858: 116 View in CoL . Unspecified type. Madeira Is (Porto Santo) ( BMNH).

Tephritis tenerifensis Bigot, 1892: 278 View in CoL . Holotype. Canary Is. (Tenerife: station No. 122) (UMO).

Tephritis marginata Fallén, 1820a: 7 View in CoL . Lectotype. Sweden (Kristianstads: near Kivik, Mellby, Asperod) (ZIL). Preoccupied by Fallén (1814). Lectotype designated by Persson (1958: 109).

Tephritis teneriffensis Hendel, 1927a: 213 View in CoL . Misspelling of tenerifensis Bigot. View in CoL

Trupanea arcuata Schrank, 1803: 142 . Misidentification.

Distribution. PA: Afghanistan, Egypt, n. Europe E to w. Siberia, S to Spain.

Egyptian localities. Coastal Strip: Burg, Dekheila, Mariout. Fayoum: Kom Osheem. Eastern Desert: Ismailiya,

Ogret El-Sheikh, Wadi Hoff, Wadi Ibtadi, Wadi Rishrash. Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Abu Rawash, Abu Zaabal,

Cairo, Ezbet El-Nakhl, Helwan, Kerdassa, Maadi, Magadlah, Mansouria, Marg, Qubba, Shoubra. Sinai: Northern

Sinai, Sinai Mts.

Host plants. Ragwort ( Senecio spp.). Sources: Kugler & Freidberg (1976); Freidberg & Kugler (1989).

Dates of collection. Throughout the year.

Bigot, J. M. F. (1892) Voyage de M. Ch. Alluaud aux Iles Canaries (Novembre 1889 - Juin 1890). Dipteres. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, Paris, 16, 275 - 279. [1891]

Fallen, C. F. (1814) Beskrifning Ofver de i Sverige funna TistEl-Flugor, horande till Dipter - Slagtet Tephritis. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 35, 156 - 177.

Fallen, C. F. (1820 a) Ortalides Sveciae. Berlingianis, Lundae [= Lund], 34 pp.

Freidberg, A. & Kugler, J. (1989) Fauna Palaestina. Insecta IV. Diptera: Tephritidae. Israel Academy of Sciences & Humanities, Jerusalem, 212 pp.

Hardy, D. E. (1977) Family Tephritidae (Trypetidae, Trupaneidae). In: Delfinado, M. D. & Hardy, D. E. (Eds.), A catalog of the Diptera of the Oriental Region, Volume III, Suborder Cyclorrhapha, (excluding Division Aschiza). University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, pp. 44 - 134.

Hendel, F. (1927 a) 49. Trypetidae, In: Lindner, E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region, 5 (1), pp. 1 - 221. [Stuttgart]

Kugler, J. & Freidberg, A. (1976) A list of the fruitflies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of Israel and nearby areas, their host plants and distribution. Israel Journal of Entomology, 10, 51 - 72. [1975]

Lioy, P. (1864) I ditteri distribuiti secondo un nuovo metodo di classificazione naturale. Atti del Reale Instituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Series 3, 9, 989 - 1027.

Persson, P. I. (1958) A revision of the family Trypetidae in Zetterstedt's ' Diptera Scandinaviae'. Opuscula Entomologica, 23, 105 - 121.

Robineau-Desvoidy, J. B. (1830) Essai sur les Myodaires. Memoires presentes par divers Savans a l'Academie royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France, et imprimes par son ordre. Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques, 2 e Serie, 2, 1 - 813.

Schrank, F. von P. (1803) Fauna Boica. Durch dachte Geschichte der in Baiern einheimischen und Zahmen Tiere. Landshut, 3 (1), 1 - 372.

Wollaston, T. V. (1858) Brief diagnostic characters of undescribed Madeiran insects [concl.]. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 3, 1, 113 - 125.


Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute


Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay













