Rumex quadrimaculata, (Linnaeus, 1758) Phenology

Bukejs, Andris, 2009, Review Of Leaf-Beetles Subfamily Galerucinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Of The Latvian Fauna, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 9 (2), pp. 197-220 : 213-218

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12645591

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Rumex quadrimaculata


18. Ph. quadrimaculata (Linnaeus, 1758) Phenology : V, VI, VII, VIII, IX

References: Precht 1818 ( Galleruca ); Seidlitz General distribution: Europe, N Caucasus, N and 1872-1875, 1887-1891; Ulanowski 1883; Rathlef E Kazakhstan, Siberia. [SIE]

1905; Pūtele 1974, 1984; Stiprais 1977; Barševskis Note: Rather infrequent and insufficiently known 1988, 1993, 2002; Telnov et al. 1997; Telnov 2004; species in Latvia. Hitherto, it was known only Kalniņš et al. 2007; Bukejs, Telnov 2007. from 8 localities.

Examined material: 51 specimens:Aizkraukle d.:

Aizkraukle, 21.VI.1995 (4, broad-leaved forest, leg. CALOMICRUS DILLWYN, 1829

A.Barševskis); Daugavpils d.: Ilgas, Silene Nature 19. C. pinicola (Duftschmid, 1825)

Park, 01.VI.1986 (1, leg.A.Barševskis), 29.VI.1988 References: Seidlitz 1887-1891 ( Luperus ); Rathlef (1, leg. A.Barševskis), 16.VI.1995 (1, leg. 1905 ( Luperus ); Ozols 1982, 1985; Telnov et al. A.Barševskis), 27.VI.1995 (1, leg.A.Barševskis), 1997; Telnov 2004; Kalniņš et al. 2007; Spuņģis 05.VII.1995 (1, leg. A.Barševskis), 28.VI.1996 (1, 2008; Barševskis et al. 2008.

leg. A.Barševskis), 25-27.VI.2007 (1, leg. Examined material: 2 specimens: Talsi d.: Slītere A.Čukļiņa, J.Daņilova), 01.VII.2008 (2, leg. I.Irbe), National Park, 29.VII.2005 (1, leg.A.Barševskis); 01-03.VII.2008 (1, leg. J.Kundziņš), 27.V- Tukums d.: Ķemeri National Park, 28.VI.2006 (1, 01.VI.2009 (1, leg. R.Cibuļskis); Stropi, 17.VII.2006 leg. A.Pankjāns).

(2, leg. A.Bukejs); Višķi, 09.VI.1986 (1, leg. Host plants: Pinus View in CoL ( Pinaceae View in CoL ).

A.Barševskis); Jēkabpils d.: Dunava , 16.VII.1995 Phenology: V, VI, VII

(3, leg. A.Barševskis), 17.VII.1995 (5, leg. General distribution: Europe , Turkey. [ EUR] A.Barševskis); Vandāni , 16.VIII.2008 (1, bank of Note: Rare species in Latvia, with few records.

the Daugava River, leg. M.Balalaikins); Zasa,

19.VI.2000 (1, leg. I.Leiskina); Krāslava d.: 4 km LUPERUS GEOFFROY, 1762

W Skaista, Orupi, Lake Dridzis Nature Park, (-) L. luperus (Sulzer, 1776)

15.VII.2008 (2, leg. R.Cibuļskis); Šķeltova, syn.: lyperus Bedel, 1897; niger Goeze, 1777; 31.VII.1993 (1, leg. A.Barševskis); Ogre d.: rufipes Goeze, 1777

Ķegums, left bank of the Daugava River , References: Barševskis 1993 (misidentification); 11.VII.2006 (1, leg. A.Barševskis); Rēzekne d.: Telnov et al. 1997; Telnov 2004 .

Ezernieki, Rāzna National Park, 24.VII.2008 (1, Examined material: Not confirmed by the author. park, leg. R.Cibuļskis, U.Valainis); Rīga d.: Earlier records of this species, “ Jēkabpils d.: Carnikava, Gauja train station, 16.VII.1992 (1, Dunava, 23.VI.1993 (2, leg. A.Barševskis)” meadow, leg. R.Matrozis), 19.VII.1992 (1, leg. (Barševskis 1993), and “ Daugavpils d.: Špoģi, R.Matrozis); Saldus d.: Blīdene, 11.VII.2006 (1, 07.VII.1977 (1, leg. V.Pūtele); Cēsis d.: Lake Inesis , leg. A.Barševskis & K.Barševska); Talsi d.: Šķēde, 10.VII.1977 (1, leg. V.Pūtele) “ [in collection of 25.VII.1975 (2, leg. V.Pūtele); Valmiera d.: V.Pūtele], were based on misidentifications .

Mazsalaca NW env., Ģenderti house, 13.VIII.1992 Host plants: Salix View in CoL , Ulmus View in CoL .

(1, leg. anonymous); Ventspils d.: Moricsala Is., General distribution: C and S Europe, south part Moricsala Nature Reserve , 29.VI.2002 (1, leg. of W Siberia, Altay, Mongolia. [ CAE] U.Valainis), V.2003 (1, leg. U.Valainis), IX.2003 (1, Note: Faunal data on this species in Latvia are leg. U.Valainis), X.2003 (1, window trap, leg. absent. Therefore it is deleted from the list of U.Valainis), 03.VIII.2004 (1, leg. U.Valainis), Latvian Coleoptera View in CoL . This species is reported also VII.2005 (1, leg. A.Barševskis), 15.VII.2008 (3, leg. for Belarus ( Lopatin, Nesterova 2005) and A.Bukejs), 15.VII.2008 (4, leg. V.Alekseev, Lithuania (Silfverberg 2004).

A.Pavlova), 15.VII.2008 (1, leg. A.Barševskis);

Jūrkalne, 28.VII.2005 (1, leg. A.Barševskis, 20. L. longicornis (Fabricius, 1781)

A.Bukejs, U.Valainis);? d.: Klumpji, 16.VIII.1973 syn.: betulinus Joanis, 1865; diniensis Bellier, (1, leg. V.Pūtele). 1870; rufipes Gyllenhal, 1813

Host plants: Scutellaria galericulata, Stachys References: Fleischer 1829 (rufipes F.); Seidlitz palustris (Labiatae). 1872-1875, 1887-1891; Rathlef 1905; Stiprais 1977;

Priedītis 1971b, 1979; Pūtele 1980, 1981b, 1984; K.Barševska); Līksna, 23.VII.1996 (1, leg. Telnov et al. 1997; Telnov 2004; Kalniņš et al. R.Cibuļskis); Līksna parish, 4 km N Daugavpils, 2007. 29.VI.2008 (2, old clearing, leg. A.Bukejs); Lociki, Examined material: 48 specimens:Aizkraukle d.: 26.V.2001. (4, leg. G.Lociks), 22.VI.2001 (1, leg. 6 km N Aizkraukle, Aizkraukles purvs (bog) PNT, G.Lociks); Špoģi, 07.VII.1977 (1, leg. V.Pūtele); 01.VII.2008 (1, clearing, on Salix , leg. A.Bukejs), Jēkabpils d.: Dunava, 23.V.1993 (2, leg. 06.VIII.2008 (1, leg. A.Bukejs, M.Balalaikins); A.Barševskis), 23.VI.1993 (2, leg. A.Barševskis), Cēsis d.: Rozula, 11.VII.1977 (1, leg. V.Pūtele); 24.VII.1994 (1, leg. A.Barševskis), 22-23.VI.1998 Daugavpils d.: Ilgas, Silene Nature Park, 14- (2, leg. A.Barševskis), 01.VI.2002 (6, leg. 20.VI.2002 (1, leg. A.Barševskis), 10-12.IX.2002 A.Barševskis), VI.2002 (1, leg.A.Barševskis), 10- (1, leg. A.Barševskis); Līksna parish, 4 km N 18.VI.2006 (1, leg. K.Barševska); Rubeņi, Daugavpils, 29.VI.2009 (6, inland dunes, roadside 17.VII.1997 (1, leg. I.Leiskina); Jūrmala: Kūdra, in pine forest, on Betula , leg. A.Bukejs); Ļūbaste 11.VI.2008 (1, leg. A.Titovs); Krāslava d.: Indrica, env., 01.VII.1995 (4, xeric meadow, leg. 17.VI.1989 (1, leg. A.Barševskis); Piedruja, A.Barševskis); Rēzekne d.: Gaigalava, 15.VII.2009 23.V.1989 (1, leg. A.Barševskis); Ludza d., Bļaši, (2, old clearing, leg. A.Bukejs, M.Balalaikins); 23.VI.2009 (1, leg. M.Balalaikins); Preiļi d.: Jersika, Stoļerova, Lake Šostu env., 29.VII.2009 (1, Kurpnieki house, 17.VI.2006 (1, leg. clearing, leg. M.Balalaikins); Rīga d.: Lake A.Barševskis), 09-10.VI.2007 (4, leg. K.Barševska, Kanieris, Ķemeri National Park, 16.VI.2007 (1, leg. A.Barševskis), 22-25.VI.2007 (1, leg. A.Pankjāns); Talsi d.: Stende, 19.VII.2007 (25, A.Barševskis), 31.V.2008 (2, leg. A.Barševskis), clearing, leg. A.Barševskis, U.Valainis, 23-24.VI.2008 (1, leg. A.Barševskis); Rēzekne d.: A.Pankjāns, A.Soldāns); Slītere National Park, Rēzekne, Nakotnes Str. 17/19, 18.V.2008 (1, leg. Zilie Kalni (hills) and Dāvida Pļavas (meadows), J.Burovs); Rīga d.: Mārupe env., 07.VII.2009 (1, 17.VII.2005 (2, leg. A.Barševskis); Ventspils d.: leg. K.Barševska, A.Barševskis); Turaida env., Puze, 30.VII.1974 (1, leg. V.Melecis). Gaujas senleja, Turaidas loks (precipice), Host plants: Salix , Ulmus . 02.VII.1974 (1, leg. V.Melecis), 21.VI.1975 (1,

Phenology: VI, VII, VIII, IX meadow near River Vējupīte, leg. V.Melecis); General distribution: Europe, Caucasus, Siberia, Tukums d.: Mustene, 04.VII.1974 (1, leg.V.Pūtele). Russian Far East. [SIE] Host plants: Alnus, Salix , Ulmus .

Note: Rare species in Latvia. Phenology: V, VI, VII

General distribution: Europe, Caucasus, Siberia, 21. L. flavipes (Linnaeus, 1767) W and NE Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russian Far

References: Kawall 1866; Seidlitz 1872-1875, East. [SIE]

1887-1891; Rathlef 1905; Trauberga 1957; Stiprais Note: Rather infrequent species in Latvia.

1977; Priedītis 1971b, 1979; Barševskis 1993, 2002;

Telnov et al. 1997; Telnov 2004; Kalniņš et al.

2007; Bukejs, Telnov 2007. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Examined material: 52 specimens:Aizkraukle d.:

6 km N Aizkraukle, Aizkraukles purvs (bog) PNT, The author is grateful to Vitalij Alekseev 01.VII.2008 (4, old clearing, on Salix View in CoL , leg. (Kaliningrad, Russia), Kristīna Aksjuta, Arvīds A.Bukejs); Cēsis d.: Lake Inesis , 10.VII.1977 (1, Barševskis, Raimonds Cibuļskis, Marina leg. V.Pūtele); Daugavpils d.: Bebrene, 13.VI.2006 Janovska, Ainārs Pankjāns, Uvis Suško, Uldis (1, leg. E.Rudāns), 16.VI.2006 (1, leg. Valainis ( Daugavpils University Institute of A.Barševskis); Daugavpils, near Cietoksnis, Systematic Biology, Daugavpils, LV), Maksims 28.V.1993 (2, leg. A.Barševskis), 25.VI.2009 (1, Balalaikins (Rēzekne, LV), Katrīna Barševska,

bank of the Daugava River, leg. A.Bukejs), Iveta Leiskina (Daugavpils, LV) and the students Daugavpils, near Mežciems , 01.VI.2008 (1, bank of the Daugavpils University for presented of the Daugava River , leg. A.Bukejs); Elerne, material .

Muravki house, 26.VI.2005 (1, leg. A.Barševskis,

Special thanks are given to Ron Beenen Beenen R. 2007. Revisional notes on Galeruca View in CoL 6:

(Nieuwegein, the Netherlands) for valuable the species group of Galeruca interrupta comments and review of final version of ( Coleoptera View in CoL , Chrysomelidae View in CoL ).

manuscript, and to Andrzej O. Bieńkowski Entomologische Blätter (2006), 102: 157–

(Moscow, Russia), Vytautas Tamutis (Kaunas, 164.

Lithuania), Dmitry Telnov (The Entomological

Society of Latvia, Rīga) and Andrzej Beenen R. 2008. Taxonomical and nomenclatural

Warchałowski (Wrocław, Poland) for constructive changes in Palaearctic Galerucinae View in CoL and advice. description of a new species ( Chrysomelidae View in CoL ). Entomologische Blätter (2008), 103/104: 63-80.


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Rumex quadrimaculata

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Latreille 1802


Latreille 1802














Linnaeus 1758
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