Abdin, Amr, Kondo, Toru, Böhm, Michael, Jhund, Pardeep S, Claggett, Brian L, Vaduganathan, Muthiah, Hernandez, Adrian F, Lam, Carolyn S P, Inzucchi, Silvio E, Martinez, Felipe A, de Boer, Rudolf A, Desai, Akshay S, Køber, Lars, Sabatine, Marc S, Petersson, Magnus, Bachus, Erasmus, Solomon, Scott D & McMurray, John J V, 2021, First Description of the Male of Aeolocoelotes cornutus (Nishikawa, 2009) n. comb. (Araneae, Agelenidae) from Japan

Abdin, Amr, Kondo, Toru, Böhm, Michael, Jhund, Pardeep S, Claggett, Brian L, Vaduganathan, Muthiah, Hernandez, Adrian F, Lam, Carolyn S P, Inzucchi, Silvio E, Martinez, Felipe A, de Boer, Rudolf A, Desai, Akshay S, Køber, Lars, Sabatine, Marc S, Petersson, Magnus, Bachus, Erasmus, Solomon, Scott D & McMurray, John J V, 2021, First Description of the Male of Aeolocoelotes cornutus (Nishikawa, 2009) n. comb. (Araneae, Agelenidae) from Japan, Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology (Zoology) 47 (3), pp. 117-122

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