Zubrik, Milan, Picq, Sandrine, Oremans, Philippe, Nisole, Audrey, Sophie Tremblay,, Cusson, Michel, Panigaj, Ľubomir, Mikitova, Barbora & Bollino, Maurizio, 2019, Morphological and genetic diversity of two individual forms of Euphaedra eberti (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae)

Zubrik, Milan, Picq, Sandrine, Oremans, Philippe, Nisole, Audrey, Sophie Tremblay,, Cusson, Michel, Panigaj, Ľubomir, Mikitova, Barbora & Bollino, Maurizio, 2019, Morphological and genetic diversity of two individual forms of Euphaedra eberti (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), African Invertebrates 60 (2), pp. 195-213

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