Melaneremus sikkimensis, 2018

Ingrisch, Sigfrid, 2018, New taxa and records of Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera, Stenopelmatoidea) from South East Asia and New Guinea with a key to the genera, Zootaxa 4510 (1), pp. 1-278 : 213-214

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4510.1.1

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scientific name

Melaneremus sikkimensis

sp. nov.

Melaneremus sikkimensis View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs. 2A View FIGURE 2 , 74 View FIGURE 74 E–H, 75F–I

Material examined. Holotype (male): India: West Bengal, Sikkim, vic Pelling , elev. 1800 m, 27.viii.1968, leg. W. Thomas—(Bonn ZFMK).

Diagnosis. The new species is similar to M. fruhstorferi . It differs by possession of distinct remnants of wings

( Fig. 74G View FIGURE 74 ) and especially by the tenth abdominal tergite of male that is still recognizable as a tergite while in M. fruhstorferi it is reduced to the oval swellings, by the shape and color (black instead of pale) of that oval swelling which possesses a much longer spine-like process than in M. fruhstorferi . The epiproct differs by the huge size but is otherwise of rather normal shape with a little conspicuous spine-like process on both sides instead of a pair of huge plate-like processes.

Description. Small, subapterous species ( Fig. 74E View FIGURE 74 ). Head: Face narrow ovoid, forehead with fine transverse riffles and few scattered impressed dots; fastigium verticis little wider than scapus, indistinctly separated from fastigium frontis by a transverse furrow; ocelli distinct; subocular furrow shallow ( Fig. 74H View FIGURE 74 ). Abdominal tergites two and three each with two rows of stridulatory pegs (1, 12; 10, 16; Fig. 75I View FIGURE 75 ). Wings: squamipterous; tegmen scale like with strongly reduced venation, little surpassing tip of mesonotum; hind wing reduced to a minute scale ( Figs. 74 View FIGURE 74 F–G). Legs: Fore coxa with a spine at fore margin; fore and mid femora unarmed; fore and mid tibiae with four pairs of large ventral spines and one pair of smaller ventral spurs ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ); hind femur with 3–4 external and 8 internal spines on ventral margins; hind tibia with spaced spines on both dorsal margins, ventral margins with a pre-apical spine; with 3 apical spurs on both sides.

Coloration. General color brown with black marks; pronotum with black rim; tergites largely black; legs purplish brown, tarsi and tips of tibiae yellowish brown. Face yellowish to orange brown with black bands on fastigium verticis, margin of antennal scrobae, below compound eyes and between medial ocellus and clypeus; base and apical rim of scapus also black.

Male. Eighth abdominal tergite normal. Ninth abdominal tergite prolonged, not globular, lateral margins in dorsal view narrowing posteriorly, lateral surfaces curved down, forming a large, tube-like posterior opening. Tenth abdominal tergite forming a pair of narrow band-shaped sclerites on both sides of the tube-like opening of the ninth tergite, both terminating dorsally into a huge, swollen, roughly ovoid widening that carries on internal side a long and narrow, curved, acute spine ( Figs. 75F, H View FIGURE 75 ). Epiproct long and rather narrow, with medial furrow and on both sides with a little conspicuous spine-like process. Subgenital plate wider than long with bilobate apical margin; styli inserted at lateral angles of tip of apical lobes ( Fig. 75G View FIGURE 75 ).

Female unknown.

Measurements (1 male).—body w/o wings: 18; pronotum: 3.2; hind femur: 12.5; antenna: 110 mm.


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig













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