Umma gumma Dijkstra, Mézière & Kipping, 2015

Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B., Kipping, Jens & Mézière, Nicolas, 2015, Sixty new dragonfly and damselfly species from Africa (Odonata), Odonatologica 44 (4), pp. 447-678 : 457-460

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Donat (2015-12-13 17:56:06, last updated 2024-11-29 09:41:07)

scientific name

Umma gumma Dijkstra, Mézière & Kipping

sp. nov.

Umma gumma Dijkstra, Mézière & Kipping   ZBK sp. nov. – Robust Sparklewing

(Type Photo 1 View Photo 1 , Photos 1–2 View Photo 1 View Photo 2 , Fig. 1 View Figure 1 )


Pinhey (1969) remarked that the variability of U. longistigma (Selys, 1869) might conceal unnamed taxa. Vick (1999) noted that two forms with different paraprocts occur together in Cameroon, the typical one having more slender paraprocts, as confirmed by the holotype of U. longistigma from that nation in ISNB ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ). Both forms overlap widely across central Africa, are easily separated by other characters as well, and differ genetically where they co-occur in Gabon, thus representing good species.

Material studied

Holotype ♂. RMNH.INS.554425 , Gabon, Haut-Ogooué Province, Alanga- Aboumi road, Moyol, gravelly and sandy forest river (2–3 m wide, 10–50 cm deep) , 424 m a.s.l. (0.8403 ° S 13.9385 ° E), 28 -ix- 2012, leg. N. Mézière, RMNH View Materials GoogleMaps .

Further material. CAMEROON (South Province): 1 ♂, 26 km E of Campo, Campo-Ma’an National Park (buffer zone), Bitandé River 1 km E of Nkoélon, rocky rainforest river and adjacent roadsides , 70–100 m a.s.l. (2.3940 ° N 10.0540 ° E), 16 -vi- 2008, leg. K.- D.B. Dijkstra, J. Kipping & K. Schütte, RMNH GoogleMaps . CONGO-BRAZZAVILLE (Region de Koulilou): 1 ♂, Conkouati National Park , forest, 50 m a.s.l. (3.7951 ° S 11.3859 ° E), 25–26 -xi- - 2010, leg. P.H. Lambret, RMNH GoogleMaps . CONGO-KINSHASA (Province Orientale): 1 ♂, Lilanda and Baombo streams at and upstream of Lilanda and Yafake villages , sandy clear and blackwater streams and river, 390–450 m a.s.l. (0.83 ° N 24.34 ° E), 04-v- 2010, leg. K.- D.B. Dijkstra, RMNH GoogleMaps . 1 ♂, 20 km NW of Lokutu, between Lukomete and Lunua River , forest streams and clearings, 375–400 m a.s.l. (1.275 ° N 23.425 ° E), 01–06-xi- 2004, leg. K.- D.B. Dijkstra, RMNH GoogleMaps . 1 ♂, 20 km NW of Lokutu, large shallow, sandy, clear stream (3–5 m wide) in disturbed forest, 410 m a.s.l. (1.0866 ° N 23.5368 ° E), 01- xi- 2004, leg. K.- D.B. Dijkstra, RMNH GoogleMaps . 3 ♂, Ubundu Road, Yoko Forest, Mokonoka Stream , rock-bottomed (and some sand, gravel, leaflitter) stream and small tributaries in rainforest, 413 m a.s.l. (0.2940 ° N 25.2888 ° E), 08- vi- 2010, leg. K.- D.B. Dijkstra, RMNH GoogleMaps . GABON (Estuaire Province): 1 ♂ ( RMNH.INS.508732 ), Kougouleu-Medouneu road, Monts de Cristal, Assegone-Essala , mountain stream with rapids and small falls (2–4 m wide, 50 cm deep), 316 m a.s.l. (0.5596 ° S 10.2362 ° E), 28 -xii- 2012, leg N. Mézière, RMNH View Materials GoogleMaps . GABON (Haut-Ogooué Province): 1 ♂, Ndjima , 618 m a.s.l. (1.6643 ° S 13.0958 ° E), 21 -ii- 2009, leg. N. Mézière, RMNH GoogleMaps . 1 ♂, Plateau d’Okouma, road to Vuku, Mounana, gravel-bottomed stream (1–2 m wide) in grassland, 507 m a.s.l. (1.3998 ° S 13.1920 ° E), 18 -ii- 2009, leg. N. Mézière, RMNH GoogleMaps . 1 ♂ ( RMNH.INS.506164 ), righthand road before “Africa No 1 ” radio station in the direction of Franceville, Moyabi , sandy forest river (4 m wide,> 50 cm deep) bordered by ponds, 483 m a.s.l. (0.6476 ° S 13.6800° E), 27 -iii- 2012, leg. N. Mézière, RMNH View Materials GoogleMaps . 1 ♂ ( RMNH.INS.554468 ), same locality, small gravelly and sandy forest stream bordered by swamp and springs, 474 m a.s.l. (1.6877 °S 13.3113 °E), 04-xi- 2012, leg. N. Mézière, RMNH GoogleMaps . 8 ♂, Moyabi, concession Rougier, 17 km SSE of Moanda , large sandy stream in dense forest ( Photo 2 View Photo 2 ), 398 m a.s.l. (1.7065 °S 13.2558 °E), 24 -ix- 2013, leg. J. Kipping, CJKL GoogleMaps . 1 ♂, same locality, same date, leg. A. Günther, CAGF GoogleMaps . 1 ♂, same locality, 17 -ix-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♂ same locality, 01-x- 2013, leg. J. Kipping, CJKL GoogleMaps .


Four unique haplotypes (n= 4) nearest to but distinct from eleven of true U.longistigma (n = 14).

Male morphological diagnosis

Similar to sympatric sister-species U. longistigma by the combination of (a) a uniformly green to blue metallic head, thorax and abdomen, but dark brown to black legs and poststernum; (b) the largely pale rather than dark mandibular bases; (c) the sparse whitish hairs on the poststernum, rather than a dense patch of long dark hairs; (d) 6–10 cross-veins in the Fw quadrilateral cell; (e)the large Pt with an acute proximal corner, 2.7 –3.2 mm; (f) the absence of a clump of thick bristles near the tips of the cerci; and (g)paraprocts that are almost as long as the cerci ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ). However, is (1)larger with Hw 31.5 – 35.0 mm (mean 33.6; n = 15) rather than 30.0–33.0 mm (31.9; n = 20), with notably more robust build; (2) has a largely pale anterior face to each basal antennal segment, which is entirely dark in most U. longistigma specimens, although about a third have indistinct or partial markings; (3)no expansion on the bend of the penis’s lateral lobes, but their tips are more widened instead; (4)wide-based cerci that do not expand notably distally and end in unmodified rounded or squarish tips, while in U. longistigma the internal flanges widen notably towards the tips, which bear a transverse ridge and hollow, with often a subapical notch or tooth where the flange and ridge meet; and (5) paraprocts that are broad throughout with square-cut tips bearing an inward-directed tooth, rather than slender and tapering to rounded hooked tips ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ).


Name refers to the classic 1969 Pink Floyd album »Ummagumma« (noun in apposition). Range and ecology

Three Umma Kirby, 1890 species overlap widely in central Africa’s rainforests: U. mesostigma (Selys, 1879) – including the probably synonymous U.saphirina Förster, 1916 – is found closest to the source on often gravelly sections, while U. longistigma and U. gumma appear to co-occur on larger and often sandy streams ( Photo 2 View Photo 2 ). The new species has been recorded up to 620 m a.s.l. and favours less shady sections, occurs at lower densities, and comes down to the water only with brighter sunshine.

Kirby W. F. 1890. A synonymic catalogue of Neuroptera Odonata, or dragon-flies. With an appendix of fossil species. Gurney & Jackson, London

Pinhey E. C. G. 1969. On the genus Umma Kirby (Odonata). Arnoldia, Rhodesia, 4: 1 - 11

Vick G. S. 1999. A checklist of the Odonata of the south-west province of Cameroon, with the description of Phyllogomphus corbetae spec. nov. (Anisoptera: Gomphidae). Odonatologica 27: 87 - 98

Gallery Image

Photo 1. Umma gumma, male; Moyabi, Gabon. Photo: JK (24 - ix- 2013)

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Photo 2. Sandy forest stream near Moyabi, Gabon. Habitat of Umma gumma, Paragomphus dispar and Trithemis legrandi. Photo: JK (24 - ix- 2013)

Gallery Image

Figure 1. Male cerci in dorsal view (left) and paraprocts in ventral view with dotted outline of cerci (right) of Umma gumma sp. nov. and U. longistigma.


Belgium, Brussels, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


Netherlands, Leiden, Nationaal Natuurhistorische Museum ("Naturalis") [formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie]















