Stomis magrinii, Sciaky, 2024

Sciaky, Riccardo, 2024, Review of the Chinese Stomis, with description of nine new taxa and a new key (Carabidae: Pterostichini), Zootaxa 5523 (1), pp. 1-34 : 17

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5523.1.1

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scientific name

Stomis magrinii

sp. nov.

Stomis magrinii sp. nov.

Diagnosis. A Stomis of medium length (9.9–10.1 mm) black, shiny, convex. Head small, with rather large eyes, mandibles relatively short, pronotum slightly transverse, with base rather densely punctate, elytra rather broad and parallel-sided, only slightly dilated at middle, with rather well marked shoulders and striae deep and punctate. Aedeagus small, depressed in the apical portion, with very short apical lamella.

Description. Habitus as in Fig. 22 View FIGURES 21–24 . Length 10.1 mm; integuments rather shiny, black, body rather convex; legs and antennae dark reddish-brown, rather short; head of medium size, with shallow collar constriction right behind the eyes; mandibles rather long, longer than the rest of the head; the right one without notch; eyes rather small and convex; antennae relatively short, reaching the elytral base with the 8th article. Pronotum almost as broad as long, rather convex at sides; lateral margins feebly dilated in the anterior half, constricted in regular curve towards the base, then gently sinuate in the posterior fifth; anterior margin advanced at middle; anterior angles projecting forward, small but evident; base almost straight; basal foveae ill-defined, broad, quite densely punctate; basal angles obtuse; lateral gutter very narrow all along. Elytra oval, very feebly dilated in the posterior half, all striae deep and markedly punctate, intervals evidently convex; shoulders not constricted, rounded, without tooth. Median lobe of aedeagus very small, with basal portion shorter than apical one; in lateral view very thin and with apex rectilinear, in dorsal view with apical lamella very short and blunt, slightly asymmetrical ( Fig. 46 View FIGURES 43–47 ). Ratios: El/Pl = 2.09; Ew/Pw = 1.34; El/Ew = 1.36.

Type-locality: China, SW Shaanxi, Liping forest park, Micang Shan   GoogleMaps , 32° 47’ N 106° 40’ E, 1500–1700 m.

Type-series. Holotype ♂: China, SW Shaanxi, Liping forest park , Micang Shan, 32° 47’ N 106° 40’ E, 1500– 1700 m, 15.V–13.VI.2010, Jaroslav Turna leg. ( CM) GoogleMaps ; 1 Paratype ♂: N Sichuan, env. Daba , Micang Shan, 32° 40’ N 106° 56’ E, 1350–1450 m, 21.V–12.VI.2008, Jaroslav Turna leg. ( CM) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. This species is cordially dedicated to my friend Paolo Magrini, (Firenze, Italy), well-known specialist of hypogaean fauna, for his continuous help and encouragement.

Affinities. This species clearly belongs to the group of S. robustus , both for the color, general structure and peculiar aedeagal structure. Although, it seems more related to S. bousqueti sp. nov. in the very convex body.

Distribution. Known upon two male specimens collected in two different localities on the same mountain group, that is on the border between Shaanxi and Sichuan. In this area it is sympatric and probably also syntopic with S. vignai ssp. maior and S. exilis ssp. brivioi , but it seems much rarer than both the two other species.


Chongqing Museum













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