Alataş, Mevlüt, Batan, Nevzat, Ezer, Tülay, Özdemir, Turan & Erata, Hüseyin, 2021, Epiphytic bryophyte communities of forests dominated by Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner in Altindere Valley National Park (Trabzon, Turkey)

Alataş, Mevlüt, Batan, Nevzat, Ezer, Tülay, Özdemir, Turan & Erata, Hüseyin, 2021, Epiphytic bryophyte communities of forests dominated by Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner in Altindere Valley National Park (Trabzon, Turkey), Cryptogamie, Bryologie 20 (11), pp. 155-167

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