Femenias-Gual, Joan, Minwer-Barakat, Raef, Marigó, Judit, Poyatos-Moré, Miquel & Moyà-Solà, Salvador, 2017, Agerinia marandati sp. nov., a new early Eocene primate from the Iberian Peninsula, sheds new light on the evolution of the genus Agerinia

Femenias-Gual, Joan, Minwer-Barakat, Raef, Marigó, Judit, Poyatos-Moré, Miquel & Moyà-Solà, Salvador, 2017, Agerinia marandati sp. nov., a new early Eocene primate from the Iberian Peninsula, sheds new light on the evolution of the genus Agerinia, PeerJ 5, No. 3239

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