Jadin, Robert C., Blair, Christopher, Orlofske, Sarah A., Jowers, Michael J., Rivas, Gilson A., Vitt, Laurie J., Ray, Julie M., Smith, Eric N. & Murphy, John C., 2020, Not withering on the evolutionary vine: systematic revision of the Brown Vine Snake (Reptilia: Squamata: Oxybelis) from its northern distribution

Jadin, Robert C., Blair, Christopher, Orlofske, Sarah A., Jowers, Michael J., Rivas, Gilson A., Vitt, Laurie J., Ray, Julie M., Smith, Eric N. & Murphy, John C., 2020, Not withering on the evolutionary vine: systematic revision of the Brown Vine Snake (Reptilia: Squamata: Oxybelis) from its northern distribution, Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 20 (4), pp. 723-746

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