Antodice apicalis, Vlasak & Nascimento & Santos-Silva, 2025
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Plazi (2025-03-12 12:45:04, last updated 2025-03-12 12:51:51) |
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Antodice apicalis |
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sp. nov. |
Antodice apicalis sp. nov.
( Figs 17–21 View FIGURES 17–21 )
Description. Holotype female. Head capsule blackish; ventral mouthparts mostly orangish, except some palpomeres partially brown or reddish brown and with yellowish-brown apex; anteclypeus mostly dark brown centrally, irregularly dull yellowish-brown laterally; labrum reddish brown with irregular dark-brown areas; antennae blackish, except scape, pedicel and base of antennomeres III–VII dark reddish brown; mandibles black. Prothorax blackish on pronotum and sides, dark brown ventrally, except posterior half of prosternal process orangish brown with irregular dark-brown areas interspersed. Ventral surface of meso- and metathorax black. Scutellum black. Elytra orangish brown on anterior third, gradually more brownish toward posterior region, except black inverted psi-shaped macula on anterior 2/3 and brown posterior eight. Coxae mostly dark orangish brown, except brown sides of metacoxae. Protrochanters dark brown; meso- and metatrochanters dark reddish brown. Femora black except dark reddish-brown basal area of dorsal and lateral surfaces of profemora and light reddish-brown basal area of dorsal and lateral surfaces of meso- and metafemora. Tibiae and tarsi black, except reddish-brown apex of tarsomeres V and tarsal claws. Ventral surface of abdomen dark brown, except brown central apex of ventrites 1–4.
Head. Frons abundantly, finely punctate, with moderately coarse punctures interspersed; with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument laterally and superiorly, and a few yellowish-brown setae on remaining surface; with a few long, erect dark-brown setae near eyes. Area between eyes and base of antennae with dense yellowish-brown pubescence dorsally and laterally, both dark-brown and yellowish-brown frontally. Area between antennal tubercles and anterior margin of upper eye lobes, abundantly, finely punctate, with coarse punctures interspersed, except smooth median groove, smooth area widened on its central area; with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument close to glabrous median groove and abundant dark-brown pubescence not obscuring integument laterally. Remaining surface of vertex abundantly, finely punctate, with coarse punctures interspersed; with abundant dark-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument, with short, decumbent dark yellowish-brown setae interspersed, except glabrous median groove; with a few long, erect dark-brown setae interspersed. Area behind upper eye lobes with sculpturing as on posterior region of vertex; with abundant dark-brown pubescence close to vertex and eye, and dense yellow pubescence on remaining surface; with a few long, erect dark-brown setae close to eye. Area behind lower eye lobes with sculpturing as on area behind upper eye lobes; with abundant, both yellowish-brown and yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence distinctly sparser close to eye; with a few long, erect dark-brown setae interspersed. Genae 0.7 times longer than inner margin of lower eye lobe; abundantly, finely striate-punctate laterally; frontal area smooth close to eyes and on apex, sparsely, finely punctate on remaining surface; punctate frontal area with moderately abundant pale-yellow pubescence not obscuring integument, with long, erect, decumbent pale setae interspersed, striate-punctate area with moderately sparse yellowish-white pubescence and long, erect yellowish and brown setae interspersed. Antennal tubercles abundantly, finely punctate, with coarse punctures interspersed; with abundant dark-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, and both long and short, erect dark-brown setae interspersed, especially close to apex. Wide central area of postclypeus microsculptured, with fine, shallow punctures interspersed, except a few coarser punctures on its sides; almost glabrous, with long, erect yellowish-brown setae laterally. Sides of postclypeus smooth, glabrous. Labrum sparsely, coarsely punctate close to anteclypeus, smooth on remaining surface; with long, erect yellowish-brown setae posteriorly and laterally, absent on remaining surface. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous posteriorly; anterior region abundantly, finely rugose-punctate, with sparse, both short and long, erect, both brown and yellowish-white setae. Maximum diameter of upper eye lobes 3.5 times shorter than maximum diameter of scape; distance between upper eye lobes 0.14 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.59 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 1.15 times elytral length, reaching about posterior seventh of elytra. Scape and pedicel with abundant, short, bristly dark-brown setae, slightly denser on scape, and long, erect dark-brown setae interspersed throughout. Antennomeres III–XI with abundant, short, bristly dark-brown setae, sparser on base of III–VII; ventral surface with long, erect dark-brown setae, denser on III–IV, gradually sparser from V; with sparse, long, erect dark-brown setae dorsally and laterally; with long dark-brown setae directed backward on entire apex; antennomere III wide, gradually widened from base to apex; remaining flagellomeres subcylindrical, gradually narrowed from IV. Antennal formula (ratio) based on antennomere III: scape = 1.08; pedicel = 0.21; IV = 1.17; V = 1.30; VI = 1.17; VII = 1.00; VIII = 0.76; IX = 0.69; X = 0.65; XI = 0.76.
Thorax. Prothorax about as long as wide; anterior constriction distinct; sides sinuous. Pronotum densely, very finely punctate, with abundant, coarse punctures interspersed; sides with dense, wide, longitudinal orangish-yellow pubescent band, from anterior to posterior margin, almost reaching sides of prothorax; remaining surface with abundant dark-brown pubescence not obscuring integument and long, erect yellowish-white setae and a few very long, erect setae interspersed, these latter brown with pale apices. Sides of prothorax with abundant brown pubescence not obscuring integument and long, erect, dark-brown setae interspersed. Prosternum sparsely, coarsely punctate, punctures coarser and denser on anterior sulcus; with abundant brown pubescence partially obscuring integument laterally, and long, erect whitish setae interspersed; remaining surface with sparse, both, short, decumbent and long, erect whitish setae. Prosternal process with moderately abundant yellowish-white pubescence, slightly sparser on posterior half, and long, erect whitish setae interspersed on posterior half; narrowest area 0.14 times procoxal width. Mesoventrite moderately abundantly, coarsely punctate, punctures denser laterally; central area with sparse dull yellowish-brown pubescence, with long, erect yellowish-white setae interspersed; remaining surface with dense dull yellowish-brown pubescence. Mesanepisterna with abundant brown pubescence, with short, decumbent whitish setae interspersed, except dense yellowish-brown pubescence close to mesepimeron. Mesepimera with moderately abundant dark-brown pubescence not obscuring integument and long, erect setae of same color interspersed. Mesoventral process densely, moderately finely punctate; posterior half almost drop-shaped; with abundant dull yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, and long, erect yellowish setae interspersed; narrowest area 0.19 times mesocoxal width; widest posterior area 0.38 times mesocoxal width. Metanepisterna with abundant dark-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, and short, decumbent whitish setae interspersed. Metaventrite with abundant brownish pubescence not obscuring integument close to metanepisterna, with long, erect dull yellowish-brown setae interspersed; lateral area close to brownish pubescence with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence on anterior third, and long, erect setae of same color interspersed; lateral area close to brownish pubescence and metacoxal cavities with abundant yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument; posterior area with abundant yellowish pubescence close to metathoracic discrimen, and long, erect setae of same color interspersed; remaining surface with sparse yellowish pubescence, slightly more abundant anteriorly, and long, erect setae of same color interspersed, except glabrous area close to metathoracic discrimen and central area close to metacoxal cavities. Scutellum with abundant dark-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, except dense dark yellowish-brown pubescence laterally, and abundant pale pubescence posterocentrally. Elytra. Abundantly, coarsely punctate, punctures slightly sparser and finer on posterior quarter; dorsal surface widely, longitudinally, moderately shallowly sulcate; psi-shaped area with moderately abundant dark-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, with long, erect dark-brown setae interspersed, and a few moderately long, suberect yellowish-white setae interspersed; light integumental area on anterior half with dense orangish-yellow pubescence and long, erect yellowish setae interspersed; light integumental area on posterior half with dense orangish-yellow pubescence, except somewhat indistinct, U-shaped pale-yellow pubescent macula dorsally; area close to apex with abundant, bristly dark-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, and long, erect setae of same color interspersed; apex rounded. Legs. Pro- and mesocoxae subglabrous anteriorly; remaining surface with sparse pale-yellow pubescence and long, erect setae of same color interspersed. Metacoxae with abundant dull yellowish-brown pubescence antero- and posterolaterally, moderately sparse whitish pubescence on remaining lateral area, and moderately abundant pale-yellow pubescence, with long, erect setae of same color interspersed close to trochanter. Trochanters with abundant pale-yellow pubescence, pubescence almost absent anteriorly, and long, erect pale-yellow setae interspersed. Femora with moderately abundant, bristly dark-brown pubescence dorsally, with long, erect setae of same color interspersed on posterior half; with abundant yellowish pubescence on remaining surface, pubescence denser on inferior half of sides and ventrally, and long, erect yellowish setae interspersed, erect setae distinctly denser basally. Protibiae abundantly, moderately coarsely rugose-punctate, except smooth dorsal apex; dorsal and lateral surfaces with abundant dark-brown pubescence not obscuring integument and long, erect setae of same color interspersed, except glabrous smooth area; ventral surface with very sparse dark-brown pubescence on basal quarter, dense, bristly yellowish-brown pubescence from basal quarter to middle, with a few moderately long, erect dark-brown setae interspersed, and dense, bristly, mostly dark-brown pubescence on remaining surface. Meso- and metatibiae transversely striate-punctate dorsally and laterally, abundantly, finely punctate ventrally; with dark-brown pubescence dorsally and laterally, denser and bristly on some areas, except dense, bristly yellowish-brown pubescence centrally on dorsal surface, and long, erect dark-brown setae interspersed; ventral surface with abundant, bristly, mostly yellowish-brown pubescence on basal half, and bristly, gradually longer, dense dark-brown pubescence on apical half. Dorsal surface of tarsomeres with sparse dark-brown pubescence, distinctly sparser on IV–V, and long, erect setae of same color interspersed.
Abdomen. Ventrites with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence appearing darker laterally depending on light source, except glabrous apex of 2–4, and long, erect setae of same color interspersed. Apex of ventrite 5 concave centrally.
Dimensions (mm). Total length, 10.90; prothoracic length, 1.35; anterior prothoracic width, 1.35; posterior prothoracic width, 1.30; maximum prothoracic width, 1.35; humeral width, 2.00; elytral length, 8.55.
Type material. Holotype female from ECUADOR, Imbabura: Cabañas Intag Colibri , 1900 m, Intag, 18 Jun 2023, J. Vlasak leg. ( MZSP).
Etymology. The specific epithet “apicalis ” (Latin, “apex,” meaning tip or end) refers to the brown elytral apex.
Remarks. Antodice apicalis sp. nov. is similar to A. nascimentoi Bezark, Botero & Santos-Silva, 2022 (see photographs on Bezark (2025) and in Bezark et al. (2022)), the only other species of the genus with the antennomere III distinctly not cylindrical, but differs as follows: frons abundantly, finely punctate with coarse punctures interspersed; maximum diameter of upper eye lobes 3.5 times shorter than maximum diameter of scape; lower eye lobes 1.4 times as long as genal length; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 3.5 times genal length; elytra with large, inverted letter psi-shaped black macula on anterior 2/3; posterior elytra brown on posterior eight. In A. nascimentoi , the frons is very sparsely finely punctate laterally, these punctures are absent centrally, with coarse punctures interspersed, the maximum diameter of the upper eye lobes is 2.5 times shorter than the maximum diameter of the scape (although usually the width is narrower than in males in other species, the difference is always very small), the lower eye lobes are twice longer than the genal length, in frontal view, the distance between the lower eye lobes is 3.0 times the genal length, the elytra have longitudinal reddish-brown band close to suture on the anterior basal third, and the posterior half of elytra is entirely orangish.
The non-cylindrical basal flagellomeres may suggest that this species, like A. nascimentoi , does not belong to Antodice . However, the existence of species with intermediate basal flagellomeres, as for example in A. neivai Lane, 1940 , does not allow them to be separated from this genus.
Bezark, L. G., Botero, J. P. & Santos-Silva, A. (2022) A new genus and seven new species of Neotropical Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) with taxonomic notes. Faunitaxys, 10 (1), 1-20.
Bezark, L. G. (2025) A photographic Catalog of the Cerambycidae of the World. New World Cerambycidae Catalog. Available from: (accessed 6 January 2025)
Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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