Lomechusa Gravenhorst, 1806

Chen, Yong-Jie & Zhou, Hong-Zhang, 2007, Taxonomy of the myrmecophilous genus Lomechusa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae: Lomechusini) from China, Zootaxa 1606, pp. 29-39 : 30-31

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scientific name

Lomechusa Gravenhorst, 1806


Genus Lomechusa Gravenhorst, 1806 View in CoL

Gravenhorst, 1806: 178; Latreille, 1810: 427 (type designation); Erichson, 1839: 202; Kraatz, 1856: 114; Wasmann, 1896: 244; Tottenham, 1939: 224 (synonymy); Blackwelder, 1952: 483 (synonymy); Smetana, 2004: 237 (catalogue); Hlaváċ, 2005: 207 (revision). Type species: Staphylinus emarginatus Paykull, 1789 , subsequently designated by Latreille, 1810: 427.

Synonymy: Atemeles Dillwyn, 1829: 63 ; Westwood, 1838: 48 (type designation); Kraatz, 1856: 112; Thomson, 1860: 243; Wasmann, 1896: 253; Fenyes, 1920: 302. (Type species: Lomechusa paradoxa Gravenhorst, 1806 , subsequently designated by Westwood, 1838: 48)

Atemeles Stephens, 1832: 107 View in CoL ; Ganglbauer, 1895: 109; Reitter, 1909: 41; Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 712; Scheerpeltz, 1934: 1664; Blackwelder, 1952: 67 (listed as synonymic homonym of Atemeles Dillwyn, 1829 View in CoL ); Lohse 1974: 228. (Type species: Atemeles paradoxa Gravenhorst, 1806 ).

Goniodes Stephens, 1829: 260 (nec Nitzsch, 1818); Blackwelder, 1952: 174. (Type species: Goniodes acuminata Stephens, 1829 , by monotypy).

Pterygatemeles Scheerpeltz, 1965: 361 View in CoL ; Hlaváċ, 2005: 207 (synonymy). (Type species: Pterygatemeles malaisei Scheerpeltz, 1965 View in CoL , by monotypy)

Diagnosis. According to Hlaváč (2005), the genus Lomechusa has the following diagnosis: body robust, parallel-sided; antennae more or less robust; lacinia with 2–3 apical or subapical spines; pronotum variable in shape and size, transverse and dull, usually with some depressions and microsculpture on dorsal surface, hypomeron large; elytra with sparse and very fine pubescence, hind corners well defined or absent; bases of pronotum and elytra lacking black erect setae.

Distribution. The genus is distributed throughout the whole Palaearctic and the northern part of the Oriental region.

Bernhauer, M. & Scheerpeltz, O. (1926) Staphylinidae VI. In: Schenkling, S. (Ed.), Coleopterorum Catalogus, Pars 82. W. Junk, Berlin, pp. 499 - 988.

Blackwelder, R. E. (1952) The generic names of the beetle family Staphylinidae, with an essay on genotypy. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 200, 1 - 483.

Dillwyn, L. E. (1829) Memoranda relating to Coleopterous insects, found in the neighborhood of Swansea. W. C. Murray and D. Rees, Swansea, 75 pp.

Erichson, W. F. (1839) Genera et species staphylinorum insectorum coleopterorum familiae. F. H. Morin, Berlin, 400 pp.

Fenyes, A. (1920) Coleoptera. Fam. Staphylinidae. Subfam. Aleocharinae. In: Wytsman, P. (Ed.), Genera Insectorum. Fascicles 173 A - 173 B. Desmet-Verteneuil, Bruxelles, pp. 1 - 414.

Ganglbauer, L. (1895) Die Kafer von Mitteleuropa. Die Kafer der osterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie, Deutschlands, der Schweiz, sowie des franzosischen und italienischen Alpengebietes. Zweiter Band. Familienreihe Staphylinoidea. I. Theil: Staphylinidae, Pselaphidae. Carl Gerold's Sohn, Vienna, 881 pp.

Gravenhorst, J. L. C. (1806) Monographia Coleopterorum Micropterorum. H. Dieterich, Gottingae [Gottingen], 248 pp.

Hlavac, P. (2005) Revision of the Myrmecophilous Genus Lomechusa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Sociobiology, 46 (2), 203 - 250.

Kraatz, G. (1856) Naturgeschichte der Insekten Deutschlands. Erste Abteilung Coleoptera. Zweiter Band., Lieferung 1 und 2. Nicolaische Buchhandlung, Berlin, 376 pp.

Latreille, P. A. (1810) Considerations Generales sur l'Ordre Naturel des Animaux composant les Classes des Crustaces, des Arachnides, et des Insectes, avec un Tableau Methodique de leurs Genres disposes en Familles. F. Schoell, Paris, 444 pp.

Lohse, G. A. (1974) Tribus: Zyrasini. In: Freude, H., Harde, K. W. & Lohse, G. A. (Eds.), Die Kafer Mitteleuropas, Band 5. Goecke & Evers Verlag, Krefeld, pp. 222 - 229.

Paykull, G. (1789) Monographia Staphylinorum Sveciae. J. Edman, Upsaliae, 81 pp.

Reitter, E. (1909) Fauna Germanica. Die Kafer des Deutschen Reiches. Vol. 2. K. G. Lutz, Stuttgart, 392 pp.

Scheerpeltz, O. (1934) Staphylinidae VIII Supplementum II. In: Schenkling, S. (Ed.), Coleopterorum Catalogus, Pars 130. W. Junk, Berlin, pp. 1501 - 1881.

Scheerpeltz, O. (1965) Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expetition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae. Arkiv for Zoologi, serie 2, 17 (2), 93 - 371.

Smetana, A. (2004) Staphylinidae. In: Lobl, I. & Smetana, A. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palearctic Coleoptera, Vol. 2. Stenstrup, Apollo Books, pp. 237 - 698.

Stephens, J. F. (1829) A systematic catalogue of British insects: being an attempt to arrange all the hitherto discovered indigenous insects in accordance with their natural affinities. Part 1, Insecta Mandibulata. Baldwin and Cradock, London, 416 pp.

Stephens, J. F. (1832) Illustration of British entomology, or a synopsis of indigenous insects, containing their generic and specific distinctions, with an account of their metamorphoses, times of appearance, localities, food, and economy, as far as practicable. Mandibulata, Vol. 5. Baldwin & Cradock, London, 240 pp.

Thomson, C. G. (1860) Skandinaviens Coleoptera, synoptiskt bearbetade. Vol. 2. Berlingska Boktryckeriet, Lund, 304 pp.

Tottenham, C. E. (1939) Some notes on the nomenclature of the Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Part 1. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B), 8, 224 - 226.

Wasmann, E. (1896) Revision der Lomechusa - Gruppe. Deutche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 40 (2), 244 - 256.

Westwood, J. O. (1838) Synopsis of the genera of British insects. In: Westwood, J. O. (Ed.), An introduction to the modern classification of insects, founded on the natural habits and corresponding organization of the different families. Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans, London, pp. 1 - 48.















