Xylopia tomentosa Exell, J. Bot. 64 Suppl.: 7. 1926.

Johnson, David M. & Murray, Nancy A., 2018, A revision of Xylopia L. (Annonaceae): the species of Tropical Africa, PhytoKeys 97, pp. 1-252 : 110-113

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Xylopia tomentosa Exell, J. Bot. 64 Suppl.: 7. 1926.


22. Xylopia tomentosa Exell, J. Bot. 64 Suppl.: 7. 1926. Fig. 30 View Figure 30

Xylopia odoratissima var. minor Engler, Monogr. afrik. Pflanzen-Fam. 6: 66. 1901. Type. ANGOLA. Cuando Cubango Province, "Kunene-Gebiet, Kuelleis (Maramba) auf weissem Sandboden am Waldrand unter hohen Houtboschbäumen [Grv. Kassinga n. d. Kubango], 1400 m, 5 Oct 1899, H. Baum 224 (holotype: B!; isotypes: BM! [000511042, left hand side of sheet], COI! [00004890], K! [001089662], M! [0107924]).

Xylopia mendoncae Exell, J. Bot. 72: 280. 1934. Type. ANGOLA. Lunda Province, Vila Henrique de Carvalho, 3 Sep 1927, L. W. Carrisso & F. de A. Mendonça 506 (holotype: BM! [000511043, photos at GH, NY]; isotypes: COI! [00004889, ? as “506A”, FI-T! M! [0107920, ? as “506A”], MO! [1599594]).


ANGOLA. Cuando Cubango Province, in the mosacollas up River Bunja, Cuito, 5 Feb 1906, J. Gossweiler 3564 (holotype: BM! [000511045, specimen in lower right of sheet]; COI! [00004893, photos at GH, NY], probable isotype [see below]: K!).


Shrub or sub-shrub 0.4-4 m tall. Twigs dark brown to gray, longitudinally striate, tomentellous, the hairs 0.2-0.6 mm long, eventually brown to light gray, glabrate, occasionally with bark exfoliating; nodes with 2-3 axillary branches. Leaf with larger blades 2.5-6.6 cm long, 1.3-3.8 (-4.2) cm wide, subcoriaceous or chartaceous, discolorous, often purplish adaxially and yellow-tan abaxially, elliptic, oblong, or oblong-lanceolate, less frequently lanceolate or ovate, apex rounded or obtuse, base broadly cuneate, truncate, or subcordate, sparsely pubescent on both surfaces, at length glabrate adaxially but persistently pubescent abaxially; midrib plane to slightly raised adaxially, raised abaxially, secondary veins indistinctly brochidodromous, 6-12 per side, diverging at 45-80° from the midrib, these and higher order veins usually forming a raised reticulum on both surfaces but sometimes indistinct; petiole 1.5-5.5 mm long, shallowly canaliculate, tomentellous. Inflorescences axillary, 1-8-flowered, densely pubescent; peduncles 1 per axil, 1 mm long, or absent; pedicels up to 3 per peduncle, 0.4-2.3 (-5.5) mm long, 0.7-0.9 mm thick; bracts 2-3, congested on pedicel, persistent or caducous, 2.2-2.9 mm long, ovate to broadly ovate, often bilobed, apex obtuse; buds lanceolate, apex obtuse. Sepals spreading at anthesis, 1/5-1/3-connate, 1.8-3.0 mm long, 2.0-3.7 mm wide, coriaceous, ovate to broadly ovate, apex acute to obtuse, pubescent abaxially. Petals cream-colored to light yellow with brown pubescence in vivo; outer petals erect at anthesis, 7.4-12.9 (-18.5) mm long, 2.2-2.9 (-3.4) mm wide at base, 1.3-2.0 mm wide at midpoint, fleshy, lanceolate, apex acute, densely puberulent on both surfaces except for a glabrous patch at base adaxially; inner petals geniculate at anthesis, with the apices bent sharply outward between the outer petals, 5.1-8.9 (-12.5) mm long, 1.4-2.6 mm wide at base, 0.6-1.0 mm wide at midpoint, fleshy, lanceolate, apex long-acuminate, base with undifferentiated margin, puberulent except for glabrous base adaxially, puberulent on narrowed apex and medial portion of base abaxially, otherwise glabrous. Stamens ca. 100; fertile stamens 1-1.3 mm long, narrowly oblong or clavate, apex of connective 0.2-0.3 mm long, shieldlike or slightly hemispheric, overhanging the anther thecae, papillate, anthers 10-14-locellate, filament 0.3-0.4 mm long; outer staminodes 1.0-1.4 mm long, broadly clavate, apex rounded to truncate; inner staminodes ca. 0.9 mm long, clavate, apex truncate; staminal cone 1.0-1.4 mm in diameter, ca. 0.7 mm high, concealing only the bases of the ovaries, rim laciniate. Carpels 5-6; ovaries 0.9-1.4 mm long, oblong, pubescent, stigmas connivent, 1.4-2.4 mm long, linear, setose toward apex. Torus flat, 1.3-1.8 mm in diameter. Fruit of up to 11 brown-tomentose monocarps borne on a pedicel 4-8 mm long, 1.2-3.2 mm thick, pubescent to glabrate, with bracts and sepals sometimes persistent; torus 2.5-6.8 mm in diameter, 2.9-6.3 mm high, globose. Monocarps with green exterior and red to pink endocarp in vivo, 1.6-3.3 cm long, 0.9-1.3 cm wide, 0.8-1.4 cm thick, oblong, obliquely torulose, apex obtuse, occasionally with a broad oblique beak ca. 0.4 mm long, base contracted into a stipe 2-8 mm long, 1.8-2.8 mm thick, obliquely wrinkled; pericarp 0.4-0.6 mm thick. Seeds 1-3 per monocarp, in a single row, oblique to long axis, 6.8-9.4 mm long, 4.9-7 mm wide, 4-6 mm thick, ellipsoid to ellipsoid-pyriform and then narrowed into a cylindrical neck 1.5-2 mm long and 2.2-4.6 mm wide toward micropyle, elliptic in cross section, truncate at micropylar end, rounded at chalazal end, brown, smooth, glossy, raphe/antiraphe not evident, micropylar scar 1.3-1.8 mm long, 1.0-1.2 mm wide, elliptic to ovate; sarcotesta orange to red, fleshy in vivo; aril absent.


Specimens with flowers have been collected from December to June and in September and October, and with fruits in every month of the year except September.


(Fig. 22 View Figure 22 ). Occurs from southern and southwestern Democratic Republic of Congo east to northeastern Zambia and south to northeastern Namibia and southwestern Zambia. Xylopia tomentosa grows in thickets or sub-xerophilic forest on sandy or otherwise siliceous soils with species of Cryptosepalum (mavunda), Copaifera , Psorospermum , Baphia , Brachystegia (mucuwe), Burkea , Uapaca , and Swartzia , at elevations of 1000-2000 m.

Local names.

Changue (Wemba, Brenan & Greenway 8041), itundubywangu (Rea 119), mujimbajimba (Chiokwe, Exell & Mendonça 1310), mulamo (Chikaonde, Milne-Redhead 951), mundzeemba dzeemba (Pocock 445), situndu bawanga (Lozi, White 2071, 2079).

Additional specimens examined.

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO. Haut-Katanga: 120 km S de Mukulakulu (gare près de Luéna) [9°33'S, 25°47'E], sur la route vers Kanzenze et Kolwezi, 5 Nov 1958 (fr), Schmitz 6188 (BR).-Kwango: environs de Kitenda [6.8°S, 17.35°E], 15 Feb 1950 (fr), Callens 2440 (BM); Prov. Leopoldville, Kasongo Lunda, Kibunda [7°29'S, 18°12'E], 4 Feb 1952 (bud, fr), Callens 3056 (BM, K); Kimbuba [5°45'S, 15°49'E], 28 Dec 1952 (fr), Callens 3850 (EA); Kimbuba, 29 Dec 1952 (fl), Callens 3859 (B); Pansi, Aug 1950 (fl), Callens 2730 (BM); Prov. Léopoldville, Territ. Kasongo-Lunda, Kibunda, 26 Apr 1953 (fr), Callens 3983 (BM, WAG); Mikondo, Kahemba, 11 Mar 1954 (buds), Devred 1420 (K); Prov. Leopoldville, Territ Kahemba, Kahemba-Kwango, 28 Apr 1955 (fr), Devred 1824 (K); de Mto Mbombo á Kinlongo, Terr. Popokabaka, 9 Jan 1959 (st), Pauwels 1242 (BR); Kimbuba, Terr. Popokabaka, 12 May 1959 (fr), Pauwels 2961 (BR); Kimbuba, Terr. Popokabaka, 12 May 1959 (st), Pauwels 2972 (BR). ANGOLA. Benguela: Cubal, entre Caimbambo e o Cubal, a 8 kms de Caimbambo, 20 Jul 1969 (buds), Barbosa 11754 (MO).- Bié: Munhango, 27 Jan 1940 (fl, fr), Andrada 51 (MO, WAG); Munhango, Mar 1943 (fr), Andrada 51A (MO).-Cuando Cubango: Environ à 10 km à l’Est de Longa, 14°49'S, 18°38'E, Dechamps et al. 1324 (YF), 2 Mar 1974 (fl), Dechamps et al. 1325 (K, WAG, YF), 2 Mar 1974 (fl), Dechamps et al. 1330 (MO, YF); Kubango, 2 Oct 1905 (bud, fr), Gossweiler 2054 (BM, K); Kubango region, between the rivers Cdui and Tunga, 15 Oct 1905 (fr), Gossweiler 2102 (BM); between Cuiriri and Cuito, 1906 (fl), Gossweiler 2562 (BM, K); at T’chirandangambe river Luassingua-Ganguellas, s. d. (fr), Gossweiler 3463 (BM [on same sheet with Gossweiler 3564], K); between rivers Kuito and Kuiriri, Jan 1906 (fr), Gossweiler 3464 (BM); nr. Cassuango, Cuiriri, Jan 1906 (fl), Gossweiler 3465 (BM-2 sheets [one on same sheet as Baum 224, other on same sheet as Gossweiler 3567], K); Bunja nascente Cuito, 5 Feb 1906 (fl, fr), Gossweiler 3567 (BM); at Kassuango near Kuiriri, 24 Mar 1906 (fl), Gossweiler 3672 (BM, K); Kassuango Kuiriri, Mar 1906 (fl), Gossweiler 3733 (BM, K); in the valley of River Kuiriri, 1906 (fr), Gossweiler 4044 (BM); R. Kutri, also at R. Kunzambia, 27 Jun 1925 (fl, fr), Pocock 445 (A).-Huambo: between Bimbe and Sanga, near Bimbe [15°12'S, 17°41'E], 1300-1700 m, 24 Jun 1937 (fl), Exell & Mendonça 3063 (BM, MO); Benguella, country of the Ganguellas and the Ambuellas, rec’d 1910, Gossweiler s. n. (K).- Huíla: Between Sá da Bandeira and Humpata, 16 May 1937 (fl), Exell & Mendonça 2030 (BM, M, MO).-Lunda: Xá-Sengue [10°27'S, 20°13'E], 7 Apr 1937 (fl), Exell & Mendonça 370 (BM, M, MO), Xa-Sengue, ca. 1200 m, 7 Apr 1937 (fr), Exell & Mendonça 374 (BM, MO); R. Luachimo, between Vila Henrique de Carvalho and Dala, ca. 1300 m (fl), 24 Apr 1937 (fl), Exell & Mendonça 1024 (BM); entre Vila Henrique de Carvalho e Dala, 24 Apr 1937 (fl, fr), Exell & Mendonça 1055 (BM, M, MO); between Vila Henrique de Carvalho and Dala, 1100-1300 m, 24 Apr 1937 (fr), Exell & Mendonça 1064 (BM); Dala, 1200-1230 m, 23 Apr 1937 (fl, fr), Exell & Mendonça 1101 (BM, M, MO), Dala, 1200-1230 m, 25 Apr 1937 (fr), Exell & Mendonça 1102 (BM, M); Biula [11°11'S, 20°13'E], R. Chicoso, c. 1200 m, 27 Apr 1937 (fr), Exell & Mendonça 1310 (BM); Dala, ca. 1230 m, 29 Apr 1937 (fr), Exell & Mendonça 1430 (BM, MO); Dala, ca. 1230 m, 29 Apr 1937 (fr), Exell & Mendonça 1431 (BM); Dala, próx. do rio Chimbe, Apr 1937 (fl, fr), Gossweiler 11202 (BM, M, MO); Mona Quimbundo, proximum flumen Luvo, 1000 m, Apr 1937 (fl), Gossweiler 11833 (BM); Missão de Luz, 29 Dec 1933 (fl), Lynes 351a (BM); Ma-chinga and Ma-Lunda, Jun 1885 (fr), Marques 165 (BM); Saurimo-Dala, 1 Nov 1932 (fl), Young 1306 (A, BM).-Moxico: Between Vila Luso and R. Cassai, 4 May 1937 (fl), Exell & Mendonça 1632 (BM); entre Cachipaque e Munhango, 7 May 1937 (fl), Exell & Mendonça 1790 (BM, M, MO); Teixeira de Souza, 9 Jul 1940 (fl), Gossweiler 12340 (BM). NAMIBIA. Bei Bikundu, 19 km südlich Andara, 12 Jun 1971 (fl), Giess 11354 (M-2 sheets, WAG-2 sheets); Okavango Native Territory, border clearance 1 m W of Katwitwi [17°24'S, 18°25'E], de Winter 3845 (K, M); Okavango Native Territory, 3 mi. S of Omuramba Mpungu [17.8°S, 18.9°E] on rd. to Tsinaabia, de Winter 3879 (K, M). ZAMBIA. Luapula: Fort Rosebery, on low fixed dunes by shore of L. Bangweolo, a short way N of Samfya Mission, 6 Oct 1947 (fl), Brenan & Greenway 8041 (BM, EA, K-2 sheets), 6 Oct 1947 (fr), Brenan & Greenway 8044 (EA, K).-Northwestern: Mwinilunga District, near Zambezi R. 4 mi N of Kalene Hill Mission, 23 Sep 1952 (fl), Angus 529 (K, MO); Solwezi District, proposed transmission line clearing near Kabompo R. crossing point, Chipawa, 12°13'S, 25°11'12"E, 1154 m, 30 Apr 2012 (fl), Bingham 14167 (K); Mwinilunga District, 28 km on Matonchi road, 11°44'S, 24°14'E, 24 Jan 1975 (fr), Brummitt et al. 14068 (K, MO); Mwinilunga District, 60 km S of Mwinilunga on road to Kabompo, Brummitt et al. 14111 (K, WAG); Samfya, 3 Oct 1953 (fr), Fanshawe F.390 (K); Balovale [Zambezi], Lukolwe [13°33'S, 23°07'E], 9 Aug 1952 (fr), Gilges 156 (K); Balovale District, about 10 miles S of Chavuma [13°04'S, 22°41'E], 1-10 Feb 1953 (fl), Holmes 1056 (K); Mwinilunga District, between Mukimina and Kahuku, 24 Aug 1930 (fr), Milne-Redhead 951 (K); Mwinilunga District, just N of Mwinilunga, 2 Oct 1937 (fl), Milne-Redhead 2528 (B, K– 2 sheets); Mwinilunga District, just S of Matonchi farm, 30 Dec 1937 (fr), Milne-Redhead 3887 (K); Zambia, K. Gorge, Solwezi, 15 May 1969 (fl), Mutimushi JMM 3325 (K); Kabompo District, Manyinga, ca. 30 km from Loloma Hospital junction along the Kabompo-Mwinilunga Road, 13°17'47"S, 24°15'04"E, 1140 m, 9 Mar 1995 (fl), Nawa et al. 213 (MO); Mwinilunga District, 10 mi W of Kakoma, 30 Sep 1952 (fl), White 3436 (K).-Western: Mongu District, near Mongu, 21 Jul 1961 (fr), Angus 3010 (K, NY); Namushakende-Nalikwanda road, 24 km, 15°26'45"S, 23°25'48"E, 1000 m, 5 Jul 1997 (fl), Bingham et al. 11492 (K); Kaoma District, ca. 5 km along road to Luampa Hospital from intersection with Lusaka-Mongu Roads, 14°59'05"S, 24°32'14"E, 1080 m, 2 Mar 1996 (fl), Harder et al. 3644 (MO); Barotse Province, Senanga District, 18 Jun 1950 (fl), Rea 119 (K); Barotseland, Mongu District, 44 mi from Mongu along new main road east [15°25'S, 23°17'E], 21 Oct 1972 (fr), Strid 2370 (MO); Barotse Province, Kalabo District, Sikongo Forest Reserve, Kalabo to Sikongo, mile 7, 14 Feb 1952 (fl), White 2071 (K); Barotse Province, Kalabo District, Sikongo Forest Reserve, 15 Feb 1952 (st), White 2079 (K); Kaoma District, 51.3 km NW along Kaoma-Lukulu Road, from junction of Kaoma-Mungu Road, 14°35'40.9"S, 24°20'03.6"E, 1080 m, 1 Mar 1996 (fr), Zimba et al. 739 (MO).-Province unknown: S. N. W. Rhodesia, Baikiaea forest Region, 1937 (fl), Martin JDM 762 (BM).

By its shrubby habit, densely tomentose leaves, and congested inflorescences of up to eight small flowers, Xylopia tomentosa is readily distinguished from X. odoratissima , which may occur in some of the same habitats over its distribution. Several specimens (Baum 224, Exell & Mendonça 1790, Gossweiler 11202) have petals longer than is typical for X. tomentosa , the outer petals up to 18.5 mm long in the case of Gossweiler 11202, approximating the petal length of Xylopia odoratissima , but the pedicels are shorter and the outer petals taper gradually so that the width at the midpoint is greater (ca. 3.4 mm) than is found in X. odoratissima (1.0-1.7 mm wide). However, the sharply geniculate inner petals and pink endocarp of the fruits of X. tomentosa are more similar to X. arenaria , X. collina , and X. keniensis .

Xylopia tomentosa is variable in the number of flowers per inflorescence and size and shape of the leaves. Specimens with only one flower per leaf axil, for example Callens 3859 from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, can look very different from those with inflorescences with large numbers of flowers, for example the type specimen of Xylopia mendoncae , but all possible intermediates between these two extremes occur. Variation in leaf shape includes specimens with narrowly oblong leaves, such as the type of Xylopia odoratissima var. minor (Baum 224) and Dechamps et al. 1325, and nearly orbicular leaves (Gossweiler 3563). The label of one specimen described the plant as re-sprouting after fire, and it is possible that the variability in leaf morphology represents growth plasticity of regenerating vegetative shoots.

Numerous collectors remarked on the sweet-scented flowers, but nothing is known of flower visitors or floral biology.

A specimen of X. tomentosa at K is numbered Gossweiler 3563, but was annotated by A. W. Exell in 1926 with the comment " Gossweiler 3563 in Herb. Brit. Mus. is Vernonia potamophila Klatt, while our specimens of X. tomentosa are 3463 and 3564." The K sheet contains a specimen with flowers and leaves similar in appearance to those on the Xylopia tomentosa holotype specimen Gossweiler 3564 at BM, and it seems probable that the K sheet is in fact an isotype of this name.














Xylopia tomentosa Exell, J. Bot. 64 Suppl.: 7. 1926.

Johnson, David M. & Murray, Nancy A. 2018

Xylopia mendoncae

Exell 1934