Tympanopleura longipinna, Walsh & Ribeiro & Py-Daniel, 2015

Walsh, Stephen J., Ribeiro, Frank Raynner Vasconcelos & Py-Daniel, Lúcia Helena Rapp, 2015, Revision of Tympanopleura Eigenmann (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae) with description of two new species, Neotropical Ichthyology (Neotrop. Ichthyol.) 13 (1), pp. 1-46 : 28-30

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/1982-0224-20130220

publication LSID


persistent identifier


taxon LSID


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scientific name

Tympanopleura longipinna

sp. nov.

Tympanopleura longipinna View in CoL , new species urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:55FB056C-8849-4A87-9B84-1605F5E38747

Figs. 1d View Fig , 6e View Fig , 14 View Fig

Ageneiosus brevis (non Steindachner, 1881). - Birindelli et al., 2012: 655-656, 658-660, figs. 6b,c, 9 [ MZUSP 34417, 1; presumed misidentification based on majority of specimens in lot; gas bladder morphology; phylogenetic hypothesis; in material examined].

Holotype. MZUSP 114000 View Materials (ex MZUSP 34417 View Materials ), 73.0 mm SL, female, Brazil, Rondônia, rio Madeira, Calama, Praia do Caraparu , 13 Dec 1980, M. Goulding.

Paratypes. 352 specimens (34.2-81.3 mm SL). Bolivia. Beni : AMNH 56069 About AMNH , 1 About AMNH (63.2 mm SL), río Mamoré, Puerto Siles , 4 Dec 1965 , S. Anderson. Brazil. Amazonas: ANSP 193974 About ANSP , 5 About ANSP (52.1-65.9 mm SL), rio Japurá downriver from Nova Betania, 29.4 km upriver from Serraria , c. 02°54’41.5”S 64°51’53.5”W, 2 Nov 1993 GoogleMaps , S.L. Jewett et al.; ANSP 194004 About ANSP , 18 About ANSP (57.5-75.5 mm SL), rio Madeira , c. 03°33’37.5”S 58°54’42.4”W, 15 Oct 1994 GoogleMaps , J.G. Lundberg et al.; ANSP 194008 About ANSP , 6 About ANSP (46.1-52.6 mm SL, 3 unmeasured), rio Solimões upriver of Nova Oriente, c. 03°13’37.1”S 59°03’34.6”W, 11 Aug 1996 GoogleMaps , A.M. Zanata et al.; ANSP 194140 About ANSP , 8 About ANSP (2, 55.9-57.9 mm SL, 6 unmeasured), rio Solimões, above mouth of rio Purus, downriver of Anori , c. 03°45’27.3’’S 61°34’51.7’’W, 30 Jul 1996 GoogleMaps , A.M. Zanata et al. INPA 17319 View Materials , 1 View Materials (34.2 mm SL), rio Purus , collected with bottom trawl, c. 04°53’47.1’’S 62°54’51.3’’W, 6 Jun 2001 GoogleMaps , L.H. Rapp Py-Daniel & C. de Deus; INPA 34077 View Materials , 6 View Materials (50.0- 68.6 mm SL, 2 c/s), rio Solimões, collected with bottom trawl near confluence of rio Solimões and rio Negro , c. 03°09’14”S 59°54’17”W, 17 Aug 2007 GoogleMaps , A. Carvajal et al.; INPA 34078 View Materials , 3 View Materials (44.3-55.0 mm SL), rio Solimões, collected with bottom trawl near shoreline of Lago Catalão, c. 03°09’43”S 59°54’39”W, 7 Aug 2008 GoogleMaps , A. Ribeiro; INPA 35109 View Materials , 222 View Materials (43.9-79.8 mm SL), rio Purus, Berurí, above the community of Carapanã , 19 Oct 2009 , C. Duarte & L.H. Rapp Py-Daniel; MCP 29602 View Materials , 1 View Materials (68.0 mm SL), rio Solimões, Alvarães, opposite community of Caborini and mouth of Lago Mamirauá, confluence of rio Solimões and rio Japurá , c. 03°09’34’’S 64°46’35’’W, 10 Feb 2001 GoogleMaps , W.G. R. Crampton; MCP 29603 View Materials , 1 View Materials (67.8 mm SL), rio Solimões, Alvarães, Ilha do Içé , c. 03°16’36’’S 64°41’01’’W, Jan 2001 GoogleMaps , W.G. R. Crampton; MCP 29605 View Materials , 1 View Materials (81.3 mm SL), rio Solimões, Tefé , c. 03°15’37’’S 64°42’30’’W, 30 Jan 2001 GoogleMaps , W.G. R. Crampton; MZUSP 57348 View Materials , 2 View Materials (38.5-47.6 mm SL), rio Amazonas, collected with bottom trawl near mouth of rio Madeira , c. 03°13’46”S 59°03’59”W, 11 Aug 1996 GoogleMaps , A.M. Zanata et al.; MZUSP 58309 View Materials , 2 View Materials (45.9-46.2 mm SL), rio Solimões, 7 km below Paraná do Iranduba , c. 03°13’34”S 59°56’25”W, 24 Oct 1993 GoogleMaps , S.L. Jewett et al. MZUSP 56644 View Materials , 2 View Materials (44.9-54.6 mm SL), rio Madeira , collected with bottom trawl, c. 03°38’26”S 59°02’45”W, 7 Aug 1996 GoogleMaps , M. T. Piza et al.; MZUSP 56646 View Materials , 2 View Materials (35.6-40.6 mm SL), rio Purus , collected with bottom trawl, c. 03°51’09”S 61°23’25”W, 26 Jul 1996 GoogleMaps , M. T. Piza et al.; MZUSP 56725 View Materials , 2 View Materials (58.0- 59.5 mm SL), rio Japurá , collected with bottom trawl 11 km below Lago Paupixuna, c. 02°39’24”S 65°47’40”W, 7 Nov 1993 GoogleMaps , O. Oyakawa et al.; MZUSP 63595 View Materials , 2 View Materials (54.1-62.3 mm SL), rio Purus, Campina , 10 Jan 1975 , P.E. Vanzolini; MZUSP 63597 View Materials , 3 View Materials (47.5-49.8 mm SL), rio Purus, Cassiã , 3 Jan 1975 , P.E. Vanzolini; MZUSP 114002 View Materials , 2 View Materials (63.6-66.0 mm SL), mouth of rio Ituxi , 22 Dec 1974 , P.E. Vanzolini; MZUSP 114004 View Materials , 15 View Materials (57.5-75.5 mm SL), same data as ANSP 194004 ; UF 185773 , 2 (63.2-65.4 mm SL), same data as MZUSP 114002. Rondônia : MZUSP 34418 View Materials , 4 View Materials (68.4-75.7 mm SL), rio Madeira, Calama, Paraná do Flechal , 2 Feb 1981 , M. Goulding; MZUSP 114001 View Materials (ex MZUSP 34417 View Materials ), 12 (47.5- 67.0 mm SL, 2 c/s), collected with holotype ; UF 185772 (ex MZUSP 34417 View Materials ), 11 (56.1-77.3 mm SL), collected with holotype . Peru. Loreto: ANSP 178310 About ANSP , 11 About ANSP (43.1-76.9 mm SL), río Amazonas main channel along W bank, 30-45 min upriver from inlet to Iquitos (mouth of río Itaya ), S of Iquitos, 13 Sep 2001 , M.H. Sabaj Pérez et al; USNM 124918 About USNM , 3 About USNM (64.3-68.2 mm SL), Shansho Cano , 4 Dec 1935 , W.G. Scherer. Ucayali : MZUSP 25972 View Materials , 4 View Materials (41.5-65.3 mm SL), río Ucayali, Masisea, Province Coronel Portillo , 6 Oct 1975 , H. Ortega.

Non-type material. 593 specimens (40.9-78.7 mm SL). Brazil. Amazonas : ANSP 194007 About ANSP , 4 About ANSP (40.9-58.1 mm SL), rio Madeira upriver of Itacoatiara , c. 03°30’29.3”S 58°53’17.4”N, 6 Aug 1996 , C.C. Fernandes et al.; ANSP 194009 About ANSP , 1 About ANSP (57.2 mm SL), rio Jurua upriver of rio Meneroa , c. 02°42’24.3”S 65°47’24.8”N, 9 Nov 1993 , M. Garcia et al.; ANSP 194011 About ANSP , 1 About ANSP (61.1 mm SL), rio Madeira 35 km upriver of Santa Maria, 1 km downriver Vila Urucurituba , c. 03°32’46.0”S 58°55’09.3”N), 15 Oct 1994 , J.G. Lundberg et al.; CAL unk., 1 (55.4 mm SL), rio Solimões upriver of Itacoatiara , c. 03°19’58.4”S, 58°35’53.4”W, 8 Aug 1996 GoogleMaps , M. Toledo-Piza et al. ( MTP 96.135 ); CAL unk., 1 (56.4 mm SL), rio Solimões upriver of Itacoatiara , c. 03°20’01.7”S 58°36’01.3”W, 9 Aug 1996 GoogleMaps , C.C. Fernandes et al. ( CCF 96.102 View Materials ); CAL unk., 1 (60.6 mm SL), rio Solimões , c. 03°48’19.0”S 61°38’29.9”W, 29 Jul 1996 GoogleMaps , A.M. Zanata et al. ( AMZ 96.97 ); CAL unk., 1 (61.8 mm SL), rio Solimões , c. 03°36’10.4”S 61°17’45.5”W, 28 Jul 1996 GoogleMaps , A.M. Zanata et al. ( AMZ 96.83 ); CAL unk., 1 (66.0 mm SL), rio Madeira 31.1 km downriver of Santa Antônia, 25 km upriver of Itacoatiara , c. 03°14’13.4”S 53°36’20.9”W, 20 Oct 1994 GoogleMaps , F.G. Langeani et al. ( FL 94.46 ); CAL unk., 2 (50.6-54.8 mm SL), rio Solimões , c. 03°51’54.1”S 61°39’14.7”W, 30 Jul 1996 GoogleMaps , A.M. Zanata et al. ( AMZ 96.102 ); CAL unk., 4 (54.0- 57.6 mm SL), rio Madeira downriver of Nova Olinda do Norte , c. 03°38’35.4”S 59°02’49.6”W, 7 Aug 1996 GoogleMaps , M. Toledo-Piza et al. ( MTP 96.122 ); CAL unk., 4 (61.0- 78.7 mm SL), rio Madeira 1.4 km downriver of Nova Rosarinho do Norte, 21.2 km upriver of Urucurituba , c. 03°41’19.1”S 59°05’51.3”W, 16 Oct 1994 GoogleMaps , F.G. Langeani et al. ( FL 94.32 ) ; MCP 29600 View Materials , 1 View Materials (65.5 mm SL), rio Solimões, Tefé, south shore of Ilha Panamim , c. 03°19’19’’S 64°40’25’’W, 19 Jan 2001 GoogleMaps , W.G. R. Crampton ; MCP 29601 View Materials , 1 View Materials (64.1 mm SL), rio Solimões, Tefé, north shore, 1.5 km W entry to Paraná Coxiu Muni , c. 03°16’36’’S 64°41’29’’W, 17 Jan 2001 GoogleMaps , W.G. R. Crampton ; MCP 29604 View Materials , 1 View Materials (60.7 mm SL), rio Solimões, Alvarães, community of Capivara , c. 03°14’07’’S 64°41’09’’W, 13Jan2001 GoogleMaps ,W.G. R. Crampton ; MZUSP6998 View Materials , 1 View Materials (59.0 mm SL), rio Madeira 25 km below Nova Olinda do Norte, 27 Nov 1967 , Expedição Permanente da Amazônia ( EPA) ; MZUSP 56076 View Materials , 1 View Materials (unmeasured), rio Juruá , collected with bottom trawl 13.2 km below Lago Pauapixuna, c. 02°39’50.0”S 65°48’0.01”W, 7 Nov 1993 GoogleMaps , J.P. Friel et al.; MZUSP 56642 View Materials , 1 View Materials (unmeasured), rio Solimões, collected with bottom trawl below mouth of rio Purus , c. 03°36’25”S 61°19’40”W, 28 Jul 1996 GoogleMaps , M. T. Piza et al .; MZUSP 56643 View Materials , 1 View Materials (unmeasured), rio Solimões, collected with bottom trawl near mouth of rio Purus , c. 03°36’01”S 61°21’21.01”W, 28 Jul 1996 GoogleMaps , M. T. Piza et al .; MZUSP 56647 View Materials , 1 View Materials (unmeasured), rio Madeira , collected with bottom trawl, c. 03°37’41.0”S 59°01’27.0”W, 7 Aug 1996 GoogleMaps , M. T. Piza et al .; MZUSP 56648 View Materials , 2 View Materials (unmeasured mm SL), rio Solimões, collected with bottom trawl near mouth of rio Purus , c. 03°36’08.0”S 61°17’51.0”W, 28 Jul 1996 GoogleMaps , M. T. Piza et al .; MZUSP 56650 View Materials , 1 View Materials (unmeasured), rio Solimões, collected with bottom trawl near mouth of rio Purus , c. 03°39’31.0”S 61°28’37.0”W, 30 Jul 1996 GoogleMaps , M. T. Piza et al .; MZUSP 56651 View Materials , 1 View Materials (unmeasured), rio Madeira , collected with bottom trawl, c. 03°26’32.0”S 58°47’57.0”W, 10 Aug 1996 GoogleMaps , M. T. Piza et al .; MZUSP 56721 View Materials , 1 View Materials (62.0 mm SL), rio Solimões , collected with bottom trawl 12 km below Japurá, c. 03°18’29”S 64°35’24”W, 31 Oct 1993 GoogleMaps , O. Oyakawa et al.; MZUSP 56726 View Materials , 1 View Materials (58.8 mm SL), rio Juruá , collected with bottom trawl between Lago Paupixuna and Lago Meneroa, c. 02°46’31”S 65°49’59”W, 9 Nov 1993 GoogleMaps , O. Oyakawa et al.; MZUSP 57306 View Materials , 1 View Materials (unmeasured), rio Madeira , near mouth, collected with bottom trawl, c. 03°35’30.0”S 58°57’57.0”W, 6 Aug 1996 GoogleMaps , A.M. Zanata et al.; MZUSP 57347 View Materials , 1 View Materials (unmeasured), rio Solimões, collected with bottom trawl below mouth of rio Purus , c. 03°36’16.0”S 61°21’12.0”W, 28 Jul 1996 GoogleMaps , A.M. Zanata et al.; MZUSP 57380 View Materials , 1 View Materials (49.2 mm SL), rio Amazonas, collected with bottom trawl below mouth of rio Negro , c. 03°10’24”S 59°32’29”W, 22 Jul 1996 GoogleMaps , A.M. Zanata et al.; MZUSP 57970 View Materials , 1 View Materials (unmeasured), rio Madeira, collected with bottom trawl 17 km below Paraná do Canumá , c. 03°51’11.0”S 59°3’24.0”W, 7 Aug 1996 GoogleMaps , C. Cox-Fernandes et al.; MZUSP 57977 View Materials , 1 View Materials (unmeasured), rio Madeira, collected with bottom trawl 51 km below Paraná do Canumá , c. 03°35’09.0”S 58°57’47.0”W, 6 Aug 1996 GoogleMaps , C. Cox-Fernandes et al.; MZUSP 58124 View Materials , 1 View Materials (unmeasured), rio Amazonas, collected with bottom trawl 21.3 km below mouth of rio Madeira , c. 03°18’14.0”S 58°36’09.0”W, 20Oct 1994 GoogleMaps , M. Westneat et al.; MZUSP 58238 View Materials , 1 View Materials (unmeasured), rio Solimões, collected with bottom trawl 3.9 km below mouth of rio Japurá , c. 03°12’11.0”S 64°48’01.99”W, 30 Oct 1993 GoogleMaps , S.L. Jewett et al. MZUSP 58245 View Materials , 1 View Materials (unmeasured), rio Solimões, collected with bottom trawl 10 km below mouth of rio Japurá , c. 03°19’10.0”S 64°32’02.99”W, 28 Oct 1993 GoogleMaps , S.L. Jewett et al.; MZUSP 63598 View Materials , 1 View Materials (58.1 mm SL), mouth of rio Paciá , 23 Dec 1974 , P.E. Vanzolini; MZUSP 113997 View Materials (ex MZUSP 63630 View Materials ), 1 (68.9 mm SL), Pauini , 15-19 Dec 1974 , P.E. Vanzolini; MZUSP 114003 View Materials , 1 View Materials (65.1 mm SL), rio Purus, Santa Luzia , 11 Jan 1975 , P.E. Vanzolini. Rondônia : MZUSP 34417 View Materials , c. 540 (unmeasured), collected with holotype ; MZUSP 34418 View Materials , 4 View Materials (68.4-75.7 mm SL), rio Madeira, Calama, Paraná do Flechal , 2 Feb 1981 , M. Goulding. Peru. Loreto: CAS 57941 About CAS , 1 About CAS , paratype of T. nigricollis (52.1 mm SL), Iquitos , Sep 1920 , W. R. Allen. Ucayali : MZUSP 114005 View Materials , 2 View Materials (66.2-73.6 mm SL), Pucullpa, Province Coronel Portillo, District Yarinacocha , 9 Aug 1973 , H. Ortega.

Diagnosis. Tympanopleura longipinna can distinguished from T. atronasus and T. cryptica on the basis of its much longer anal fin (32-42 anal-fin rays vs. 23- 30). Tympanopleura longipinna is further distinct from T. atronasus in having more pectoral-fin rays (10-13 vs. 7-9), more gill rakers on the first arch (19-25 vs. 14-18), fewer preanal vertebrae (13-15 vs. 16-19), more total vertebrae (40-43, mode 43 vs. 39-43, mode 41), fewer pleural ribs (4-5 vs. 7-8), greater distance from pelvic- to adipose-fin origin (37.6-45.1% SL vs. 31.2-38.1%), longer anal-fin base (33.9-39.9% SL vs. 22.1-27.6% SL), and a generally lighter overall pigmentation pattern on the head, dorsum, and sides of the body, lacking the characteristic dark patches of melanophores concentrated on the flanks above the anal-fin base, the chin, and streaks in each caudal-fin lobe usually present in T. atronasus . Tympanopleura longipinna further differs from T. cryptica in having a greater number of pectoral-fin rays (10-13, mode 11 vs. 8-10, mode 9), fewer preanal vertebrae (13-15, mode 14 vs. 14-15, mode 15), more total vertebrae (40-43, mode 43 vs. 38-41, mode 38), shorter preanal length (49.7-57.6% SL vs. 59.6-66.0% SL), shorter prepelvic length (38.8-48.4% SL vs. 48.3-53.6% SL), greater distance from dorsal- to adipose-fin origin (46.5-54.0% SL vs. 33.9-46.7% SL), longer anal-fin base (33.9-39.9% SL vs. 24.4-30.3% SL), slightly smaller eye diameter (11.6-18.5% HL vs. 16.7- 25.6% HL), and a generally lighter pigmentation pattern on the head, dorsum, body, and fins. Tympanopleura longipinna differs from T. brevis in having an overall greater number of anal-fin rays (32-42, mode 37 vs. 31- 36, mode 33) and total vertebrae (40-43, mode 43 vs. 38- 41, mode 40), greater distance from pelvic- to adipose-fin origin (37.6-45.1% SL vs. 31.2-38.3% SL), shorter pectoral-fin spine (15.9-18.2% SL vs. 19.1-24.4% SL), longer anal-fin base (33.9-39.9% SL vs. 26.6-33.9% SL), shorter head length (25.2-29.7% SL vs. 29.7-35.6% SL), and usually lighter pigmentation pattern on the head, dorsum, sides of the body, and fins (vs. diffuse, dark tan to brown pigment extending well below the lateral line and paired fins with dark membranes). Tympanopleura longipinna differs from T. piperata in having a greater number of pectoral-fin rays (10-13, mode 11 vs. 6-10, mode 9), more gill rakers on the first arch (19-25, mode 23 vs. 16-23, mode 19), fewer preanal vertebrae (13-15, mode 14 vs. 14-16, mode 15), more total vertebrae (40-43, mode 43 vs. 39-41, mode 40), greater body width at the pectoral-fin origin (21.1- 25.7% SL vs. 16.8-20.0% SL), smaller eye diameter (11.6- 18.5% HL vs. 24.3-35.7% HL), gas bladder with two short posterior diverticula (vs. diverticula absent), and lack of a dense band of pigmentation on the base of the caudal fin. Tympanopleura longipinna differs from T. rondoni in having more anal-fin rays (32-42, mode 37 vs. 28-37, mode 31), fewer gill rakers on the first arch (19-25, mode 23 vs. 24-33, mode 29-30), fewer preanal vertebrae (13-15, mode 14 vs. 14-16, mode 15), more total vertebrae (40-43, mode 43 vs. 38-42, mode 40), shorter predorsal length (29.5- 36.1% SL vs. 35.2-47.4% SL), greater distance from dorsalto adipose-fin origin (46.5-54.0% SL vs. 38.1-46.8% SL), longer anal-fin base (33.9-39.9% SL vs. 23.1-32.5% SL), a cordiform gas bladder with two short posterior diverticula (vs. gas bladder elongated antero-posteriorly and with two longer, recurved posterior diverticula), and an overall light pigmentation pattern on the head, dorsum, sides of body, and fins (vs. dark pigmentation over most of body and fins with prominent spots or mottling).


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics

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