Gorbiscape, Zamani & Marusik, 2020

Zamani, Alireza & Marusik, Yuri M., 2020, A review of Agelenini (Araneae: Agelenidae: Ageleninae) of Iran and Tajikistan, with descriptions of four new genera, Arachnology 18 (4), pp. 368-386 : 378-380

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Plazi (2020-07-01 09:43:49, last updated 2024-11-26 05:15:37)

scientific name


gen. nov.

Gorbiscape View in CoL gen. n.

Type species: Gorbiscape gorbachevi View in CoL sp. n. from Tajikistan .

Etymology: A combination of Gorbi, the nickname for Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the first and last president of the USSR, and scape, referring to the similarity with the genus Agelescape . The gender is feminine.

Diagnosis: Gorbiscape gen. n. differs from Agelescape by having only 2 prolateral teeth (v. 3–4), a thick and nearly straight embolus ( v. filamentous ), and the twisted conductor with a rounded tip ( v. gradually tapering, sharply pointed and straight) ( Figs. 4 View Fig D–E), endogyne lacking twisted ducts, and receptacles directed laterally ( Figs. 14 View Fig B–C). Gorbiscape gen. n. can be distinguished from Persiscape gen. n. by the absence of an embolar lamellar process ( v. presence ), a subtriangular scape ( v. bifurcated , nearly square), and undivided receptacles ( v. receptacles divided into 2–3 chambers). The new genus can be separated from Asiascape gen. n. by the subtriangular scape ( v. slightly extended and rounded scape), receptacles spaced more than one receptacle radius ( v. almost touching), bifurcate embolus ( v. sticklike ), base of conductor longer than wide, and tegular apophysis rounded in retrolateral view, strongly bent (90°) in ventral view ( v. tegular apophysis bent in lateral view, and straight in ventral view). Males of the new genus differ from other Agelenini by the broad cymbium (1.5× longer than wide) with a short tip (as long as base of conductor); in all other genera, the length/width ratio is greater than 1.5, and the tip of the cymbium is longer than the base of the conductor. Gorbiscape gen. n. differs from otherAgeleninae genera occurring in Central Asia by having leg annulations ( Figs. 1 View Fig E–F).

Description: Total length ♂ 6.2–10, ♀ 7.8–14. Carapace ♂ 3.2–4.5 long, ♀ 3.35–5.5. Males and females with distinct pattern (pattern described for the type species only). Chelicera with 2 prolateral and 3 retrolateral teeth. Light median and submarginal bands subequal in length to lateral brown bands; median light band with subparallel mesal margins, slightly tapering posteriorly. Legs with distinct annulations. Abdomen with distinct median band and darker sides. Pattern more distinct in male.

Male palp with acute or rounded patellar apophysis. Tibia with elongated retrolateral apophysis and a small dorso-retrolateral apophysis. Tegulum rounded, as long as wide, with apophysis strongly bent (90°), a broad base, and a broad terminal part of conductor. Embolus broad, gradually tapering, not sharply pointed at the tip.

In the type species, epigyne with distinct fovea and subtriangular scape; the scape is lacking in G. agelenoides . Endogyne with subparallel receptacles, very short membranous copulatory duct, copulatory ducts 2× longer than wide Included species: G. agelenoides ( Walckenaer, 1841) comb. n. and G. gorbachevi sp. n. The former is included in the genus tentatively due to the similar embolus shape, the broad base of the conductor, and the broad terminal part of the conductor. Proper figures of G. agelenoides are lacking in the literature.

Distribution: Western Europe, Tajikistan.

WALCKENAER, C. A. 1841: Histoire naturelle des Insectes. AptXres, tome B. Paris: Roret: 1 - 549.

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Fig. 4: Bulb, ventral view. A, B Agelescape cf. livida, from Israel;C Asiascape parthica sp. n.; D Gorbiscape gorbachevi sp. n.; E G. agelenoides. A after Levy (1996), E after de Blauwe (1980), both with modification. Scale bar = 0.2 mm

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Fig. 14: Epigynes. A Gorbiscape gorbachevi sp. n., intact, ventral view; B same, macerated, dorsal view; C, D same, posterior views; E, F Asiascape parthica sp. n., intact, ventral views; G same, macerated, dorsal view; H same, posterior view; I Persilena sengleti sp. n., posterior view; D same, intact, ventral view; K same, antero-ventral view; L same, dorsal view. Scale bars = 0.2 mm. Abbreviation: Cd = copulatory duct.

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Fig. 1: A Persiscape caspica sp. n., ♀ habitus; B same, ♂ habitus; C Persilena sengleti sp. n., ♀ habitus; D Asiascape parthica sp. n., ♂ habitus; E Gorbiscape gorbachevi sp. n., ♂ habitus; F same, ♀ habitus.













