Tarenaya pernambucensis Iltis

Neto, Raimundo Luciano Soares, Barbosa, Maria Regina De Vasconcellos & Roalson, Eric H., 2018, Two new species of Tarenaya (Cleomaceae) from Brazil, Phytotaxa 334 (1), pp. 28-34 : 32-34

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.334.1.4



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scientific name

Tarenaya pernambucensis Iltis

sp. nov.

2. Tarenaya pernambucensis Iltis View in CoL & M.B. Costa-e-Silva ex Soares Neto & Roalson sp. nov. ( Fig. 4a‒c View FIGURE 4 )

Type: — BRAZIL. Pernambuco, São Lourenço da Mata, Tapera, São Bento , Upon a rock, 25 June 1932, B. Pickel 3045 (holotype IPA!; isotypes BH, F v0053149 F [image!], GH GH00042342 [image!], LCU, MASS 00319664 About MASS [image!], MICH, MO!, RM RM0005356 [image!], UC, WIS v 0324960 WIS!) .

Diagnosis: —Resembles Cleome bicolor , being distinguished by the puberulent-glandular indument, conspicuous straight stipular spines (1‒1.5 mm long), disciform nectary and deflexed, subsessile mature capsules.

Herb 0.10 to 0.80 m tall, highly branched; puberulent-glandular throughout. Stipular spines straight, 1‒1.5 mm long. Leaves 3‒7-foliolate; petioles puberulent, armed with slender prickles, 2.5‒9 cm long; leaflets elliptic to oblanceolate, apically acute, basally attenuate, membranaceous, puberulent on both faces, discreetly armed on the abaxial face, margin entire, ciliate, central leaflet 2‒5.5 × 0.8‒2 cm, outermost 1.5‒4 × 0.5‒1.5 cm; petiolules puberulent, armed, c. 2 mm long. Racemes corymbiform laxiflorous, terminal, 9‒23 cm long. Bracts 1-foliolate, cordate or ovate, apically acute or obtuse, basally cordate or obtuse, margin ciliate, 3‒6 × 2‒4 mm; petioles puberulent, 0.5‒1 mm long. Flowers zygomorphic, on puberulent pedicels, (5‒) 8‒15 mm long, greenish. Sepals ovate to lanceolate, densely puberulent to glabrescent outside, margin entire, ciliate, 2‒2.5 × 0.5‒1 mm, greenish, deflexed and persistent in fruit. Petals unguiculate, claw ca. 1 mm long, blade spathulate, apically obtuse, 1.5‒2.5 × 0.5‒1 mm, glabrous, white, becoming pink at apex. Nectary disciform. Stamens 6, filaments glabrous, 2‒3 mm long, white; anthers 1.5‒2.5 mm long, yellowish. Ovary linear-cylindrical, 1.5‒2.5 × 0.5‒1 mm, densely puberulent; stigma discoid, sessile. Mature capsules linear-cylindrical, sometimes slightly curved, 2‒3 × 0.3 cm, deflexed, puberulent; gynophore 1‒2 mm long. Seeds horseshoe-shaped, 1‒1.5 × 1 mm, glabrous, with densely transverse ridges, cleft narrow, covered by a thin and little attached membrane, connecting the tips of the seeds.

Distribution and habitat: —Known from Alagoas, Bahia, Paraíba, and Pernambuco ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ), in the edge and upon rocks in semideciduous forests, and in riparian forests, between 245‒450 m high.

Etymology: —The epithet is a reference to the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, where the species was first recorded.

Phenology: —Flowers from February to December, and fruits from April to December.

Vernacular names: —Unknown.

Additional specimens examined (Paratypes): — BRAZIL. Alagoas: São José da Laje, Usina Serra Grande, 21 February 2002, M. Oliveira & A.A. Grillo 793 (HUEFS, IPA, UFP, UFRN). Bahia: Cachoeira, Vale dos rios Paraguaçu e Jacuípe, 12°38’S 39°05’W, September 1980, Grupo Pedra do Cavalo 712 (CEPEC, HUEFS); Feira de Santana, Fazenda Boa Vista, Serra de São José, 12°15’S 38°58’W, 10 May 1984, L.R. Noblick 3191 (CEPEC, HUEFS, PEUFR); loc. cit., Fazenda Boa Vista, Serra de São José, 12°15’S 38°58’W, 9 June 1984, L. Noblick & W. J. Hahn 3363 (HUEFS, WIS [4 sheets]); Iaçu, Rod. BA‒046, 17 July 1982, G. Hatschbach & O. Guimarães 45081 (CEPEC, MBM, WIS); Itaberaba, ARIE Serra do Orobó, Fazenda Bom Jardim, 12°19’55”S 40°27’00”W, 14 July 2006, L.P. de Queiroz & D. Cardoso 12220 (HUEFS). Paraíba: Maturéia, Pico do Jabre, 28 May 2005, P.C. Gadelha Neto et al. 1406 (JPB); Pocinhos, sem local determinado, 8 July 1994, L.P. Félix & A.M. Miranda 6553 (PEUFR). Pernambuco: Arcoverde, Estação Experimental, 21 July 1971, D. Andrade-Lima 6340 (EAC, IPA); Bezerros, Serra Negra, 16 September 1998, M.I.B. Loiola et al. 519 (PEUFR); loc. cit., Parque Municipal de Serra Negra, 8°21’S 35°46’W, 8 July 1995, M. Sales et al. 203 (WIS); loc. cit., Serra Negra ao lado de um olho d’água, 18 October 1999, M. B. Costa -e - Silva 1523 (WIS [3 sheets]); Bonito, Reserva Municipal de Bonito, 8°29’40”S 35°41’45”W, 21 May 1996, E.M.O. Villarouco et al. 189 (PEUFR); loc. cit., Reserva Municipal de Bonito, 21 May 1996, M. Oliveira et al. 299 (WIS); loc. cit., Reserva Municipal de Bonito, 8°029’40’S 35°841’45”W, 21 May 1996, S. S. Lira 190 (WIS); loc. cit., dentro da mata em local úmido, 10 January 1998, M. B. Costa -e - Silva 1480 (WIS); loc. cit., sobre pedras, próximo às cachoeiras, 10 April 1998, M. B. Costa -e - Silva 1481 (WIS); Camocim de São Félix , sob lajedo, 12 April 1997, A. M. Miranda et al. 2636 (HST, WIS); Chã de Alegria, estrada que dá acesso ao engenho Aratangi, 20 December 1996, M.F.A. Lucena & A. Laurênio 688 (PEUFR); Primavera, Cachoeira do Urubu, 8 September 1996, M.F.A. Lucena et al. 651 (PEUFR); Quipapá, Água Branca, Fazenda Pelada, 12 September 1950, D. Andrade-Lima 601 (IPA, WIS); São Lourenço da Mata, Estação Ecológica do Tapacurá, Mata do Alto da Buchada, 1 July 1997, A. Laurênio & M.I.B. Loiola 542 (PEUFR); loc. cit., Próximo à barragem de Tapacurá, na mata do Toró, 26 October 1999, M. B. Costa -e - Silva 152 9 (WIS [5 sheets]); Triunfo, Lagoa Nova, 7 June 1997, A.M. Miranda et al. 2697 (HST, WIS); loc. cit. Lagoa do Mariano, 30 April 1996, L. P. Félix & A. M. Miranda s. n. (HST 5298, WIS v 0324910 WIS); Vitória de Santo Antão, Engenho Pombal, primeira vereda após a ponte, em direção ao rio Tapacurá, 26 September 1998, A. Laurênio & M.I.B. Loiola 1379 (PEUFR); loc. cit., Engenho Pombal, Próximo a barragem de Tapacurá, 10 April 1999, M. B. Costa -e - Silva et al. 1513 (WIS [3 sheets]).

Notes: — Tarenaya pernambucensis is characterized by its puberulent-glandular indument, straight stipular spines, cordate bracts, small flowers and deflexed mature capsules with persistent sepals. It resembles Cleome bicolor Gardner (1843: 330) in the general appearance, indument and length of mature capsules, but differing by the conspicuous stipular spines, 1‒1.5 mm long (vs. spines less than 1 mm long or not developed, seemingly lacking), disciform nectary (vs. conic), short staminal filaments, 2‒3 mm long (vs. 15‒21 mm long), and by the subsessile mature capsules with persistent sepals (vs. capsules stipitate from elongation of gynophore without persistent sepals).

This species was previously identified by H.H. Iltis (1952, unpublished) as an infraspecific taxon of Cleome rosea Vahl ex DC. , C.rosea subsp. pernambucensis , based on B. Pickel 3045, chosen here as the type. Latter on, it was recognized as a distinct species by Costa-e-Silva (2000 unpublished), and identified in several Brazilian herbaria. Like C. curvispina , the name C. pernambucensis was never validly published.


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuária, IPA


L. H. Bailey Hortorium, Cornell University


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Harvard University - Gray Herbarium


Catholic University of America


University of Michigan


Missouri Botanical Garden


McGill University, Redpath Museum


Upjohn Culture Collection


University of Wisconsin

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