Sticherus paulistanus (Rosenst.) Copeland (1947: 28)

Lima, Lucas Vieira & Salino, Alexandre, 2018, The fern family Gleicheniaceae (Polypodiopsida) in Brazil, Phytotaxa 358 (3), pp. 199-234 : 225

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Felipe (2024-09-05 23:57:14, last updated 2024-09-06 03:12:37)

scientific name

Sticherus paulistanus (Rosenst.) Copeland (1947: 28)


3.8. Sticherus paulistanus (Rosenst.) Copeland (1947: 28) View in CoL . Figs. 7. E–I View FIGURE 7 , 8. D View FIGURE 8 , 9. A View FIGURE 9 .

Gleichenia paulistana Rosenstock (1925: 343) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: Campo Grande, Serra do Mar , A.C. Brade, 6924 pro parte (lectotype designated here, S [S-R 2419] photo!, isolectotypes NY [NY00144770] photo!, PH [ PH 00012238] photo!, S [S11-28542] photo!, UC [UC442432] photo!, US [ US 00065699; US00065698] photos!).

Plants terrestrial. Rhizomes 4,3–5,8 mm thick, with scales brown, soft, triangular, with apex aristate, base truncate, margins entire to dentate. Fronds scrambling, 3–4-forked, petiole 2.80–3.60 mm thick, ultimate branches 18.5–29 × 2.2–4 cm, lanceolate, apex pinnatifid, base slightly reduced at the inner side, abaxial surface dense to moderately scaly on the rachis, scales reddish-brown, lanceolate, with apex filiform, base truncate, margins fimbriate, and also with arachnoid scales, adaxial surface sparse to densely covered by reddish-brown arachnoid scales, segments linear 1.6–2.2 × 0.24–0.29 cm, margins plane to slightly revolute, abaxial surface with arachnoid scales on the secondary veins, and midrib. Buds with reddish-brown, triangular scales, with apex filiform, base truncate, margins dentate, pseudoestipule present. Veins 1-forked; Sori medial, without paraphyses.

Distribution and habitat: —Endemic to Brazil (Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, São Paulo). This species occurs along forest edge in the Atlantic Forest domain at 600–1500 m.

Selected specimens examined: — BRAZIL. Paraná: Mananciais da Serra , Piraquara, 10 October 1967, Dombrownski 2686 (PACA) ; Ponta Grossa, Parque Estadual de Vila Velha , 08 June 2004, Schwartsburd 182 (UPCB) ; Rio de Janeiro: Petrópolis, Represa de Caxambu Pequeno , 27 February 1978, Carauta 2866 (PACA) ; Itatiaia, Parque Nacional de Itatiaia , Monte Serrat, August 1933, Brade 12619 (RB) ; Santa Catarina: Imaruí, Forquilha da Aratingaúba, Parque Estadual da Serra do Tabuleiro ; 28º10’10”S, 48º52’13”W, 604 m, Verdi et al. 4046 (FURB); Palhoça, Reserva Florestal dos Pilões, 28 November 1950, Duarte 3170 (BHCB); São Paulo: Bananal, Estação Ecológica do bananal, na trilha entre a sétima e a sexta cachoeira do Córrego das Cobras, 22º48’23.5”S, 44º22’03.8”W, 1200 m, 10 March 2001, Salino et al. 6369 (BHCB) GoogleMaps ; Ribeirão Grande, Parque Estadual Intervales, trilha da Caçadinha com inicio na estrada do Carmo, 24º16’39.0”S, 48º25’09.0”W, 780 m, 15 April 2003, Salino et al. 8431 (BHCB); São Luiz do Paratininga, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, núcleo Santa Virgínia, trilha do Poço do Pito , 23º18’42.0”S, 45º07’11.4”W, 915m, 05 March 2001, Salino et al. 6202 (BHCB) GoogleMaps ; Miracatu, Reserva Votorantim, Complexo Juquiá, trilha entre a vila de moradores e a caixa d’água, 24º01’47”S, 47º21’01”W, 455 m, 31 March 2013, Almeida 3251 (BHCB).

Notes:— Sticherus paulistanus is morphologically related to S. squamosus but differs by having segments with scales restrict to the midribs and secondary veins, bud scales reddish-brown, triangular, with dentate margins and filiform apex, without fimbria and any kind of darkening, and rachises usually sulcate. Sticherus squamosus has segments lanose, bud scales stramineous, usually with basal darkening, fimbriate margins, and rachises usually terete. Gonzales & Kessler (2011) and Gonzales (2003) recognized S. paulistanus as synonym of S. squamosus , but we consider it as a distinct species based in the characters listed above (also see discussion under S. squamosus ).

In the original description, Rosenstock (1925) cited three collections of Brade (6924, 5822, and 6614). We found nine exsiccate of these collections, eight of number 6924, one of 6614, and none of 5822. Regarding number 6924, we found two at US (both with transcript labels), two at S (one with original label and the other with a transcript label), one at US, one at PH, and one at NY (all with Rosenstock’s original labels). We chose as lectotype one of the S specimens, because it is the most complete specimen with an original label of Rosenstock. The FI specimen under Brade 6614 must not be considered as a type, since it corresponds to S. lanosus , as is the B specimen under the number 6624.

Copeland, E. B. (1947) Genera filicum. The genera of ferns. Annales Cryptogamici et Phytopathologici 5: 1 - 247.

Gonzales, J. (2003) A taxonomic revision of the genus Sticherus (Gleicheniaceae - Pteridophyta) in the Neotropics. PhD thesis, Univ. Gottingen, Germany.

Gonzales, J. & Kessler, M. (2011) A synopsis of the Neotropical species of Sticherus (Gleicheniaceae), with descriptions of nine new species. Phytotaxa 31: 1 - 54. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / phytotaxa. 31.1.1

Rosenstock, E. (1925) Filices novae a cl. A. C. Brade in Brasilia collectae. Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis 21: 343 - 349. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / fedr. 19250212105

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FIGURE 7. A–E. Sticherus nigropaleaceus (Lima 20, CESJ). A. Detail of the abaxial segment surface. B. Rhizome scale. C. Bud scale. D. Rachis scale. E–I. S. paulistanus E. Detail of the abaxial segment surface. F. Rhizome scale. G. Bud scale. H. Rachis scale. I. Arachnoid scale of the abaxial side of the laminae. J–N. S. lanuginosus (Novelino s.n., CESJ 29978). J. Detail of the abaxial segment surface. K. Rhizome scale. L. Bud scale. M. Rachis scale. N. Arachnoid scale of the abaxial side of the laminae. O–R. S. longipinnatus (Maciel 780, BHCB). O. Detail of the abaxial segment surface. P. Rhizome scale. Q. Bud scale. R. Rachis scale. S. Anchor-shaped scale of the abaxial rachis surface.

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FIGURE 8. Habit. A. Sticherus lanuginosus. B. S. longipinnatus. C. S. nigropaleaceus. D. S. paulistanus.

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FIGURE 9. Distribution of five taxa of Sticherus in Brazil.A. Sticherus longipinnatus, S. paulistanus. B. S. nigropaleaceus and S. salinoi. C. S. pruinosus and S. remotus. D. S. squamosus.











