Farhani, Tayyebeh, Kazempour-Osaloo, Shahrokh, Zare-Maivan, Hassan & Mozaffarian, Valiollah, 2018, Evolutionary history of the tribe Astereae in the Flora Iranica area: Systematic implications

Farhani, Tayyebeh, Kazempour-Osaloo, Shahrokh, Zare-Maivan, Hassan & Mozaffarian, Valiollah, 2018, Evolutionary history of the tribe Astereae in the Flora Iranica area: Systematic implications, Phytotaxa 379 (1), pp. 95-117

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Aster bachtiaricus     109
Chamaegeron     109
Galatella     110
Psychrogeton     110
Heteropappus     111
Myriactis     111
Erigeron     111
Neobrachyactis obovata   comb. nov.  113
Iranoaster bachtiaricus   comb. nov.  113
Iranoaster   gen. nov.  113