Aureoboletus Pouzar, Ceska Mykol. 11: 48, 1957.

Zhang, Ming, Li, Tai-Hui, Wang, Chao-Qun, Zeng, Nian-Kai & Deng, Wang-Qiu, 2019, Phylogenetic overview of Aureoboletus (Boletaceae, Boletales), with descriptions of six new species from China, MycoKeys 61, pp. 111-145 : 111

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scientific name

Aureoboletus Pouzar, Ceska Mykol. 11: 48, 1957.


Aureoboletus Pouzar, Ceska Mykol. 11: 48, 1957. View in CoL View at ENA

Type species

. Aureoboletus gentilis ( Quél.) Pouzar.


Basidiomata small to large. Pileus viscid, dry or sticky when wet, even or smooth to wrinkled, usually subtomentose, rarely glabrous, with or without veil or velar residues hanging at margin. Context white to yellowish-white, usually pinkish to reddish-brown beneath pileipellis, unchanging or changing blue or greenish or pastel red when exposed. Tubes coloured with all kinds of yellows, pale yellow, golden yellow to bright yellow, unchanging or slightly changing to blue when bruised, pores circular to angular, smaller to larger, somewhat relatively larger and shallowly depressed around the stipe, concolorous with tubes. Stipe central, cylindrical or clavate, surface glabrous to striate fibrillose, never or rare forming reticulation or Leccinum -like scabrous, dry to viscid, with white basal mycelium. Basidiospores smooth to verrucose or longitudinally striate, subfusiform, oblong ovoid to subglobose, yellowish to yellowish-brown in KOH. Hymenophoral trama boletoid, composed of subcylindrical to cylindrical hyphae, colourless. Pleurocystidia fusiform to subclavate, thin- or thick-walled, sometimes containing golden-yellow contents at first, then gradually changing to yellowish-white to hyaline in 5% KOH. Cheilocystidia present, infrequent or absent, usually similar to pleurocystidia in shape and size, if present. Pileipellis as an interwoven trichoderm, trichoderm or ixotrichoderm, consisting of erect hyphae which are occasionally branched, cylindrical to clavate, thin- to slightly thick-walled, usually less than 1 μm. Stipitipellis hymeniform, as an ixotrichoderm to intricated ixotrichoderm. Caulocystidia clavate, fusoid or ventricose-fusoid. Stipe trama composed of parallel hyphae. Clamp connections absent.

Distribution and ecology.

World-wide distribution, mainly known from subtropical Asia and temperate zones of the Northern hemisphere, growing on the ground associated with Fagaceae and other broadleaf trees.