Athericidae Stuckenberg, 1973

Elgueta, Mario & Coscarón, Sixto, 2019, A catalog of Athericidae (Diptera) from Neotropical and Andean Regions, Zootaxa 4648 (2), pp. 287-298 : 288

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scientific name

Athericidae Stuckenberg, 1973


Family Athericidae Stuckenberg, 1973

1. Subfamily Dasyommatinae Stuckenberg, 2000

Genus Dasyomma Macquart, 1840: 31 . The description is also found in Macquart 1841: 309 ( Evenhuis 1997, Sabrosky, 1999, Evenhuis et al. 2016).

Type species: Dasyomma caerulea Macquart, 1840 , by original designation. ( Evenhuis et al. 2016: 52 (com.)).

= Trichopalpus Philippi, 1865: 724 Type species: T. obscurus Philippi, 1865 by subsequent designation

= Trichopalpomyia Hunter, 1901: 148 (Replacement name for Trichopalpus Philippi, 1865 )

Refs.: Bigot, 1856: 90 (in key); Philippi, 1859: 649 (list); Philippi, 1865: 724 (diag.); Loew & Osten Sacken, 1862: 20 (list); Gerstaecker, 1867: 403, 414 (list); Schiner, 1868: 196 (list); Bigot, 1887: 100 (list), 102 (in key); Hunter, 1901: 148 (cat.); Kertész, 1908: 315 (cat.); Knab, 1912: 109–110 (list); Hardy, 1920: 120 (in key), 123 (list Australian species); Edwards & Shannon, 1927: 653 (list); Mann, 1928: 159 (list as Stratiomyidae ); Malloch, 1931: 274 (in key); Malloch, 1932a: 200, 217 (com., in Rhagionidae ), 218–220 (key to species); Stuardo, 1946: 76 (cat.); Steyskal, 1953: 239 (com.); Hardy, 1958: 291 (in key); Downes, 1958: 258 (com.); Paramonov, 1962: 115 (in key), 145 (desc.); James, 1968: 1 (com.), 4 (cat.); Stuckenberg, 1973: 670, 671 (com.); Nagatomi & Iwata, 1976: 37–38 (com., fem. gen.); Nagatomi, 1977: 300 (com.), 325 (in key), 330 (com.); Nagatomi, 1982: 143 (dist.); Nagatomi, 1984a: 95 (key); Nagatomi, 1984b: 145–146 (fem. gen.); Nagatomi & Soroida, 1985: 286 (morph. mouth.); Metzel- ing, 1988: 113 (imm. stag.); Woodley, 1989: 1381 (com.); Nagatomi 1992: 852 (phy.); Coscarón & Coscarón, 1995: 76–77 (redes.), 77–78 (key to species); Webb, 1995: 421 (com.); Coscarón, 1998: 338 (com.); Colles & McAlpine, 2000: 753 (com.); Stuckenberg, 2000: 152, 158 (com.); Stuckenberg, 2001: 34 (com.); Zloty et al. 2005: 259, 260 (phy.); Williams, 2002: 31 (com.); Woodley, 2007: 29 (com.); Santos, 2008: 47 (dist.), 49 (com.); González, 2008: 156 (com.); Amorim et al., 2009: 6 (com); Coscarón & Papavero, 2009: 1 (com.); Kerr, 2010: 21, 25, 27, 31, 52, 54 (morp.); Woodley, 2009: 492 (com.), 493 (in key); Klassa & Santos, 2015: 523 (list); Evenhuis et al., 2016: 52 (cat.).

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