Trigonopterus pseudosimulans Riedel

Riedel, Alexander & Narakusumo, Raden Pramesa, 2019, One hundred and three new species of Trigonopterus weevils from Sulawesi, ZooKeys 828, pp. 1-153 : 1

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scientific name

Trigonopterus pseudosimulans Riedel

sp. n.

73. Trigonopterus pseudosimulans Riedel sp. n.

Diagnostic description.

Holotype, male (Fig. 73a). Length 2.53 mm. Color of antennae ferruginous; legs dark ferruginous to black; remainder black. Body subovate; in profile broadly convex, dorsally flat. Rostrum dorsally punctate-rugose, with median subglabrous ridge; with sparse suberect yellow scales; epistome indistinct. Pronotum dorsally subglabrous with sparse minute punctures, anteriorly with small punctures and two patches of sparse recumbent yellowish scales; laterally above procoxa with coarse punctures. Elytra subglabrous with minute punctures, with two patches of sparse recumbent yellowish scales sublaterally near base; striae largely obsolete. Femora edentate; anteroventral ridge distinct, simple. Metafemur with dorsoposterior ridge simple, subapically without stridulatory patch, anterior surface coarsely rugose-punctate, each puncture with narrow recumbent scale. Abdominal ventrites 1-2 subglabrous, microreticulate; ventrite 1 behind metacoxa with angular protrusion, medially impressed; ventrite 2 flat; ventrite 5 swollen, subglabrous, punctate, at middle with shallow impression. Penis (Fig. 73b) with sides of body subparallel, apex rounded, with very few short setae; endophallus near ostium with 8-shaped sclerite; apodemes 2.3 × as long as body of penis; transfer apparatus simple, spiniform; ductus ejaculatorius with indistinct bulbus.

Material examined.

Holotype (MZB): ARC2855 (EMBL # LN884938), C-Sulawesi Prov., Pendolo, Gn. Sampuraga, 02°12.476'S 120°45.506'E, 1050 m, beaten, 31-V-2012.


C-Sulawesi Prov. (Pendolo). Elevation ca. 1050 m.


The species most likely inhabits the leaf litter of montane forest; the finding of the holotype on vegetation was probably exceptional.


This epithet is a combination of the Greek prefix pseudo- (false) and the name of T. simulans Riedel, a related species from New Guinea. A variable adjective.


Trigonopterus pseudosimulans Riedel, sp. n. was coded as " Trigonopterus sp. 421".