Schizostauron cf. trachyderma (F.Meister) Górecka & Riaux-Gobin

Lobban, Christopher S. & Witkowski, Andrzej, 2023, Marine benthic diatoms of Guam: new records, Dictyoneis apapae sp. nov., and updates to the checklist, Micronesica 2023 (2), pp. 1-75 : 32-33

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12118784


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scientific name

Schizostauron cf. trachyderma (F.Meister) Górecka & Riaux-Gobin


Schizostauron cf. trachyderma (F.Meister) Górecka & Riaux-Gobin

Our species identified as Achnanthes citronella is a species of Schizostauron but we can so far only propose it as Schizostauron cf. trachyderma (F.Meister) Górecka & Riaux-Gobin. The difficulties in deciding whether it is that species, S. kajotkei Dabek, Górecka & Witkowski , or neither was discussed with reference to Chuuk specimens by J.S.Park et al. (2022), and the SEM images we have to date for this species do not resolve the question. See Riaux-Gobin et al. (2015), Davidovich et al. (2017) and Górecka et al. (2021).

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