Woodsia, Grey, 1959

Lin, Chien-Hsiang, Brzobohatý, Rostislav, Nolf, Dirk & Girone, Angela, 2017, Tortonian teleost otoliths from northern Italy: taxonomic synthesis and stratigraphic significance, European Journal of Taxonomy 322, pp. 1-44 : 16

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Carolina (2020-05-15 17:07:41, last updated 2020-05-15 17:07:44)

scientific name



? Woodsia sp.

The otolith ( Fig. 4I) is most similar to the fossil W. emi Brzobohatý & Nolf, 2002 from the Langhian of Moravia ( Brzobohatý & Nolf 2002: pl. 2, figs 16–17), but its large and irregularly lobed ventral part does not allow an unambiguous identification.

Brzobohaty R. & Nolf D. 2002. Stomiiformes (Teleostei, Otolithen) aus dem Miozan der Karpatischen Vortiefe (Westkarpaten, Mahren) und der Zentralen Paratethys insgesamt. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 237: 139 - 150.