Thinodromus ripicola, Cameron, 1941

Herman, Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium. I. Introduction, History, Biographical Sketches, and Omaliine Group, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (265), pp. 1067-1806 : 1067-1806

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090.265.1.1

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scientific name

Thinodromus ripicola


ripicola Cameron, 1941 View in CoL , see: Thinodromus .

rivularis Motschulsky, 1860: 552 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: bords du Baical; [Note: See lectotype designation by Gusarov, 1991]).

— Gyllenhal, 1810: 645 ( Oxytelus ; [Note: Misidentification: Bernhauer and Schubert, 1910: 104 cited corticinus Gyllenhal as a synonym of rivularis Motschulsky ; Gyllenhal did not describe the species as new, he attributed it to Gravenhorst]; characters; Sweden).

— Hochhuth, 1862: 94 ( Trogophloeus ; characters; Lake Baikal).

— Fauvel, 1869: 493 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of bilineatus Erichson ).

— Fauvel, 1873b: 122 [= 1873c: 15] ( Trogophloeus ; Caucasus).

— Fauvel, 1878: 93 [= 1878a: 13] ( Trogophloeus ; Algeria).

— Fauvel, 1886: 19 [= 1886a: 11] ( Trogophloeus ; Morocco; Algeria).

— Fowler, 1888: 387 ( Trogophloeus ; characters; Britain).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 651 ( Trogophloeus ; characters; Palaearctic region).

— Fauvel, 1902b: 61 ( Trogophloeus ; Morocco; Algeria; Tunisia).

— Klima, 1904: 46, 55 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; characters; Palaearctic region).

— Sainte-Claire Deville, 1906: 73 ( Trogophloeus ; Corsica).

— Poppius, 1909: 7 ( Trogophloeus ; Lena Valley, Siberia ).

— Reitter, 1909: 173 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; characters; Germany).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 103 ( Trogophloeus ; catalog).

— Johansen, 1914: 573 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; characters; Denmark).

— Notman, 1920a: 180 ( Trogophloeus ; New York).

— Cameron, 1930: 196 ( Trogophloeus ; characters; India).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1087 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; catalog).

— C. Koch, 1934: 37 ( Trogophloeus ; Egypt).

— C. Koch, 1936b: 135 ( Trogophloeus ; Egypt).

— Scheerpeltz, 1937: 107 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; characters in key; Palaearctic region; Himalayan region; North America).

— Tottenham, 1949: 409 ( Carpelimus ; checklist; Britain).

— Jeannel and Jarrige, 1949: 330 ( Trogophloeus ; cave species; Spain).

— Smetana, 1959a: 197 ( Trogophloeus ; Albania).

— Scheerpeltz, 1961d: 118 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; Italy).

— Scheerpeltz, 1961h: 250 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; Afghanistan).

— Palm, 1961a: 20 ( Trogophloeus ; characters; Sweden; Denmark; Norway; Finland).

— Horion, 1963: 194 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; Palaearctic region; Germany; Austria).

— Lohse, 1964: 77 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; characters; central Europe).

— Smetana, 1964d: 55 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; Czechoslovakia).

— Focarile, 1964: 64 ( Trogophloeus ; Italy).

— Smetana, 1967e: 311 ( Trogophloeus ; Turkey).

— Szujecki, 1968a: 713 ( Carpelimus ; Poland).

— Scheerpeltz, 1968a: 24 ( Trogophloeus ; catalog; Austria).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).

— Abdullah and Qadri, 1970: 123 ( Trogophloeus ; characters; West Pakistan).

— Smetana 1975c: 164 ( Trogophloeus ; Mongolia).

— Pope, 1977: 25 ( Carpelimus ; Britain).

— Lohse, 1978: 9, 11 ( Carpelimus ; characters).

— Muona, 1979: 19 ( Carpelimus ; Finland; Russia; Sweden; Norway; Denmark; Baltic States).

— Burakowski, Mroczkowski, and Stefańska, 1979: 89 ( Carpelimus ; catalog; Poland).

— Zanetti, 1980c: 93 ( Carpelimus ; habitat notes; Italy).

— Frank, 1982: 13 ( Carpelimus ; list of parasites).

— Muona and Viramo, 1986: 16 ( Carpelimus ; Finland).

— Ádám, 1987: 138 ( Paratrogophloeus ; collecting notes; Hungary).

— Lucht, 1987: 92 ( Trogophloeus ; checklist; Germany; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Austria; Switzerland; France; Benelux; Denmark; Sweden).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 131 ( Carpelimus ; characters).

— Gusarov, 1991: 3 ( Carpelimus ; notes; lectotype designation).

— Silfverberg, 1992: 23 ( Carpelimus ; Finland; Russia; Sweden; Norway; Denmark; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania).

— Welch, 1993: 227 ( Carpelimus ; ovariole number and ovary structure).

— Boháč, 1993: 42 ( Carpelimus ; subgenus Boopinus ; Slovakia; Czech Republic).

— Terlutter, 1995: 9 ( Carpelimus ; Germany).

— Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 11 ( Carpelimus ; Italy).

— Gildenkov, 1996b ( Carpelimus ; larval and pupal characters; Russia).

— Downie and Arnett, 1996: 443 ( Carpelimus ; USA).

— Franzen, 1996: 206 ( Carpelimus ; collecting notes; Germany).

— Tagliapietra and Zanetti, 1996: 129 ( Carpelimus ; ecological notes; Italy).

— M. Hansen, 1996: 99 ( Carpelimus ; checklist; Denmark).

— Ádám, 1996: 239 ( Paratrogophloeus ; synonym of obscurus ).

— Czarniawski and Staniec, 1997: 39 ( Carpelimus ; structure of opening of abdominal defensive reservoirs).

— Gildenkov, 1997b: 555, 557 ( Carpelimus ; characters; Russia).

— T. Wagner, 1997: 234 ( Carpelimus ; collecting notes; Germany).

— Wenzel, 1997: 345 ( Carpelimus ; collecting notes; Germany).

— Telnov, Bersevskis, Savich, Kovalevsky, Berdnikov, Doronin, Cibulskis, and Ratniece, 1997: 45 ( Carpelimus ; Latvia).

— Anderson, Nash, and O’Connor, 1997: 16 ( Carpelimus ; Ireland).

— Owen, 1997a: 148 ( Carpelimus ; collecting sites; Ireland).

— Gildenkov, 1998a: 53 ( Carpelimus ; Ukraine).

— Allen, 1998a: 125 ( Carpelimus ; collecting notes; Britain).

— Outerelo, Gamarra, and Salgado, 1998: 127 ( Carpelimus ; subgenus Carpelimus ; collected from cave; Spain).

— Herman, 2001: 23 ( Carpelimus ; prevailing use as valid maintained pending outcome of application to Commission under Article 23.9.3).

- DISTRIBUTION: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Europe, Russia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mongolia, USA.

obscurus Stephens, 1834: 326 ( Carpelimus ; [Note: This name is older than rivularis ]; Type locality: Yorkshire; Norfolk; Suffolk; Devonshire).

— Stephens, 1839: 421 ( Carpelimus , cited as Carpalimus ; characters; England).

— G. Waterhouse, 1858: 30 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of bilineatus ).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 651 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of rivularis ).

— Klima, 1904: 55 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of rivularis ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 104 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of rivularis ).

— Cameron, 1930: 196 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of rivularis ).

— Ádám, 1996: 239 ( Paratrogophloeus ; valid name; Hungary).

— Herman, 2001: 23 ( Carpelimus ; synonym of rivularis ).

metuens Mulsant and Rey, 1878: 716 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: Suisse) .

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 651 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of rivularis ).

— Klima, 1904: 55 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of rivularis ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 104 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of rivularis ).

— Cameron, 1930: 196 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of rivularis ).

subaequus Mulsant and Rey, 1878: 721 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: environs de Béziers, bords de l’Orb).

— Klima, 1904: 55 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of rivularis ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 104 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of rivularis ).

— Cameron, 1930: 196 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of rivularis ).

spretus Casey, 1889: 343 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: Pennsylvania; Maryland;

North Carolina).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 104 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of rivularis ). marchicus H. Wagner, 1916: 158 ( Trogophloeus ; aberration of rivularis ; [Note: Nomen nudum (Articles 1.3.4, 45.5)]; cited from Neider-Neuendorf a. Havel; Briesetal bei Birkenwerder).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1088 ( Trogophloeus ; aberration of rivularis ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1937: 107 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; aberration of rivularis ; characters in key; central Europe).

— Smetana, 1964d: 56 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; aberration of rivularis ; Czechoslovakia).

robustulus Casey, 1889: 369 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: New York).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 104 ( Trogophloeus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


robustulus C. Koch, 1934 , see: isonomenus Herman, 1970 .

rondaensis Fagel, 1957d: 278 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Troginus ; Type locality: Andalousie: Ronda, rio Grande).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).

— Gildenkov, 1997a: 616 ( Carpelimus ; subgenus Troginus ; characters).


rosenhaueri Kiesenwetter, 1850 , see: Ochthephilus .

ruandanus Cameron, 1956: 178 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Troginus ; Type locality: Ruanda: Kibuye, 1500 m).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


rubripennis Fauvel, 1863 , see: fulvipes Erichson, 1840 .

rudebecki Scheerpeltz, 1974: 61 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Boopinus ; Type locality:

Cape Prov.: Upington, Orange River).

- DISTRIBUTION: South Africa.

rudicollis Bernhauer, 1934d: 149 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Taenosoma ; Type locality: Brasilien: Matto Grosso, Corumba).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


ruficollis Wollaston, 1864 , see: troglodytes Erichson, 1840 .

ruficornis Cameron, 1930: 195 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: Ceylon: Belligam ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1088 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; catalog).

— Jarrige, 1963a: 120 ( Trogophloeus ; Ceylon).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


rufipennis Eppelsheim, 1878 , see: tautus Herman, 1970 .

rufipennis Stephens, 1834 , see: pusillus Gravenhorst, 1802 .

rufipes Oke, 1933: 107 ( Warburtonia ; Type locality: Australia: Victoria: Warburton ).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).

- DISTRIBUTION: Australia.

rufitarsis Fauvel, 1907: 14 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: Rift Valley: Nakuro; Naivasha; Nairobi).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 104 ( Trogophloeus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


rufoniger Cameron, 1945a: 142 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Boopinus ; Type locality: Java:

Tji Solak).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).

rufotestaceus Cameron, 1918: 64 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Taenosoma ; Type locality: Singapore: Sembawang).

— Cameron, 1921a: 365, 400 ( Trogophloeus ; characters; Singapore).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1088 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).

- DISTRIBUTION: Singapore.

rulomus Blackwelder, 1943: 81 ( Carpelimus ; Type locality: Dominican Republic: Barahona). — Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).

- DISTRIBUTION: West Indies.

sadiyanus Cameron, 1945: 65 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Boopinus ; Type locality: Assam: Sadiya).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


saigonensis Cameron, 1940b: 181 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Boopinus ; Type locality: Indo-China: Saigon).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


salicola Casey, 1895: 450 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: Utah, Great Salt Lake ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 104 ( Trogophloeus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


salinus Moore, 1964b: 278 ( Carpelimus ; Type locality: Mexico: Baja California: El Estero, seven miles south of Ensenada ).


sanguinicollis Bernhauer, 1932a: 77 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: Leopoldville).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1088 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


santiagus Coiffait, 1981 g: 305 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Taenosoma ; Type locality:

Ile Galapagos: Ile Santiago).

- DISTRIBUTION: Galapagos Islands.

saoudiensis Coiffait, 1979a: 174 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Taenosoma ; Type locality:

Saudi Arabia: Hofuf).

— Coiffait, 1981b: 237 ( Trogophloeus ; Saudi Arabia).

- DISTRIBUTION: Saudi Arabia.

scabrosus Kraatz, 1859: 179 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: Ceylan).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 104 ( Trogophloeus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1930: 194 ( Trogophloeus ; characters; Ceylon).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1088 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


schindleri Scheerpeltz, 1960c: 70 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Boopinus ; Type locality: Bolivien: Rio Yacuma, Espiritu).


schneideri Ganglbauer, 1895: 659 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Troginus ; Type locality:

Insel Borkum).

— Klima, 1904: 50, 66 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Troginus ; characters; Borkum Island).

— Reitter, 1909: 174 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Troginus ; characters; Germany).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 106 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Troginus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1912a: 50 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Taenosoma ; characters in key).

— Donisthorpe, 1930: 101 ( Trogophloeus ; characters; Britain).

— Normand, 1947a: 5 ( Trogophloeus ; Tunisia).

— Horion, 1963: 217 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Troginus ; France; Denmark; Germany; Holland; Britain).

— Lohse, 1964: 80 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Taenosoma ; characters; central Europe).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).

— Pope, 1977: 25 ( Carpelimus ; Britain).

— Lucht, 1987: 92 ( Trogophloeus ; checklist; Germany; Benelux; Denmark; Sweden).

— Haghebaert, 1989a: 277 ( Carpelimus ; notes; Camargue).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 133 ( Carpelimus ; note).

— Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 11 ( Carpelimus ; Italy).

— Gildenkov, 1997a: 615 ( Carpelimus ; subgenus Troginus ; characters).

- DISTRIBUTION: Europe, Tunisia, Egypt.

hemerinus Joy, 1913b: 155 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: Anthorn-on-Solway, Cumberland, estuary of the R. Wampool).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1090 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of schneideri ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1937: 119 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of schneideri ).

— Pope, 1977: 25 ( Carpelimus ; synonym of schneideri ).

aegyptiacus C. Koch, 1936b: 140 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Troginus ; subspecies of schneideri ; Type locality: Aegypten: Heluan; Meadi).

— Normand, 1947a: 5 ( Trogophloeus ; subspecies of schneideri ; Tunisia).

schoutedeni Cameron, 1928: 13 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: Belgian Congo: Bikoro; Irebu). — Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1088 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


schuberti Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1088 ( Trogophloeus ; replacement name for apicalis Schubert ). — Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


apicalis Schubert, 1911: 7 ( Trogophloeus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Paraguay).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1088 ( Trogophloeus ; synonym of schuberti ).

schwabei Bernhauer, 1939: 12 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Paracarpalimus ; Type locality: Puerto Puyuhuapi, Süd-Chile).

— Coiffait and Saiz, 1968: 443 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Paracarpalimus ; characters; Chile).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


scrobiculatus Erichson, 1840 , see: Thinodromus .

scrobiger Cameron, 1923: 393 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Boopinus ; Type locality: Grenada). — Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1088 ( Trogophloeus ; subgenus Trogophloeus ; catalog).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 76 ( Carpelimus ; characters; Grenada; Jamaica; Puerto Rico; Vieques Island; St. Vincent).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).

- DISTRIBUTION: West Indies.

scrupulus Casey, 1889: 379 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: Texas: Galveston ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 104 ( Trogophloeus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


sculptilis Casey, 1889: 354 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: California: Sonoma and Lake Cos.). — Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 104 ( Trogophloeus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 393 ( Carpelimus ).


sedatus Sharp, 1889: 417 ( Trogophloeus ; Type locality: Nagasaki; Kobé ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 104 ( Trogophloeus ; catalog).













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