Kvaček, Zlatko & Teodoridis, Vasilis, 2011, The Late Eocene Flora Of Kučlín Near Bílina In North Bohemia Revisited

Kvaček, Zlatko & Teodoridis, Vasilis, 2011, The Late Eocene Flora Of Kučlín Near Bílina In North Bohemia Revisited, Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B 67 (3 - 4), pp. 83-144

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Osmunda     86-87
Equisetum ettingshausenii   sp. nov.  86
Lomariopsis     87
Pronephrium stiriacum     87
Acrostichum undetermined     87-88
Tetraclinis salicornioides     88
Rumohra recentior     88
Sabrenia     89
Doliostrobus taxiformis var. sternbergii     89
Doliostrobus     89
Liriodendron undetermined     90-91
Nymphaeaceae     90
Magnolia longipetiolata     90
Nymphaea polyrhiza     90
Anoectomeria brongniartii     90
Laurophyllum undefined-1     91
Laurophyllum undefined-2     91
Daphnogene cinnamomifolia     91-92
Sabal rhaphifolia     92-93
Smilax undetermined     92
Dioscorea undetermined     92
Nitophyllites bohemicus     92
Daphnogene undetermined     92
Orontium undetermined     92
Berberis undetermined     93
Butomus heerii     93
Chamaerops kutschlinica     93
Musa bilinica     93
Poacites acuminatus     93
Ampelopsis undetermined     94-95
Mahonia undetermined     94
Platanus neptuni     94
Sloanea nimrodi     95
Sloanea     95
Sloanea manchesteri   sp. nov.  95
Sloanea olmediifolia     95-96
Leguminocarpon undetermined     96
Ziziphus bilinica     96-97
Leguminosites undefined-2     96
Tremophyllum     97
Cedrelospermum leptospermum     97
Cedrelospermum     97
Tremophyllum microphyllum   comb. nov.  97-98
Carya fragiliformis     98-99
Trigonobalanopsis rhamnoides     98
Ulmites undetermined     98
Quercus undetermined     98
Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis     98
Hooleya hermis     99
Engelhardia macroptera     99
Engelhardia orsbergensis     99
Ficus daphnogenes     100
Sterculia crassinervia     101-102
Acer sotzkianum     101
Cedrelospermum kovacsiae     101
Chaneya     102
Luheopsis undetermined     102
Hemitrapa pomelii     102
Sterculia labrusca     102
Ailanthus palaeorhus   comb. nov.  103
Ailanthus tardensis     103
Ailanthus undetermined     103
Chaneya palaeogaea   comb. nov.  103
Hydrangea microcalyx     103-104
Palaeohosiea bilinica     104
Diospyros microcalyx   comb. nov.  104-105
Pungiphyllum heerii   comb. nov.  105-106
Pungiphyllum     105
Apocynospermum striatum     105
Apocynophyllum     105
Apocynophyllum bilinicum   comb. nov.  105
Camptodromites     106
Raskya vetusta     106-107
Camptodromites undetermined     106
Craspedodromophyllum     106
Majanthemophyllum undetermined     106
Raskya     106
<View Treatment>     106
Dicotylophyllum undefined-3     107
Dicotylophyllum undefined-4     107
Dicotylophyllum undefined-1     107
Salix undetermined     107
Dicotylophyllum undefined-2     107
Ternstroemites undetermined     107
Callistemophyllum bilinicum     107
Dicotylophyllum undefined-5     107-108
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     108-109
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     108
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     108
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     108
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     108
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     108
Dicotylophyllum undefined-9     108
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     108
Dicotylophyllum undefined-8     108
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     108
Dicotylophyllum undefined-6     108
Dicotylophyllum undefined-7     108
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     109-110
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     109
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     109
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     109
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     109
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     109
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     109
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     109
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     109
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     109
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     109
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     109
Carpolithes undefined-1     110
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     110
Carpolithes undefined-3     110
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     110
Carpolithes undefined-6     110
Carpolithes undefined-8     110
Carpolithes undefined-4     110
Carpolithes undefined-5     110
Carpolithes undefined-7     110
Carpolithes undefined-2     110
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     110
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     110
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     110
Dicotylophyllum undetermined     110
Carpolithes undetermined     111
Carpolithes undefined-9     111
Carpolithes undetermined     111