Ranjan Kumar Raveendhiran Ravinesh, Peter K. L. Ng K. K. Bineesh R., 2019, Umalia trirufomaculata (Davie and Short, 1989) in India, with a note on the taxonomy of U. misakiensis (Sakai, 1937) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Raninidae)

Ranjan Kumar Raveendhiran Ravinesh, Peter K. L. Ng K. K. Bineesh R., 2019, Umalia trirufomaculata (Davie and Short, 1989) in India, with a note on the taxonomy of U. misakiensis (Sakai, 1937) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Raninidae), Nauplius (e 2019015) 27, pp. 1-13

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