Hassanine, Reda M. E. & Gibson, David Ian, 2005, Trematodes from Red Sea fishes: Neohypocreadium aegyptense n. sp. (Lepocreadiidae), Fairfaxia cribbi n. sp. and Macvicaria chrysophrys (Nagaty & Abdel-Aal, 1969) (Opecoelidae).

Hassanine, Reda M. E. & Gibson, David Ian, 2005, Trematodes from Red Sea fishes: Neohypocreadium aegyptense n. sp. (Lepocreadiidae), Fairfaxia cribbi n. sp. and Macvicaria chrysophrys (Nagaty & Abdel-Aal, 1969) (Opecoelidae)., Systematic Parasitology 62, pp. 199-207

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