Ayarnangra Roberts, 2001

Alfred W. Thomson & Lawrence M. Page, 2006, Genera of the Asian Catfish Families Sisoridae and Erethistidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes)., Zootaxa 1345, pp. 1-96 : 8-10

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Thomas (2009-07-09 09:14:51, last updated 2023-11-30 13:29:57)

scientific name

Ayarnangra Roberts, 2001


Ayarnangra Roberts, 2001 View in CoL View at ENA   ZBK

Fig. 2

Ayarnangra Roberts, 2001   ZBK : 83. (Type species: Ayarnangra estuarius Roberts, 2001   ZBK , by original designation). Gender masculine.

Diagnosis: No thoracic adhesive apparatus; granulate anterior margin on pectoral spine; slender body shape; smooth to granulate anterior margin on dorsal spine; papillate upper lip; moderate gill openings; 13-16 anal rays.

Ayarnangra   ZBK is distinguished from all other erethistid genera by having 13-16 anal fin rays (vs. 8-12) and a granulate (vs. serrated) anterior margin on the pectoral spine. It is further distinguished from Conta   ZBK , Pseudolaguvia   ZBK and Caelatoglanis   ZBK by the absence of a thoracic adhesive apparatus, from Caelatoglanis   ZBK by having a papillate (vs. plicate) upper lip, from Caelatoglanis   ZBK and Erethistes by having a more slender body (Fig. 2), from Caelatoglanis   ZBK and Pseudolaguvia   ZBK by having moderate gill openings (vs. wide, nearly meeting one another on the venter), and from Conta   ZBK by having a granulate (vs. serrated) anterior margin on the dorsal spine and moderate gill openings (vs. extremely narrow gill openings not extending onto venter).

Remarks: Roberts (2001) diagnosed Ayarnangra   ZBK as a genus of Sisoridae .

Description: Dorsal fin with 1 spine, 6 rays; pectoral fin with 1 spine, 5-6 rays; 6 pelvic-fin rays, 13-16 anal-fin rays, first 7-8 rays simple; 16 principal caudal rays. Body elongate. Eyes very small, nostrils huge, much larger than eye. Palatal teeth absent. Maxillary barbel with well-developed membrane, soft base; extending slightly beyond pectoral-fin spine origin. Bases of outer and inner mental barbels nearly parallel. Gill openings moderate; branchiostegal membranes broadly fused to isthmus. Pectoral girdle with large coracoid process externally visible. Pectoral-fin spine with finely granulated anterior edge, serrated posterior edge. Dorsal spine granulated anteriorly, with small serrations posteriorly. No thoracic adhesive apparatus. Paired fins non-plaited.

Distribution: Irrawaddy River drainage, Myanmar (Roberts, 2001).