Schinia angulilinea Pogue, 2006

Pogue, Michael G., 2006, Nomenclatural validation of three North American species of Heliothinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and the adult description of Heliolonche joaquinensis Hardwick, Zootaxa 1283 (1283), pp. 25-36 : 26-28

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Schinia angulilinea Pogue

sp. nov.

Schinia angulilinea Pogue View in CoL , new species

( Figs. 1, 6–7, 14–15)

Schinia arizonensis Hardwick 1996: 135 View in CoL , nomen nudum.

Diagnosis. Schinia angulilinea shares a similar forewing pattern with S. crotchii (H. Edwards) . The postmedial line in S. angulilinea is distinctly angulate between veins M1 and M2, whereas in S. crotchii this line is only slightly curved. The hindwing ground color in S. angulilinea is pale yellow to orange and white in S. crotchii . The angulate postmedial line in S. angulilinea is similar to the same line in S. edwardsii (Smith) . These two species are easily separated based on forewing length, which is larger in S. angulilinea (12–14 mm) than in S. edwardsii (9–10.5 mm). The forewing pattern is more delineated and the hindwing ground color is a brighter yellow with a more distinct discal spot in S. edwardsii than in S. angulilinea .

Description. Male: Head: Vertex white with brown­tipped scales, frons bulbous, ventral lip not produced, white with brown­tipped scales. Labial palp with white and light brown flat scales, hairlike scales white and light brown with longer scales ventrally and shorter ones dorsally. Antenna filiform, scape and dorsal scales white. Eyes globular. Thorax: Patagium, tegula, meso­ and metathorax with hairlike scales white, white tipped with light brown and white tipped with fuscous; flat scales underlying hairlike ones a mixture of white and white tipped fuscous. Venter cream. Foreleg with femur white and light brown, ventral hairlike scales cream; tibia shorter than basitarsus, light brown and white, inner side with 1 large and 2 smaller spines, outer side with 2 large spines; tarsi light brown with white apical rings. Middle leg and tarsi brown mixed with some white scales. Hind leg white mixed with some brown scales, tarsi white. Forewing: Male length 12–14 mm (n = 8). Basal area proximal to antemedial line a mixture of light brown and fuscous scales; antemedial line white, at costa line faint and slightly curved proximally to Cu vein, from Cu vein to posterior margin line distinct and greatly curved distally; orbicular spot oval, light brown ringed with fuscous; reniform spot light brown bordered with fuscous proximally and distally; postmedial line with a distinct bulge between veins M1 and M2, white, bordered with fuscous distally; subterminal line straight, white; small fuscous triangular spots between veins along outer margin; veins white; fringe mixed with light fuscous and white scales. Underside ground color cream; orbicular and reniform spots fuscous; angulate gray band from costa to posterior margin. Hindwing: Ground color pale yellow to orange; discal spot rectangular, fuscous; marginal band fuscous with a short pale yellow bar along margin; fringe white with fuscous basally. Abdomen: Gray dorsally with lighter scales along distal margins of tergites; gray mixed with white ventrally, white scales tending to be more concentrated along distal margins of sternites; hair pencils absent, scent pockets vestigial on second sternite.

Genitalia ( Figs. 6–7): Uncus moderately elongate (0.37 X valve length). Valve wide (length 5.5 X width), costal margin gently curved; ampulla large (0.07 X valve length); corona present; sacculus well developed and greatly produced; posterior margin evenly curved. Juxta quadrate, distal margin a sharp median projection, patch of small spines in membranous area distal to juxta. Saccus V­shaped. Aedoeagus slightly curved, dorsal patch of dense minute spicules; vesica with 2 coils and minute spicules.

Female. As in male except forewing length 11–13 mm (n = 2). Genitalia ( Figs. 14–15): Papillae anales semi­circular, apex round. Ovipositor semi­telescopic. Anterior and posterior apophyses thin and slight. Eighth segment with fine spicules; distal margin with fine, medium­sized setae. Ostium bursae lightly sclerotized, U­shaped, minute spicules present. Ductus bursae wide, approximately 0.25 X length. Appendix bursae with 2 coils. Corpus bursae ovate, apex slightly produced; signa composed of 2 scobinate bars.

Holotype ♂, in USNM, with the following labels: 1) White Mts. , Ariz. June 25, 1930; 2) USNM ENT 00143399 About USNM [bar code label]; 3 ) Holotype ♂, Schinia angulilinea Pogue.

Paratypes. 7 ♂, 2 ♀. ARIZONA: White Mts. , [no date] (1♂), genitalia slide USNM 49618 About USNM , June 25, 1930 (2♂, 1♀) , ♀ genitalia slide USNM 49619 About USNM , July 25, 1930 (1♂), July 25­27, 1930 (1♂), Aug. 2, 1930, (1♂) genitalia slide USNM 46857 About USNM ; Apache Co., White Mts., 25 mi W Springerville, 10,000 ft., 25 July 1930 (1♂), E. R. Tinkham ( CNC) (Hardwick holotype); Cochise Co. , Huachuca Mts. , Ramsey Canyon, 11 Sep. 1967 (1♀), R. F. Sternitzky ( CNC) .

Flight period. Late June to early September.

Distribution. Known only from Apache and Cochise counties in eastern Arizona.

Discussion. Hardwick (1996) created a nomen nudum by not describing S. arizonensis using descriptive words, but stated “... as illustrated in the figure.” According to Hardwick (1996), S. angulilinea had been confused with S. edwardsii until he examined the holotype of S. edwardsii and concluded that they were distinct species.

The distribution of S. edwardsii is from northwestern Wyoming west to Montana, Idaho, and eastern Oregon. Schinia angulilinea is known only from eastern Arizona.

Etymology. The species epithet is a compound latin word meaning angled line, referring to the distinct angle in the postmedial line of the forewing.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes














Schinia angulilinea Pogue

Pogue, Michael G. 2006

Schinia arizonensis

Hardwick, D. F. 1996: 135
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