Bobrov, Anatoly & Mazei, Yuri, 2021, Meisterfeldia bitsevi-new testate amoeba of the family Cryptodifflugiidae Jung 1942 (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida) from the tree hollow in the urban park (Moscow Russia) with a key to species of the genus Meisterfeldia

Bobrov, Anatoly & Mazei, Yuri, 2021, Meisterfeldia bitsevi-new testate amoeba of the family Cryptodifflugiidae Jung 1942 (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida) from the tree hollow in the urban park (Moscow Russia) with a key to species of the genus Meisterfeldia, Zootaxa 4908 (4), pp. 595-600

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