Saprinus (Saprinus) cyaneus cyaneus (Fabricius, 1775)

Lackner, Tomas & Leschen, Richard A. B., 2017, A monograph of the Australopacific Saprininae (Coleoptera, Histeridae), ZooKeys 689, pp. 1-263 : 101-113

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Saprinus (Saprinus) cyaneus cyaneus (Fabricius, 1775)


Saprinus (Saprinus) cyaneus cyaneus (Fabricius, 1775) View in CoL Figs 408, 409-414, 415-421, 755, 760, 762

Hister cyaneus Fabricius, 1775: 52.

Saprinus australasiae Blackburn, 1903: 107 - Synonymized by Wenzel (1955): 609.

Type locality.


Type material examined.

Hister cyaneus Fabricius, 1775: lectotype, present designation, sex undetermined, pinned, right hind leg, left metatarsus, right mesotarsus, two last mesotarsomeres of left mesotibia missing, with written label " cyaneus "; followed by: " Hister cyaneus / Fabricius, 1775 / LECTOTYPE / des. T. Lackner 2016" (red label, written) (ZMUC). This species was described from an unknown number of specimens and the lectotype designation fixes the identity of this species.

Saprinus australasiae Blackburn, 1903: lectotype, present designation, sex undetermined, with the following labels: " Saprinus / australasiae / cotype" (written); followed by: "15898 / Saprinus / Australasiae / Bl. / N. Territory / Cotype" (written); followed by: " SAMA Database / No. 25-029674" (printed); followed by: " Saprinus / australasiae / Blackburn, 1903 / LECTOTYPE des. T. Lackner / 2016" (red label, written) (SAMA). This species was described from an unknown number of specimens and the lectotype designation fixes the identity of this species.

Additional material examined.

AUSTRALIA. Victoria: 1 ♂ & 1 ♀, N. Victoria, Nieringua, 3.i.1931, C.E. Clarke (AMNZ); 1 ♀, Australia 1934, C.E. Clarke (AMNZ); 1 ♀, Victoria, Laue & Rolle (ZMHUB). Western Australia: 3 ♂♂ & 1 ♀, Marloo Station 1934, Wurarga, Gebr. Goerling S.G. (ZMHUB); 1 ♀, Denmark (?), 1938, de Boulay (AMNZ); 1 spec., 10 km S by W of Malcolm, 29.025S 121.29E, 12.xi.1977, T.A. Weir (ex fox carcass) (ANIC); 1 spec., 3 km W Armedale 30.xii.1977, L. Haylos (Howden Trap) (ANIC); 1 spec., Red Bluff, 27.44S 114.11E, 23.xi.1971, N. McFarland (ANIC); 1 spec., Wilga, 8.xi.1973, K. Carnaby (ANIC); 1 spec., Blow Holes Road, Carnavon, 3.ix.1978, K. & E. Carnaby (ANIC); 14 specs., Carnavon, viii.1980, K. & E. Carnaby (ANIC); 1 spec., Coral Bay, Turn Off, 25.vii.1980, K. & E. Carnaby (ANIC); 1 spec., North West Cape, 21.vii.1981, K. & E. Carnaby (ANIC); 1 spec., Maidu Vale, 28.viii.1959, B.P. Moore (ANIC); 5 specs., Stirling Range Natural Park, Bluff Knoll Road, 31.xii.1985, C. Reid (on dead kangaroo) (ANIC); 1 spec., Claremont, 25.ii.1955, M.M.H. Wallace (ANIC); 1 spec., ditto, but 20.ii.1955 (ANIC); 1 spec., Nullabor, 1.iv.1967, T.O. Wolve (ANIC); 1 spec., Applecross, 24.ii.1959, F.H. Utner Baker (ANIC); 1 spec., Blow Holes Road, Carnavon, 3.ix.1978, K. & E. Carnaby (ANIC); 1 spec., Exmouth, 13.viii.1975, K. & E. Carnaby (ANIC); 1 ♀, 90 m Tank, E Lake King, 28.i.1985, K. & E. Carnaby (ANIC); 1 ♀, 43 km W of SA/WA border, 13.i.1992, Joe Bugeja (ANIC); 1 spec., Kimberley, Drysdale River National Park, Solea Falls, 14°41'S, 127°00'E, 4.-5.v.1998, D.J. Cook (pitfall, fish bait) (QM); 11 specs., Stirling Ranges, Bluff Knoll, 150 m, 12.xi.1963, J. Sedláček (QM); 1 spec., Eucla, 5 m, 28.x.1963, J. Sedláček (QM); 9 specs., Murchison River, 21.xi.1963, J. Sedláček (QM); 2 specs., 16 km N Northampton, 21.xi.1963, J. Sedláček (QM); 1 spec., Broome, 24.xi.1963, J. Sedláček (QM); 1 spec., Mt. Barker, Helms; Fitzroy & Margaret Rivers, Calvert Expedition, 1896 (SAMA); 1 spec., Beverly, F.H. du Boulay; Faure Island, Shark Bay, 15 km SE Monkey Mia, 25°53'50"S, 113°54'27"E, 27.-31.v.2000, J.A. Forrest (dung trap) (SAMA); 1 spec. Geraldton & Mullewa, Lea (SAMA). Australian Capital Territory: 1 spec., Canberra, 14.x.1965, E. Britton (coast road under dead wombat) (ANIC); 1 spec., Turner, x.1965, K. Pullen (ANIC); 1 spec., Acton, 17.xi.1967, K. Pullen (ANIC); 7 specs., Canberra, 9.xii.1957, W.J.M. Vestjens (ANIC); 1 spec., Monash, 35.24S 149.06E, 26.x.1992, W. Dressler (grass clippings) (ANIC); 1 spec., ditto, but xii.1987 (ANIC); 1 spec., ditto, but 8.ii.1987 (ANIC); 1 spec., ditto, but 25.ii.1990 (ANIC); 2 specs., Gunguhlin, 5.xii.1960, W.J.M. Vesjtens (at light) (ANIC); 3 specs., ditto, but 2.iii.1965 (ANIC); 3 specs., ditto, but 28.xi.1967, A. d’Andria (carrion) (ANIC); 1 ♀, Downer, 7.xii.1987, A. Polak (ANIC); 1 ♀, Black Mtn. Canberra, 2.iii.1982, R. Dallwitz, feeding on Lucilla puparia (ANIC); 1 ♀, Mt. Mujura, 10.xii.1993, A. Polak (ANIC).

Northern Territory: 3 specs., Litchfield NP, 40 km E of Daly River, 14.xii.2008, Sváťa Bílý leg. (NMPC); 2 specs., c. 85 km NW of Yuendumu, 22.15S 131.48E,, S. Parker (ANIC); 2 specs., Nourlangie Creek, 8 km N of Mt. Cahill, 12.48S 132.42E,, Upton & Feehan (ANIC); 1 spec., Nangalala, i.1973, H. Reeve (ANIC); 1 spec., Barkly Rdhse, 1.8 km SE, 19°43'S, 135°50'E, 230 m, 8.-10.ii.2007, D.J. Cook (dung pitfall trap) (QM); 1 spec., Caranbirini, Amphitheatre, 16°17'S, 136°05'E, 18.-19.iv.2004, Monteith & Cook (dung trap, Euc. miniata , sandstone) (QM); 1 spec., Roper River, N.B. Tindale (SAMA); 1 spec., Mary River, Woods (SAMA); 7 specs., Groote Eylandt, N.B. Tindale (SAMA); 3 specs., Darwin, G.F. Hill; (SAMA); 1 ♂ & 2 ♀♀, 15 km S Katherine,, dead wallaby, M. Hielkema (HMNH); 1 ♂, 40 km N Mataranka,, wild boar, M. Hielkema leg. (HMNH); 1 ♂, ditto, but 40 km N Mataranka, dead wallaby (HMNH). Queensland: 1 ♂, Cape York, F. Schneider (ZMHUB); 1 ♂, Endeavour River, H. Rolle, Berlin SW 11 (ZMHUB); 1 ♂, Cape Bedford (ZMHUB); 5 ♂♂ & 6 specs., N. Queensland, Yorkey’s Knob, 12 km S Cairns, 6.ix.1983, Bornemissza leg. (HMNH); 1 ♂ & 1 spec., Wallaroo, 17.i.1968, G. Hangay leg. (HMNH); 1 ♂, Edungalba, 8.i.1968, G. Hangay leg. (HMNH); 1 spec., Mackenzie River, 29.i.1968, G. Hangay leg. (HMNH); 2 specs., Yungaburra, 23.iii.1965, G.F. Bornemissza leg. (HMNH); 1 spec., Mt. Cootha (ANIC). 1 spec., upper Jardine River, Cape York peninsula, 11°17'S, 142°35'E, 20.x.1979, M.S. & B.J. Moulda (MAMU); 1 spec., Longreach, A.M. Lea (SAMA); 1 spec., Brisbane,, E. Jarvis (SAMA); 3 specs., Bowen, A. Simson (SAMA); 2 specs., BoomerRa, Python Scrub, Site 5, 240 m, 23°12'S, 149°44'E. 28.-29.ix.1999, G.B. Monteith (dung trap, vine scrub) (QM); 1 spec., Boggom, via Taroom, 25 °27'S, 150°02'E, 12.xi.1996-i.1997, Cook & Monteith (FIT trap, baited) (QM); 17 specs., Boggom, via Taroom, 25°25'S, 150°01'E, 12.xi.1996-i.1997, Cook & Monteith (FIT trap, baited) (QM); 2 specs., Boggom, via Taroom, 25°29'S, 150°08'E, 14.xi.1996-i.1997, Cook & Monteith (FIT trap, baited) (QM); 8 specs., Boggom, 12/1, (NathanG) via Taroom, 25°27'S, 150°08'E, 13.xi.1996-i.1997, Cook & Monteith (FIT trap, baited) (QM); 6 specs., Boggom, via Taroom, 25°27'S, 150°03'E, 11.xi.1996-i.1997, Cook & Monteith (FIT trap, baited) (QM); 15 specs., ABRS Area 5, 142°50'E 11°40S, Captain Billy Creek, Cape York Peninsula, 9.-13.vii.1975, G.B. Monteith (fish bait) (QM); 1 spec., Telegraph Crossing, Dulhunty River, Cape York Peninsula, 2.-4.vii.1975, G.B. Monteith (QM); 1 spec., Captain Billy Beach, 142°50'E 11°40S, 9.-13.vii.1975, G.B. Monteith (QM); 2 specs., Road Crossing, Jardine River, Cape York Peninsula, 16.-27.ix.1974, G.B. Monteith (QM); 5 specs., Stanthorpe, 20.x.1926, E. Sutton (QM); 1 spec., ditto, but 17.ii.1892, collector unknown (QM); 1 spec., ditto, but 11.x.1926 (QM); 3 specs., Cairns District, J.A. Anderson (QM); 1 spec., Cairns; 4 specs., Wyreema, no date, O.W. Tiegs (QM); 1 spec., Beenlugh, 18.x.1929, collector unknown (QM); 5 specs., Nelly Bay, Magnetic Is., 5.v.1997, S. Feam (under dead cane toad) (QM); 1 spec., ditto, but v.1997, S. Feam (black light) (QM); 5 specs., Toomba, 390 m, 19°58'S, 145°34'E, 14.-17.xii.2006, G.B. Monteith & D.J. Cook (feces baited pitfall, rainforest) (QM); 5 specs., Mt. Gavial, 1 km S, 400 m, 23°36'S, 150°29'E, 17.xii.1998-14.iii.1999, D.J. Cook (open forest intercept trap) (QM); 3 specs., Toomba, 390 m, 19°58'S, 145°34'E, 14.-17.xii.2006, G.B. Monteith & D.J. Cook (feces baited pitfall, rainforest) (QM); 6 specs., Red Falls Basalt, 340 m, 19°55.6'S, 145°44'E, 16.-17.xii.2006, D.J. Cook (feces-baited pitfall trap, vinescrub, basalt) (QM); 2 specs., Gregory x Herveys Range, Dev. Road, 350 m, 19°31.7'S, 145°44.3'E, 17.-18.xii.2006, D.J. Cook (open forest, faeces pitfall trap) (QM); 3 specs., Gregory Dev. Road, 14 km NW Clarke River, 400 m, 19°07.9'S, 145°20.2'E, 17.-18.xii.2006, Monteith & Cook (faeces-baited pitfall, vinescrub) (QM); 1 spec., ditto, but 394 m, 17.xii.2006-15.ii.2007 (pitfall vinescurb/limestone) (QM); 3 specs., Lolworth National Park, 19°49.7'S, 146°05.4'E, 270 m, 12.-14.xii.2006, D.J. Cook, G. Monteith & S. Wright (hand collection, open forest) (QM); 2 specs., Mt. Robert, 2 km NNW, 21°21'S, 148°29'E, 360 m, 23.x.-18.xii. 2000, Cook & Monteith (softwood scrub, FIT) (QM); 1 ♀, Pearlinga, nr. Munduberra, 160 m, 25°36'S, 151°07'E, 20.x.2000-23.iii.2001, Cook & Monteith (vine scrub, FIT) (QM); 2 ♀♀ & 3 ♂♂, St. Lawrence, 5 km E, 22°21'S, 149°34'E, 40 m, 21.x.-19.x.2000, Cook & Monteith (softwood scrub, FIT) (QM); 2 specs., Lake Bindegolly, near bridge, 28°06'S, 144°13'E, 26.-27.viii.2000, D.J. Cook (dung pitfall) (QM); 3 specs., Isla Gorge National Park, NE corner, 25°10'S, 150°01'E, 4.-6.iii.1998, D.J. Cook (vine scrub, dung pitfall) (QM); 1 spec., BoomerRa, Site 2, 180 m, 23°12'S, 149°45'E, 28.-30.xii.1999, Monteith & Cook (open forest dung trap) (QM); 1 spec., Mt. Rose, via Taroom, 25°25'S, 149°58'E, 23.ix.-15.xii.1997, 260 m, D.J. Cook (vine scrub remnant, pitfall) (QM); 4 specs., Deepwater National Park, 65 km NW Bundaberg, 20.-26.ix.1992, G.B. & S.R. Monteith (QM); 2 specs., Moreton Island, Tertiary Dune nr. Blue Lagoon, 4.-11.xii.1988, S. Hamlet (FIT) (QM); 1 spec., Mt. Cleveland Summit, 25 km E Townsville, 13.i.1991, A. Graham (hand collecting) (QM); 2 specs., Russel River at Bellenden, Ker Landing, 5 m, 24.x.-9.xi.1981, Earthwatch/ QM (baited window trap) (QM); 2 specs., Pine Mt., 1.7 km S, 21°46'S, 148°50'E, 240 m, 17.-18.xii.1999, D. Cook (vine scrub & Eucalyptus ; dung trap); 1 spec., "Washpol Trap", 26°22'S, 151°18'E, 28.xii.2001, NHT project (dung pitfall) (QM); 1 spec., Hartley’s Creek, 2.5km S, 16°40'S, 145°34'E, 10 m, 3.-11.ii.1999, Monteith & Cook (open forest, fish pitfall) (QM); 1 spec., Rochford’s Scrub, site 1, 20°07'S, 146°37'E, 1270 m, 11.xii.2006, G.B. Monteith (open forest, hand collection at faeces) (QM); 1 spec., McAfee’s Lookout, 300 m, 27°26'S, 152°53'E, 18.x.1999, G. Monteith (open forest, under dead goanna) (QM); 1 spec., Wongabel S.F., 5 km S Atherton, 800 m, 5.-14.xii.1988, Monteith & Thompson (FIT) (QM); 3 specs., Wallaroo Highway, 7.5 km NW, 25°15'S, 148°38'E, 480 m, Burwell (mushroom/pitfall, Eucalypt/cycad woodland) (QM); 1 spec., Jundah “Noonah-Lohern” Boundary, 24°06'S, 143°13'E, 15.iv.1993, A. Emmott (Boobok owl carcass) (QM); 1 spec., Jundah, "Noonbah Station", 24°07'S, 143°11'E, 14.iv.1993, A. Emmot (ex cow dung) (QM); 1 spec., Dubbo Zoo, 32°15'S, 148°37'E, 5.-6.i.2000, K. Neale (wombat dung pitfall trap) (QM); 1 spec., Stony Creek, Blue Mountains, 260 m, 21°38'S, 148°59'E, 4.-5.x.1999, D.J. Cook (dung pitfall) (QM); 1 spec., Caloundra, 29.x.1913, H. Hacker (QM); 1 spec., Iron Range, 12.viii.1978, G. Czekura (QM); 5 specs., 39 miles, North Morven, 2.v.1963, E.C. Dahms (QM); 1 spec., Keysland, 26°12'S, 151°44'E, 26.i.-20.iv.1995, G.B. Monteith (pitfall trap, open forest) (QM); 1 spec., Blackdown Tableland, via Dingo, 1.-6.ii.1981, G.B. Monteith (QM); 1 spec., Bangalee Beach, 23°04'S, 150°46'E, 10 m, 16.-19.xii.1999, D.&I. Cook (dung pitfall) (QM); 1 spec., Wunarah, near turnoff, 19°59'S, 136°38'E, 270 m, 8.-11.ii.2007, D.J. Cook (QM); 1 spec., Mount Isa, 7 km east, 20°43.2'S, 139°33.8'E, 7.-11.ii.2001, 420 m, D.J. Cook (dung trap) (QM); 1 spec., Expedition Range National Park, 'Amphitheatre scrub’, 25°13'S, 148°59'E, 17.xii.1997-5.iii.1998, Monteith & Cook (vine, intercept) (QM); 1 spec., Taroom, 6 km N on highway, 25°36'S, 149°46'E, 21.ix.-17.xii.1997, 200 m, G. Monteith (brigalow, intercept trap) (QM); 1 spec., Expedition Range National Park, 'Amphitheatre Campsite’, 25°12'S, 148°59'E, 17.-19.xii.1997, Monteith & Cook (open forest, pitfall trap) (QM); 1 spec., Miles, 11km E, 26°40'S, 150°18'E, 360 m, 3.-6.iii.1998, D.J. Cook (open forest) (QM); 2 specs., 3 km NE of Mt Webb, 15.03S 145.09E, 1.-3.x.1980, T. Weir (open forest, human dung trap) (ANIC); 4 specs., ditto, but 30.iv.-3.v.1981, J. Feehan (ANIC); 1 spec., Iron Range, 24.xi.1985, D.J. Ferguson (ANIC); 3 specs., Anne Cay, 17.25S 151.53E, 20.iv.1994, S. Donaldson (ANIC); 3 specs., Great Barrier Reef, Frigate Cay, 21.44S 152.26E, 9.vii.1980, H. Heathwole (ANIC); 1 spec., Willis Island, 16.18S 149.58E, 25.ii.1978, collector unknown (ANIC); 3 specs., Dandabah, 6 km SE, 26°56'S, 151°37'E, 20.x.1991, Tom Gush (on dead kangaroo) (ANIC); 8 specs., Trebonne, 10 km W, 18°37'S, 146°00'E, 1.xii.1990, Tom Gush (under dead kangaroo) (ANIC); 27 specs., Hay Point, 4 km SW, 21°17'S, 149°15'E, 28.xi.1990, Tom Gush (on dead kangaroo) (ANIC); 13 specs., Great Barrier Reef, Swain Reefs, Bell Cay, i.1985, 21.49S 151.15E, H. Heatwole (ANIC); 3 specs., ditto, but 3.vii.1981, H. Heatwole & G. Burns (ANIC); 1 spec., ditto, but i.1984 (ANIC); 2 specs., ditto, but Bylund Cay, 21.47S 152.24E, vii.1984 (under dead bird) (ANIC); ditto, but Gillet Cay, i.1985; 21.44S 152.24E (ANIC); 1 spec., Mount Mee, 7.5 km SW, 27°05'S, 152°42'E, 12.x.1991, T. Gush (under dead snake on the road) (ANIC); 1 spec., 1 mile S of Herberton, 17.24S 145.23E, 14.v.1969, Brooks & Nebois (on dead wallaby) (ANIC); 2 specs., Broken Hill, 17.x.1946, R.A. Cederblad (ANIC); 1 spec., Springsure, 2.xii.1930, Mackerras (ANIC); 1 spec., Bucasia, 30.xi.1993, J. Sandery (ANIC); 4 specs., Leyburn, 22.iii.1975, J. Macqueen (ANIC); 1 spec., Rollingstone, 4.vii.1972, B.P. Moore (ANIC); 1 spec., Carnavon National Park, West Branch camp site, 8.-21.iv.1999, M. Neave, E.D. Edwards, M. Yee & J. Cardale (ANIC); 1 ♂, Gannet Cay, Great Barrier Reef, 3.xi.1967, H. Heatvole (ANIC); 1 spec., Mt. Webb, Cooktown, 10.v.1986, E. Holm (ex Howden trap, human & pig dung) (ANIC); 1 spec., 14 km W by N of Hope Vale Mission, 15.16S 144.59E, 8.-10.x.1980, T. Weir (human dung trap, open forest) (ANIC); 1 ♀, Mt. Spec., 11.i.1969, J.G. Brooks, fish lure (ANIC). New South Wales: 1 spec., without further data (HMNH); 1 spec., Coricudgy, 20.ix.2006, G. Hangay leg. (HMNH); 2 specs., New England, Glenrock Station, 17.xii.2001, G. Hangay leg. (HMNH); 1 ♂, Macquarie Marshes, 50 km SE Carinda, 28.-29.x.1985, G. Hangay leg. (HMNH); 1 spec., env. Port Macquarie, 5.iii.1965, Exp. Dr. J. Balogh (HMNH); 1 spec., Salt Hole creek, 38 km NE of Broken Hill, 27.ix.1975, Z. Liepa (ANIC); 1 spec., Murwillumbah, 7.iii.1965, Bornemissza (ANIC); 23 specs., Lightgow, 8 km SW, 33°31'S, 150°05'E, 17.xi.1991, Tom Gush (on dead kangaroo) (ANIC); 7 specs., Tenterfield, 37 km N, 28°45'S, 152°04'E, 25.xi.1990, Tom Gush (under dead kangaroo) (ANIC); 1 spec., Morisset, 3 km SW, 33°08'S, 151°27'E, 1.ix.1990, Tom Gush (on dead cow) (ANIC); 1 spec., Luke Benunee, 25.xi.1970, B.P. Moore; 1 spec., London Foundation, Kioloa, 28.xii.1980, J. Conran; 2 specs., Mullengandra, 2 km N, 35°53'S, 147°11'E, 13.x.1990, Tom Gush (on dead kangaroo) (ANIC); 2 specs., Yathong Natural Reserve, 33.45S 145.30E, near Mt. Hope, x.-xi.1992, C. Schlesinger (pitfall trap, dune; malllee with Triodia ) (ANIC); 4 specs., Sandy Hollow, 5 km NW, 32°18'S, 150°31'E,, Tom Gush (from dead fox) (ANIC); 2 specs., Lotar Gorge, 10.xii.1969, W.N.M. Vestjens (ANIC); 1 spec., Galindary Station, 10.ix.1970, W.J.M. Vestjens (ANIC); 4 specs., Heathland, 11.45S 142.35E,, T. Weir (human dung trap, open forest) (ANIC); 4 ♂♂ & 3 ♀♀, Lots 22,73, 148, Caparra, 14.iii.1993, S. Watkins (ANIC); 1 spec., Tomakin, 35.49S 150.11E, 25.xii.1988, W. Dressler (dead shark head) (ANIC); 1 spec., Congo, 8 km SE by E of Moruya, 22.-26.iii.1982, M.S. Upton (ANIC); 2 specs., 12 km E Walcha, 22.xi.1992, S. Watkins (carrion) (ANIC); 16 specs., Clyde Mt., 30.i.1975, D.P. Carne (in carrion) (ANIC); 4 specs., Gundaroo Road, 17.xi.1971, B.P. Moore (ANIC); 1 ♂ & 3 ♀♀, Matakana NE Hillston, 19.ix.1993, S.G. Watkins (carrion) (ANIC); 1 spec., 60 km W Gunnedah, 6.iii.1980, A. Newton & M. Thayer (ex wallaby carcass) (ANIC); 1 spec., 8.5 km NE Gubbata, 33.35S 146.37W, 4.-12.i.1999, D. Driscolim (pitfalls, ungrazed roadside, no spinifex) (ANIC); 1 spec., Allyn R.F. Park, 32.08S 151.27E, 27.-31.i.1986, R.B. Haliday (carrion baited trap) (ANIC); 7 specs., Parramatta P.C., 28.x.1968, D.A. Doolan (MAMU); 3 specs., North Ryde P.C., 17.iii.1967, D.A. Doolan (MAMU); 5 specs., Mogriguy, 8.xi.1979, Goonoo S.F., D.A. Doolan Coll. (MAMU); 1 spec., Bilpin, 12. iii.1979, B.J. Day (on dead bird) (MAMU); 1 spec., Warrumbungle National Park, 25.iii.1973, R.H. Mulder (MAMU); 1 spec., Blue Mountains, Blackburn (SAMA); 1 spec., Vicinity of Jenolan Caves, J.C. Wilburd (SAMA); 3 specs., Lake Callabona, A. Zietz (SAMA); 1 spec., Sydney, Lea (SAMA); 1 spec., Goulburn (SAMA); 2 specs., Broken Hill, R.J. Burton (SAMA); 1 spec., Sydney; Girl’s Lunch Room, Museum, 6.iii.1961, B. Hubbard (SAMA). South Australia: 1 ♂, nr. Tarlee, 20.x.1988, under carrion, Mrs. Lawley leg. (HMNH); 1 spec., 9 miles S of Nullabor H. Std., 6.i.1967, M. Upron (ANIC); 2 specs., Wardang Island, Spencer Gulf, 34.30S 137.22E, 4.-5.i.1995, K. Wardaugh (cowdung baited pitfall trap) (ANIC); 1 spec., 16 km S of Port Augusta, 10 m, 26.x.1963, J. Sedláček (BPBM); 5 specs., Murray River, H.S. Cope (SAMA); 15 specs., Halletts Cove, 26.i.1967, N. McFarland (on freshly dead sheep carcass) (SAMA); 6 specs., Mt. Lofty, J.G.O. Tepper (SAMA); 3 specs., Ardossan, J.G.O. Tepper (SAMA); 1 spec., Adelaide, J.G.O. Tepper (SAMA); 1 spec., Cooper’s Creek, J.G. Reuther (SAMA); 1 spec., Adelaide (SAMA); 2 specs., Port Lincoln (SAMA); 1 spec., Flinders Island, F. Wood Jones (SAMA); 6 specs., Tappanappa, xi.1948, Mitchell & Lawson (SAMA); 1 spec., Fulham, 3.iv.1909 (SAMA). Victoria: 1 spec., Leopold (MAMU); 2 specs., Marree, 8.ix.1957, I.G. Filmer (QM); 3 specs., Murray Valley Highway, 19 km E by S of Hattah, 34.47S 142.29E, 2.xi.1988, T. Weir, J. Lawrence & M. Hansen (from dead kangaroo) (ANIC); 1 spec., Manjimup, 28.x.1979, R.M. Bohart (ANIC); 1 spec., Tavonga, 2 km W, 36°40'S, 147°08'E, 13.x.1990, Tom Gush (on dead sheep) (ANIC). Tasmania: 1 spec., St. Helena, 10 km NW, 12.xii.1981, Bornemissza leg. (HMNH); 2 specs., Hollow Tree, 9 km S of, 42°37'S, 146°56'E, 12.ii.1992, Tom Gush (from dead Tasmanian Devil) (ANIC); 23 specs., Newstead, Launceston, 20.xi.1981, S. Fearn (on Stink Lily flower) (ANIC); 3 specs., Flinders Island, Bass Strait, 1.-6.ix.1989, B.M. Doube & K.G. Wardaugh (dung baited pitfall traps) (ANIC). Unknown localities: 1 ♀, 2 ♂♂ & 5 specs., Australia, no further data (HMNH); 6 specs., Australia occid., 1192, no further data (HMNH); 1 ♀, no locality, E.C. Gourlay Acq. 1970, Ent. Div. (NZAC). 4 specs., Emerald, iii.1914, E. Allen (QM); 2 specs., Cor’s River, 4.ix.1932, Chadwick (under dead rabbit) (ANIC); 1 ♂, Summer Hill, “Kelvin”, xi.1937, C. Storyles (AMNZ); 1 ♂, Koranda,, C.E. Clarke (AMNZ). Lord Howe Island: 1 spec., 21.-30.i.1985, G.F. Bornemissza leg. (HMNH).

NEW CALEDONIA. 1 spec., Nouméa env., 4.ii.1914, P.D. Montague (BMNH); 1 spec., Mt. Mou, 23.iv.1914, P.D. Montague (BMNH); 10 specs., Isle Atire, 1.ix.1982, T. Lovegrove (ex dead white-capped noddy) (AMNZ); 3 specs., Tiea reserve, 30 m, 21°07.9'S, 164°57'E, 5. –26.xi.2001– 31.i.2002, G. Monteith (FIT Trap) (QM); 5 ♂♂, 1 ♀ & 22 specs., In Mts. up Beulari River, 3.-4.xi.1958, C.R. Joyce (BPBM); 1 ♀, ditto, but 17.xi.1958, same collector (BPBM); 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀ & 15 specs., Beach nr. la Foa, 19.xi.1958, same collector (BPBM); 1 ♀ & 2 specs., Anse Vata, 23.xi.1958, same collector (BPBM); 1 spec., ditto, but 9.xi.1958, same collector (BPBM); 1 spec., ditto, but 25.x.1958, same collector (BPBM); 3 ♂♂ & 1 spec., La Crouen, 12.iii.1961, J. Sedláček (BPBM); 1 ♂ & 4 specs., Nouméa, 26.iv.1945, H.E. Milliron (BPBM); 5 specs., La Foa, 4.ii.1945, same collector (BPBM).

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 8 specs., Laloki, CSIRO Screw Worm Lab., iv.1987, S. Bakker (FIT) (ANIC); 1 ♂, Kelesi, xi.-xii.1890, L. Loria leg. (ZMHUB); 1 ♂ & 1 ♀, Ighibrei, vii–viii.1890, L. Loria (ZMHUB).

FIJI. 1 ♀, Lautoka, 24.viii.1936, H. Phillips (BPBM) (Fijian distribution not shown on a map).


S. cyaneus cyaneus is found chiefly on decomposing organic matter, most commonly on carcasses; some specimens were trapped in pitfall traps baited with dung, fish or mushrooms, others were collected on flowers of Stink Lily ( Dracunculus vulgaris Schott). This is one of the most common species found on carrion in Australia and an important predator of larval circular-seamed flies ( Diptera ), the adults of which are vectors of various diseases (see e.g. Lackner 2010 for details).


Australia (all states), newly reported from Lord Howe Island; New Guinea, New Caledonia; new to Fiji (Figs 755, 760, 762).


Another subspecies, S. (S.) cyaneus auricollis Marseul, 1855 is found in the Philippines, Indonesia (islands of Bali and Buru, westernmost New Guinea), and Japan (Ogasawara archipelago; Mazur 2011). This subspecies differs from Saprinus (S.) cyaneus cyaneus by its lighter color. However, variation in the elytral punctation and striae and shape of carinal prosternal striae indicate that the taxonomic status of the subspecies requires further study. Elytral aciculations also vary between the sexes (see also Wenzel 1955). We designate the lectotype of S. auricollis here: Saprinus auricollis Marseul, 1855: Lectotype, present designation: ♀, pinned, left protarsus broken off, left metatarsus broken off, right mid-leg broken off, right metatarsus broken off, with the following labels: " Saprinus / 31 auricollis / I. Phillip. ♀ / illegible" (round yellow label, written); followed by an illegible written label; followed by: "MUSEUM PARIS / auricollis / COLL. / DE MARSEUL 1890" (printed-written); followed by: “TYPE” (red-printed label); followed by: " Saprinus auricollis / Marseul, 1855 / LECTOTYPE / des. T. Lackner 2014" (red label, written) (MNHN). This species was described from unknown number of specimens and the lectotype designation fixes the identity of the species.


Body length: PEL: 3.25-5.10 mm; APW: 1.25-2.00 mm; PPW: 2.50-4.10 mm; EL: 1.85-3.10 mm; EW: 2.75-4.50 mm. Body (Fig. 408) rectangular oval, convex, elytra widest at humeri, dark green to dark brown or even black, occasionally dark blue, shining, with metallic luster, pronotum purple, occasionally dark bronze with slight greenish hue, metallic; legs, mouthparts and antennal scape castaneous to dark brown; antennal club even darker, almost black.

Antennal scape (Fig. 409) slightly thickened, punctuate, with two rather long and several shorter setae; antennal club wider than long, semi-circular, somewhat truncate apically, covered with dense short sensilla intermingled with sparse longer erect setae; sensory structures of antennal club in form of four large oval ventral sensory patches, which are usually difficult to discern; vesicle(s) not examined.

Mandibles (Fig. 409) dorso-laterally punctuate, rounded, outer margin slightly carinate, mandibular apex acute, sub-apical tooth on left mandible obtuse; labrum finely and sparsely punctuate, convex, with deep median depression; labral pits present, each with two short labral setae; terminal labial palpomere elongate, pointed apically, approximately twice as long as pen-ultimate, its width about three times its length; terminal maxillary palpomere elongate, about 2.5 times as long as pen-ultimate, approximately 4.5-5 times as long as wide, pointed apically; mentum sub-quadrate, laterally with a double row of short ramose setae, anterior margin medially with prominent notch surrounded by a tuft of several longer sparse setae.

Clypeus (Fig. 409) even, occasionally very faintly convex or even concave, constricted laterally, punctate; frontal and supraorbital striae complete, occasionally frontal stria weakened medially, its vestiges prolonged onto clypeus; frontal disc (Fig. 409) with similar punctation as that of clypeus, near posterior margin approximately medially a definite fovea present; eyes convex, well visible from above.

Pronotal sides (Fig. 408) narrowing anteriorly, apical angles obtuse, pronotal depressions present, rather deep, anterior incision for head moderate; marginal pronotal stria carinate, visible along its entire length from dorsal view, but ending short of pronotal base; pronotal disc laterally with a depressed band of deep dense coarse elongate punctures originating approximately in pronotal depressions, not reaching basal angles of pronotum, between it and pronotal margin a narrow finely punctate band present; rest of the pronotal disc with only scattered microscopic punctation; several rows of punctures present along pronotal base, ante-scutellar area almost impunctate; pronotal hypomeron asetose, with scattered fine punctures; scutellum small, visible.

Elytral epipleura with sparse fine punctures, occasionally almost impunctate; marginal epipleural stria complete; marginal elytral stria well impressed and carinate, continued as weakened, but complete apical elytral stria that is connected to incomplete sutural elytral stria. Humeral elytral stria well impressed on basal third, sometimes con nected to median fragment of inner subhumeral stria; outer subhumeral stria present as short basal fragment situated on elytral humerus; elytra usually with four dorsal elytral striae 1-4 well impressed, striae 1-2 in fine punctures, striae 3-4 in larger punctures, occasionally fourth stria impressed only as a row of round punctures; first and second striae in most cases longer than striae 3-4, slightly surpassing elytral half apically, third and fourth dorsal elytral striae usually slightly shorter, reaching approximately elytral half apically, in first elytral interval often dense elongate strioles present, at times these strioles present also on intervals 2-3; fourth elytral stria basally curved toward shortened sutural elytral stria, but never connected with it; sutural elytral stria abbreviated on basal fourth to fifth, well-impressed, in round punctures, apically connected with apical elytral stria; elytral disc on apical half (roughly) punctate, punctures usually fine, sparse, separated by several times their diameter, occasionally aciculate (especially those near elytral intervals); almost not entering elytral intervals, except for fourth interval where they reach their climax; punctures occasionally not reaching elytral apex.

Propygidium very densely punctate, punctures separated by less than their own diameter; pygidium with sparser but larger punctation.

Anterior margin of median portion of prosternum (Fig. 410) rounded; marginal prosternal stria present laterally and also as medial fragment; prosternal process between carinal prosternal striae slightly convex, sparsely and finely punctate, surface near united apices of carinal prosternal striae distinctly depressed; carinal prosternal striae carinate, slightly bisinuate, occasionally slightly divergent on anterior third, in most cases united in front (Fig. 410); lateral prosternal striae carinate, rather short, apically attaining carinal prosternal striae at about three-fourths of their length.

Discal marginal mesoventral stria (Fig. 411) well impressed, carinate, complete, anteriorly distinctly inwardly arcuate; disc often smooth, at times with sparse fine punctation; meso-metaventral sutural stria indicated by a row of large punctures; intercoxal disc of metaventrite in males with prominent median longitudinal depression, in females slightly convex; disc of metaventrite for the most part almost smooth, only in post-metacoxal area and along basal margin of metaventrite several rows of fine punctures appear; lateral metaventral stria (Fig. 412) well impressed, carinate, straight, not reaching metacoxa; lateral disc of metaventrite (Fig. 412) slightly concave, with dense and large round punctures separated by less than their to about their own diameter, occasionally between large punctures another type of much finer sparse punctures present; metepisternum (Fig. 412) similar, but punctures deeper and denser, on fused metepimeron punctures becoming much sparser; metepisternal stria present often only along fused metepimeron, at times along metepisternum also present in a form of short intermittent fragments (in rare cases complete).

Intercoxal disc of first abdominal ventrite with faint to moderate median depression in males, in females slightly convex, completely striate laterally; disc along basal and lateral margins with shallow punctures of various sizes; rest of sternite with scattered microscopic punctation.

Protibia (Fig. 413) slightly dilated, outer margin with around four low teeth topped by triangular denticle, followed by approximately four tiny denticles diminishing in size proximally; setae of outer row regular, short; protarsal groove shallow; anterior protibial stria present on basal two-thirds, next obliterated; setae of median row shorter and much sparser than those of outer row; two tarsal denticles present near tarsal insertion; protibial spur (Fig. 413) bent, growing out from apical margin of protibia; apical margin of protibia ventrally with three tiny denticles; outer part of posterior surface slightly obscurely variolate, punctate, separated from glabrous and narrow median part of posterior surface by a ridge bearing a row of setae; posterior protibial stria complete, bearing along its length sparse row of microscopic setae turning into several minuscule denticles apically; inner row of setae single, lamellate.

Mesotibia on outer margin with a row of about seven distally growing in size denticles, several of them situated on low teeth; setae of outer row rather strongly sclerotized, sparse, but longer than denticles; setae of median row shorter and finer than those of outer row; posterior mesotibial stria not complete; mesotibial spur rather long and stout; on anterior face of mesotibia a row of about 5 widely-spaced denticles present; anterior face of mesotibia with scattered fine punctation; anterior mesotibial stria incomplete (in rare cases almost complete); inner anterior denticles weakly developed, usually only one or two present; inner row of setae rather dense. Metatibia (Fig. 414) basically similar to mesotibia, but longer and more slender, and denticles of both rows sparser.

Male genitalia. Eighth sternite (Figs 415-416) strongly sclerotized, fused medially, with sparse pores and pseudopores, apex laterally with sparse short setae, vela present, with several rows of pores furnished with short setae; eighth tergite apically faintly inwardly arcuate, basally strongly inwardly arcuate; eighth tergite and eighth sternite fused laterally (Fig. 417). Ninth tergite (Figs 418-419) laterally strongly sclerotized, medially with a strongly sclerotized part resembling a fusion seen also in other congeners, with pores and pseudopores, well visible especially laterally, ninth tergite basally strongly inwardly arcuate, apical parts of ninth tergite with extra sclerotized parts resembling enforcements; tenth tergite basally and apically inwardly arcuate, apices very strongly sclerotized and prominent; spiculum gastrale (Fig. 418) dilated on both ends, otherwise almost parallel-sided, apical ends strongly sclerotized, basal end slightly inwardly arcuate. Aedeagus (Figs 420-421) almost parallel-sided with parameres fused along basal two-thirds, curved from lateral view; basal piece of aedeagus moderately long, ratio of its length: length of parameres approximately 1: 3; apex of aedeagus ventrally with a tuft of microscopic setae.















