Freeman, Rebecca L., Miller, James F. & Dattilo, Benjamin F., 2018, Linguliform brachiopods across a Cambrian – Ordovician (Furongian, Early Ordovician) biomere boundary: the Sunwaptan – Skullrockian North American Stage boundary in the Wilberns and Tanyard formations of central Texas

Freeman, Rebecca L., Miller, James F. & Dattilo, Benjamin F., 2018, Linguliform brachiopods across a Cambrian – Ordovician (Furongian, Early Ordovician) biomere boundary: the Sunwaptan – Skullrockian North American Stage boundary in the Wilberns and Tanyard formations of central Texas, Journal of Paleontology 92, No. 5, pp. 751-751

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