Maguire, Kaitlin Clare & Schmitz, Joshua X. Samuels and Mark D., 2022, The fauna and chronostratigraphy of the middle Miocene Mascall type area, John Day Basin, Oregon, USA

Maguire, Kaitlin Clare & Schmitz, Joshua X. Samuels and Mark D., 2022, The fauna and chronostratigraphy of the middle Miocene Mascall type area, John Day Basin, Oregon, USA, PaleoBios 35, pp. 1-51

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Mioscalops     12-13
Soricidae     12
Leptocyon     13
Tephrocyon     14
Cynelos     14
Canidae     14
Mustelidae     15-16
Pseudaelurus     15
Mustelidae     15
Bassariscus     16
Leporidae     16-17
Carnivora     16
Archaeolagus     17
Leporidae     18
Balantiomys     18
Heteromyidae     18
Prodipodomys     19
Geomyidae     19
Hesperogaulus     19-20
Sciurini     20-21
Protospermophilus     20
Marmotini     20
Mylagaulidae     20
Sciuridae     21
Euroxenomys     22-23
Cricetidae     22
Kalobatippus     23
Archaeohippus     24
Desmatippus     24
Parahippus     25
Equinae     25
Acritohippus     25
Cynorca     27-31
Rhinocerotidae     27
Dromomeryx     31-32
Tayassuidae     31
Dromomerycidae     31
Merycoidodontidae     32-33
Miolabis     34
Merycoidodontidae     34
Procamelus     34
Camelidae     34-36
Blastomeryx     36
Parablastomeryx     37
Proboscidea     37