Korres, Nicholas E., Norsworthy, Jason K., Young, Bryan G., Reynolds, Daniel B., Johnson, William G., Conley, Shawn P., Smeda, Reid J., Mueller, Thomas C., Spaunhorst, Douglas J., Gage, Karla L., Loux, Mark, Kruger, Greg R. & Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V., 2018, Seedbank Persistence of Palmer Amaranth (Amoronthus polmeri) and Waterhemp (Amoronthus tuberculotus) across Diverse Geographical Regions in the United States

Korres, Nicholas E., Norsworthy, Jason K., Young, Bryan G., Reynolds, Daniel B., Johnson, William G., Conley, Shawn P., Smeda, Reid J., Mueller, Thomas C., Spaunhorst, Douglas J., Gage, Karla L., Loux, Mark, Kruger, Greg R. & Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V., 2018, Seedbank Persistence of Palmer Amaranth (Amoronthus polmeri) and Waterhemp (Amoronthus tuberculotus) across Diverse Geographical Regions in the United States, Weed Science (Cambridge, England) 66 (4), pp. 446-456

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