Scaphinotus (Pseudonomaretus) merkelii (G. H. Horn) 1890

Kavanaugh, David H. & Angel, Kathleen W., 2015, A Taxonomic Review of the Northwestern Nearctic Subgenus Pseudonomaretus Roeschke 1907, including Description of the New Species Scaphinotus hoodooensis (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cychrini) from the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 62 (14), pp. 381-396 : 391-393

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13154915

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Scaphinotus (Pseudonomaretus) merkelii (G. H. Horn) 1890


Scaphinotus (Pseudonomaretus) merkelii (G. H. Horn) 1890 View in CoL

Figures 2b, 3b View FIGURE , 5 View FIGURES , 9

Cychrus merkelii G. H. Horn 1890:71 View in CoL . Holotype, a female, in MCZ, labeled: “Ida”/ “Merkel”/ “ C. merkelii Horn View in CoL ”/ “ Cychrus merkelii Horn View in CoL ” [red label]/ “MCZ Holotype 34934” [red label]. Type locality: Coeur d’Alene, Idaho (designated by Lindroth, 1961:20).

Cychrus idahoensis Webb 1901:133 View in CoL . Lectotype, here designated, a male, in WSU, labeled: “Moscow Mt. Idaho ”/ “July 99”/ “Type I” [red label]/ “ LECTOTYPE Cychrus idahoensis Webb View in CoL , design. by D. H. Kavanaugh and K. W. Angel 2015”. We examined one male and two female paralectotypes with same data as lectototype, except each labeled with a different “Type” number (“II”, “3” and “IV”, respectively), and one additional female paralectotype (labeled: “Collins, Idaho July 24, 1898.”/ “Type 5”, all also in WSU. Each of these paralectotypes now also bears the following label: “ PARALECTOTYPE Cychrus idahoensis Webb 1901 View in CoL , D. H. Kavanaugh and K. W. Angel 2015” [yellow label]. Synonymy established by Gidaspow (1973). Type locality: Moscow Mountain, Latah County, Idaho.

Pseudonmomaretus merkeli (G. H. Horn) . Casey, 1914:30.

Scaphinotus (Pseudonomaretus) merkeli (G. H. Horn) . Roeschke 1907: ##; Hatch 1953:45; Lindroth, 1961:20; Gidaspow 1973:74.

Scaphinotus (Pseudonomaretus) merkelii (G. Horn) View in CoL . Bouquet 1993; Bergdahl 2014:4.

NOTES ON NOMENCLATURE AND TYPES.— In his original description of Cychrus idahoensis, Webb (1901) View in CoL noted that he had seen a total of 14 specimens, including 11 from “Cedar Mountain” [now know as Moscow Mountain] and three from Collins, Idaho. This suggests that there are nine additional specimens, which we have not seen, that should also be considered paralectotypes of this name .

RECOGNITION.— Adults of this species can be distinguished from those of other species of Pseudonomaretus by the following combination of character states: SBL = 12.5 mm or less (males 9.9–1.0 mm, females 10.7–12. 2 mm); elytra moderately shiny, with microsculpture shallowly impressed, without or with faintly suggested bronze metallic reflection; head with a distinct transverse impression at level of posterior margin of eyes clearly delineating frontal and occipital regions; labrum ( Fig. 2b) with lateral lobes markedly long and narrow; antennomere 4 ( Fig. 3b View FIGURE ) as pubescent as antennomere 5 or nearly so, apical half of antennomere 3 also but more sparsely pubescent; pronotum with basolateral pair of setiferous pores present; male protarsomere 1 ( Fig. 5b View FIGURES ) with pad of adhesive setae ventrally on apical two-thirds only, protarsomere 4 also with a pad; elytra with 13 to 15 striae, with none to all of them interrupted by punctures in and between striae, elytral intervals 4 and 8 without discal setiferous pores; median lobe of male aedeagus ( Fig. 9) slen- der, with ventral margin evenly arcuate in lateral aspect ( Fig. 9b), widest and slightly flaired laterally just distal to midpoint of shaft and gradually tapered to a broadly rounded apex in dorsal aspect ( Fig. 9a).

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GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION.— This species is known from southeastern British Columbia, northwestern Montana and northern and central Idaho ( Gidaspow 1973; Bergdahl 2014).














Scaphinotus (Pseudonomaretus) merkelii (G. H. Horn) 1890

Kavanaugh, David H. & Angel, Kathleen W. 2015

Scaphinotus (Pseudonomaretus) merkelii (G. Horn)

BERGDAHL, J. C. 2014: 4

Scaphinotus (Pseudonomaretus) merkeli (G. H. Horn)

GIDASPOW, T. 1973: 74
LINDROTH, C. H. 1961: 20
HATCH, M. H. 1953: 45

merkeli (G. H. Horn)

CASEY, T. L. 1914: 30

Cychrus idahoensis Webb 1901:133

WEBB, J. L. 1901: 133

Cychrus merkelii G. H. Horn 1890:71

LINDROTH, C. H. 1961: 20
HORN, G. H. 1890: 71
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