Gonioscelis melas, Londt, 2004

Londt, Jason G. H., 2004, A review of the afrotropical genus Gonioscelis Schiner, 1866 (Diptera: Asilidae), with descriptions of new species, African Invertebrates 45, pp. 21-124 : 72-73

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Gonioscelis melas

sp. n.

Gonioscelis melas View in CoL sp. n.

Figs 9–10 View Figs 6–9 View Figs 10–17 , 86–88 View Figs 77–88 , 150 View Figs 150–151

Etymology: Gr. melas – black. The name referring to the uniformly black colour of the species.

Description: Based primarily on holotype ơ (NMSA).

Head: Antenna black, setae black. Facial swelling pronounced, mystax uniform black, a few weakly developed setae between gibbosity and antennal sockets. Frons and vertex thinly gold pruinose. Ocellar tubercle silver pruinose with black oc. Occiput silver pruinose except behind vertex, setae black. Proboscis and palpus black, black setose.

Thorax: Black, thinly gold pruinose. Postpronotal lobes dark red-brown, contrasting to some extent with adjacent mesonotum, black setose. Mesonotal setae black: ac weak, not clearly differentiated; approx. 12 pairs dc, clearly extending anterior of transverse suture; 3 npl; 4–5 sa; 3 pa. Scutellum black, gold-silver pruinose, with 4 black mrg sct. Wing length 6 mm, membrane mostly dark red-brown ( Fig. 9 View Figs 6–9 ). Legs: Dark red-brown to black, femora appearing darker than rest, all setae of femora black, other segments with black and white setae (white mainly on tibiae). Prothoracic coxa black, silver pruinose, black setose; femoral spur ( Fig. 10 View Figs 10–17 ) difficult to measure but very sharply pointed (angle approx. 10°).

Abdomen: Tergites black, apruinose except for silver posterior margins, setae black. Sternites black, apruinose except for small patch of silver pruinescence medially on hind margins, setae black.

Terminalia ( Figs 86–88 View Figs 77–88 ): Proctiger projecting very slightly beyond epandrial lobes, lobes hardly tapering and equipped with fine setae; gcx with four distal projections and a few long fine setae; hyp, in ventral view, slightly broader than long, tapering rapidly distally to acutely pointed end with fine setae.

Variation:A remarkably uniform and easily recognisable species.There is some variation in size, the smallest specimen having a wing length of 5.3 mm (the holotype is one of the larger specimens).

Type material: SOUTH AFRICA: 1^ paratype, ‘ Sth Africa Cape Prov / Aninaus Pass 2917BA / 15km W. of Steinkopf / 4.ix.1983 J Londt & / B Stuckenberg Rocky / hillside & dry river’; 1ơ holotype, 1ơ 1^ paratypes, ‘ Sth Africa Cape Prov / 25km N. Kamieskroon / 2917DD 5.ix.1983 / Stuckenberg & Londt / Rocky hillside veget.’; 1^ paratype, ‘ Cape Province / Namaqualand / Springbok, Hester / Malan Nature Res. [= Goegap Nature Reserve 29°40'S 18°00'E] / 15-21.x.1987 / F.W. and S.K. Gess’ ( AMGS) GoogleMaps ; 1^ paratype, ‘ Sth Africa Cape Prov / 17km S. Kamieskroon / 3017BD 5.ix.1983 / Londt & Stuckenberg / Slope with succulent / plants and bushes’; 1ơ paratype, ‘ Sth Africa Cape Prov / 10km E Garies / 3017DB 3.ix.1981 / J. Londt, L. Schoemen / and B. Stuckenberg / Succulent Karoo’; 1^ paratype, ‘ Sth Africa Cape Prov / 8km E of Kamieskroon / 3018AA 5.ix.1983 / Londt & Stuckenberg / Montane old land with / rocks & bushes nearby’; 1^ paratype, ‘S Africa : Cape #66 / 23 km S Vanrhysdorp / 31°47'S 18°46'E 600m / Date: 2-4.xi.1991 / Coll: J.G.H. Londt / Gifberg Flat summit’; 2^ GoogleMaps paratypes, ‘ Sth Africa Cape Prov / Gifberg. 23km SE Van / Rhynsdorp. 3118DC / Date : 15 Sept. 1982 / Coll: L.E. Schoeman’; 1ơ 1^ paratypes, ‘N. Cape / Nieuwoudtville / Flower Res. / 3119 Ac / 16 Oct. 1996 / VB Whitehead’ ( SAMC) ; 1^ paratype, ‘ S Afr C.P. / Bidouw Valley / 3219AB / VB Whitehead / 4.ix.1983 ’ ( SAMC) ; 1^ paratype, ‘ Pakhuis Pass [32°09'S 19°02'E] / C.P.’ ~ ‘ S.A. M. / 9: 1961’ ( SAMC) GoogleMaps ; 2ơ paratypes, ‘ Sth Africa Cape Prov / Vredehoek. Sutherland / 3220BC / Date : 18 Oct. 1981 / Coll: L.E. Schoeman; 1^ paratype, ‘ S Africa: N Cape #28 / Besemgoedkop 31 km N / of Sutherland 1670m / 32°11'21"S: 20°36'03"E / 8.xi.1998 J&B Londt / Rocky ridge Macchia’; 1^ GoogleMaps paratype, ‘S Africa : Cape #74 / 31 km N of Sutherland / 32°11'S 20°36'E 1600m / Date: 6.xi.1991 / Coll: J.G.H. Londt / Besemgoedkop and area’ GoogleMaps .

Type locality: South Africa: 25 km N Kamieskroon.

Other material: SOUTH AFRICA: 1?, ‘Namaqual. / O’okiep [29°36'S 17°52'E]’ ~ ‘R. Lightfoot / Oct. 90 [1890]’, ‘ Gonioscelis / nigripennis ơ / Ric. / det. E.O. Engel’ (ZSMC) [ Engel (1925) recorded this specimen under nigripennis , a species he had not studied. The genitalia are damaged and the gender is indeterminable].

Distribution, phenology and biology (Tables 1–2, Fig. 150 View Figs 150–151 ): Recorded from the northern parts of the South African west coast (Northern Cape province), the northern parts of the Western Cape province and in the vicinity of Sutherland (also in the Northern Cape). Most localities lie in an area of winter rainfall, with possible exception of more arid places in the south-east of the distribution that lie on the margins of the winter rainfall area. Material has been collected in September, October and November. Individuals rest on the ground, often in high altitude rocky areas with succulent vegetation.

Similar species:A highly distinctive species seemingly similar to ceresae , haemorhous , hispidus , pickeri and scapularis in that males possess a single distomedial hypandrial projection. However, the species is otherwise somewhat different in being smaller, almost entirely shiny black, and possessing long, laterally compressed prothoracic femoral spurs. Superfically the species appears similar to punctipennis and its allies ( chloris , exouros , kedros , iota , xanthochaites ), but can be readily separated from these species. At least one specimen has been incorrectly identified as nigripennis , probably because of its black colour, but that species is otherwise different.


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