Tuber himalayense B.C. Zhang & Minter, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc.

Kinoshita, Akihiko, Nara, Kazuhide, Sasaki, Hiromi, Feng, Bang, Obase, Keisuke, Yang, Zhu L. & Yamanaka, Takashi, 2018, Using mating-type loci to improve taxonomy of the Tuber indicum complex, and discovery of a new species, T. longispinosum, PLoS ONE (e 0193745) 13 (3), pp. 1-21 : 12-15

publication ID 10.1371/journal.pone.0193745


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Tuber himalayense B.C. Zhang & Minter, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc.


Tuber himalayense B.C. Zhang & Minter, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 91(4): 595 (1988).

MycoBank MB 134661. Fig 7A–7E View Fig 7 = Tuber formosanum H.T. Hu & Y. Wang, Mycotaxon 123: 296 (2013).

MycoBank MB 563693

Etymology: Japanese name “ Asiakuroseiyoshoro ” from Asia = locality, Kuro = black, seiyoshoro = Japanese name for the genus Tuber ).

Ascomata: hypogeous, 20–60 mm in diam, subglobose and slightly lobed, firm, brown (10 R 4/8) to dark greyish (7.5YR 8/18), with low polygonal warts, 4–6 ridges, up to 500-μm high. Odor: aromatic, similar to seaweed or laver boiled in soy sauce when mature. Peridium: 400– 800 μm thick, variable, pseudoparenchymatous, composed of two layers: outer layer 150–

200 μm thick, composed of irregular or ellipsoidal cells 10–20 × 5–15 μm, with thick, dark brown 1–2-μm walls; inner layer 200–600-μm thick, composed of hyaline to yellowish, polygonal cells 5–15 × 5–10 μm that merge with glebal tissue of interwoven hyphae. Gleba: solid, whitish when young, becoming dark brown to blackish at maturity, marbled with distinct, whitish, meandering veins that merge at many points. Interwoven hyphae of glebal tissue:

3–7 μm broad with scattered cells, gelatinized, inflated up to 10 μm. Asci: typically subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, occasionally ellipsoid, variable depending on number of spores, 48–

81 × 38–73 μm (n = 164), rarely stipitate, 1–4(–5)-spored. Ascospore: mostly ellipsoid, rarely globose, whitish or hyaline when young, becoming light brown (5 Y 8/3) to dark brown (5YR9/ 4) at maturity, 31–41 × 24–35 μm, Q = 1.1–1.6 (1-spored, n = 7); 24–44 × 17–32 μm, Q = 1.0– 1.6 (2-spored, n = 22); 17–37 × 15–33 μm, Q = 1.0–1.8 (3-spored, n = 154); 14–34 × 12–26 μm, 1.0–2.0 (4-spored, n = 279); 18–31 × 14–22 μm, Q = 1.0–1.9 (5-spored, n = 24), excluding ornamentation. Ornamentation with very variable: spines with free, partial reticulate, spiny-reticulate, and alveolate. Spines up to 2–7 (9) μm (n = 508) in height with 3–7-μm bases.

Habitat and distribution: North-western Provinces of India to southern China, Taiwan and Japan. In Japan, the fruiting period is from July to January. Woodland under Betula and Carpinus ( Betulaceae ); Castanea , Castanopsis and Quercus ( Fagaceae ); and Abies and Pinus ( Pinaceae ).

Specimens examined: JAPAN: MIYAGI Prefecture, Sendai City, Dec 2003, collected by Yoko Ando, K 464 ( TFM: S 17011); Sendai City, 23 Oct 2005, collected by Yoko Ando, K 465 ( TFM: S 170012); CHIBA Prefecture, Narashino City, under Q. acutissima , 15 Nov 2015, collected by Hiromi Kinoshita, S 27 ( TFM: S 17013); KYOTO Prefecture, Kyoto City, under Q. glauca and Q. serrata , 6 Dec 2004, collected by Takashi Yamanaka and Keisuke Obase, S 4 ( TFM: S 17014); HYOGO Prefecture, Sanda City, under Q. glauca , 27 Nov 2015, collected by Mitsuo Nabe and Michiyo Nabe, S 17 ( TFM: S 17015); OKAYAMA Prefecture, Niimi City, under Carpinus tschonoskii and Q. serrata , 19 Dec 2015, collected by Hideo Hara, S 23 ( TFM: S 17016); KOCHI Prefecture, Umaji Village, under Q. glauca and Q. serrata , 3 Feb 2017, S 66 ( TFM: S 17017); EHIME Prefecture: Futami-cho, under Castanopsis sieboldii and Quercus sp. , 24 Nov 2006 collected by Fumitaka Nagao, K 152 ( TFM: S 17018); OITA Prefecture, Yufu City, 24 Oct 2008, collected by Atsuko Hadano and Eiji Hadano, K 307 ( TFM: S 17019); Yufu City, under Q. acutissima and Q. serrata , 8 Oct 2006, collected by Hiromi Sasaki, K 448 ( TFM: S 17020).

Additional comments: Hu [ 4] described T. formosanum from Taiwan as a distinct species based on morphological observation; subsequently, Qiao et al. [ 6] typified T. formosanum based on a newly collected sample, because there was no typification in the original description by Hu [ 4]. They denoted that T. formosanum differs from T. indicum by its asci with a short stipitate, spiny-reticulate ascospores and association with Cyclobalanopsis glauca (= Quercus glauca ) [ 6]. However, we showed that T. formosanum is phylogenetically and morphologically indistinguishable from T. himalayense (= T. indicum group B) and Tuber sp. 6 . Because T. himalayense was described by Zhang & Minter [ 7] before T. formosanum was described by Hu [ 4], we synonymize T. formosanum with T. himalayense (hereafter we call Tuber sp. 6 and T. formosanum as “ T. himalayense ”).


Universidade de Lisboa, Museu Bocage


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Yale University


Universidad Central


Royal Botanic Gardens


Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet














Tuber himalayense B.C. Zhang & Minter, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc.

Kinoshita, Akihiko, Nara, Kazuhide, Sasaki, Hiromi, Feng, Bang, Obase, Keisuke, Yang, Zhu L. & Yamanaka, Takashi 2018

Tuber formosanum H.T. Hu & Y. Wang, Mycotaxon

H. T. Hu & Y. Wang 2013: 296

Tuber himalayense B.C. Zhang & Minter, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc.

B. C. Zhang & Minter 1988: 595
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