Racinaea rothschuhiana (Mez) M. A. Spencer & L. B. Sm., Phtyologia

Espejo-Serna, Adolfo, López-Ferrari, Ana Rosa, Martínez-Correa, Nancy & Pulido-Esparza, Valeria Angélica, 2017, Bromeliad Flora of Chiapas State, Mexico: Richness and Distribution, Phytotaxa 310 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.310.1.1

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scientific name

Racinaea rothschuhiana (Mez) M. A. Spencer & L. B. Sm., Phtyologia


51. Racinaea rothschuhiana (Mez) M. A. Spencer & L. B. Sm., Phtyologia View in CoL 74: 157. 1993. MAP 2

Cruz ech (Tzotzil).

MEXICAN DISTRIBUTION: Chiapas and Veracruz.

ELEVATION: 950–1,850 m

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: Larráinzar, J. G. García-Franco 466 (XAL). La Trinitaria, A. Espejo et al. 6447 (UAMIZx3), J. Wolf 2393 ( CH). Ocosingo, A. Durán F. & S. Levy T. 195 (MEXU), E. Martínez S. & M. A. Soto A. 18683 (CIQRO, MEXU, MO), 18718 (MEXU). Ocozocuautla de Espinosa, G. López V. 813 (CHIP). Pantepec, G. López V. 384 (CHIP). Rayón, E. Martínez S. & M. A. Soto A. 24172-A (MEXU). Villa Corzo, J. Calónico et al. 22847 (MEXU). Villaflores, E. Martínez S. & A. García-Mendoza 17536 (MEXU). Yajalón, M. A. Pérez-Farrera 2271 (HEM).


1. Plants long caulescent, pendent, not forming rosettes; stems strongly curved, less than 1 mm diam .................. T. usneoides View in CoL

1. Plants not caulescent, forming conspicuous rosettes, sometimes caulescent, but never pendent; stems, when present, erect and over 2 mm diam ............................................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Leaf sheaths strongly concave and forming a pseudobulb at the base of the rosette ............................................................ 3

2. Leaf sheaths flat or sometimes concave but never forming a pseudobulb ........................................................................... 12

3. Leaves variegated with purple spots ............................................................................................................................ T. butzii View in CoL

3. Leaves not variegated, green to grayish, concolorous or sometimes with a marginal red or purple strip, but never variegated ............................................................................................................................... ........................................................ 4

4. Floral bracts glabrous ................................................................................................................................... T. caput-medusae View in CoL

4. Floral bracts lepidote to densely lepidote ............................................................................................................................... 5

5. Plants (20–) 30–50 cm high; spikes (7–) 9–15 cm long ........................................................................................................... 6

5. Plants 5–25 cm high; spikes (3–) 5–8 cm long ...................................................................................................................... 7

6. Inflorescences with 6–14 primary branches; spikes 10–20 mm wide; leaf blades 15–30 mm wide at the base, canaliculate but not subulate involute; plants gray, densely cinereous-lepidote .................................................................. T. streptophylla View in CoL

6. Inflorescences with 1–5 primary branches; spikes 6–8.5 mm wide; leaf blades 4–10 mm wide at the base, subulate involute; plants green, densely lepidote ...................................................................................................................... T. balbisiana View in CoL

7. Peduncle absent or very short and hidden between the leave sheaths; inflorescences simple or rarely with 2–3 spikes ...... 8

7. Peduncle present, sometimes short but conspicuous; inflorescences compound, with 3–5 branches ................................... 9

8. Leaf blades ca. 13 cm long, 2 cm wide at the base, curved toward the apex; floral bracts ca. 3.5 cm long; sepals ca. 2.4 cm long; petals ca. 5 cm long ........................................................................................................................................... T. klausii View in CoL

8. Leaf blades 6–10 cm long, 4–8 mm wide at the base, twisted; floral bracts 1–2.5 cm long; sepals 1–1.5 cm long; petals ca. 3 cm long ................................................................................................................................................................ T. pruinosa View in CoL

9. Leaf sheaths orbicular to suborbicular; leaf blades 4 mm wide or less ................................................................... T. bulbosa View in CoL

9. Leaf sheaths ovate to elliptic, leaf blades 5–15 mm wide .................................................................................................... 10

10. Leaf blades grayish-green, the nerves dark green to purple at the base and conspicuously marked; floral bracts 1.3–1.6 cm long ............................................................................................................................... .................................. T. pseudobaileyi View in CoL

10. Leaf blades silvery white, concolorous, the nerves not conspicuously marked; floral bracts 2–2.6 cm long...................... 11

11. Peduncle 11–15 cm long; adaxial sepals connate for nearly half of its lenght ...................................................... T. seleriana View in CoL

11. Peduncle up to 7 cm long; sepals free.................................................................................................................. T. ehlersiana View in CoL

12. Leaf blades over 5 mm wide, strap-shaped or narrowly triangular and tapering gradually to the apex .............................. 13

12. Leaf blades less than 5 mm wide, linear to filiform ............................................................................................................. 70

13. Sheaths of the basal primary bracts equaling or longer than spikes .................................................................................... 14

13. Sheaths of the basal primary bracts shorter than spikes, or the inflorescence digitately compound, simple or apparently simple and sessile or subsessile ............................................................................................................................................ 24

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14. Peduncle absent or very short or inconspicuous .................................................................................................................. 15

14. Peduncle present, conspicuous ............................................................................................................................................. 17

15. Floral bracts chartaceous, 3–3.5 cm long, lepidote; peduncle over 5 cm long ....................................................... T. capitata View in CoL

15. Floral bracts membranaceous, 1.2–2 cm long, glabrous; peduncle less than 5 cm long ..................................................... 16

16. Leaves densely and finely appressed-lepidote; peduncle 2–4 cm long; floral bracts lanceolate to oblong, apex obtuse; sepals narrowly elliptic, apex obtuse; petals 5–7 cm long .............................................................................. T. brachycaulos View in CoL

16. Leaves pruinose-lepidote; peduncle 0.5–1 cm long; floral bracts elliptic, acute; sepals lanceolate, acute; petals 4.5–4.7 cm long.......................................................................................................................................................................... T. velutina View in CoL

17. Primary bracts 3.5–5 cm wide, sepals 2.5–3.5 cm long ....................................................................................................... 18

17. Primary bracts 1.2–2 cm wide; sepals 1–2 cm long ............................................................................................................. 20

18. Inflorescence erect .................................................................................................................................................. T. yunckeri View in CoL

18. Inflorescence pendulous ....................................................................................................................................................... 19

19. Inflorescence 20–25 cm long; spikes subsessile, 6–7 cm long, with 4–6 flowers; floral bracts 5–6 cm long, even, strongly alate-carinate ............................................................................................................................................................. T. deflexa View in CoL

19. Inflorescence 100–150 cm long; spikes conspicuosly stipitate, 7–13 cm long, with 8–10 flowers; floral bracts 3–4 cm long, wrinkled and conspicuously nerved, ecarinate ............................................................................................................... T. eizii View in CoL

20. Leaf blades narrowly triangular ........................................................................................................................................... 21

20. Leaf blades strap-shaped ...................................................................................................................................................... 22

21. Inflorescence recurved to pendulous; primary bracts enfolding the spikes ........................................................... T. orogenes View in CoL

21. Inflorescence erect; primary bracts only covering the spikes ............................................................................... T. belloensis View in CoL

22. Plants 30–45 cm high; inflorescence with 8–10 primary branches; sheaths of the primary bracts usually fully covering the spikes .................................................................................................................................................................. T. leiboldiana View in CoL

22. Plants 80–100 cm high; inflorescence with 18–25 primary branches; sheaths of primary bracts usually shorter than primary branches, or if equal never fully covering the spikes ........................................................................................................... 23

23. Floral bracts 18–20 mm long, even or almost so; sepals 15–20 mm long, ecarinate and free .................................. T. excelsa View in CoL

23. Floral bracts 20–30 mm long, conspicuously and regularly nerved; sepals 10–14 mm long, the two adaxial keeled and short connate ................................................................................................................................................... T. guatemalensis View in CoL

24. Floral bracts shorter than internodes .................................................................................................................................... 25

24. Floral bracts longer than internodes, usually imbricate ....................................................................................................... 31

25. Petals green or violet ............................................................................................................................................................ 26

25. Petals white, greenish-white or cream coloured .................................................................................................................. 27

26. Plants over 1 m high; leaf blades 45–50 cm long, 3.5–6 cm wide at the base; floral bracts shorter than the sepals; petals ca. 4 cm long, green .................................................................................................................................................... T. cucaensis View in CoL

26. Plants 45–60 cm high; leaf blades 28–30 cm long, 1.5–2 cm wide at the base; floral bracts longer than the sepals; petals ca. 3 cm long, violet ....................................................................................................................................................... T. socialis View in CoL

27. Plants 30–40 cm high; leaf blades 5–7 cm wide at the base; floral bracts green; corolla straight, not constricted in its midportion .............................................................................................................................................................. T. comitanensis View in CoL

27. Plants 50–300 cm high; leaf blades 2–4.5 cm wide at the base; floral bracts rose coloured, magenta, wine coloured or green tinged with purple; corolla constricted in its midportion ..................................................................................................... 28

28. Inflorescence once or twice branched, the rachis conspicuously geniculate; flowers slightly zygomorphic ...................... 29

28. Inflorescence once branched, the rachis something flexuous but not geniculate; flowers actinomorphic .......................... 30

29. Inflorescence twice branched with 15–25 primary branches; floral bracts 1.3–1.6 cm long, magenta, to wine or rose coloured ............................................................................................................................... .................................. T. utriculata View in CoL

29. Inflorescence once branched with 6–17 primary branches (spikes); floral bracts 1.4–2.5 cm long, green tinged with purple ............................................................................................................................... .................................................... T. elusiva View in CoL

30. Floral bracts dark magenta to purple; flowers 15–16 per spike; petals 4.3–4.5 cm long, white; leaf blades 20–50 cm long, 0.8–2 cm wide at base; plants growing above 800 m a.s.l. ...................................................................................... T. limbata View in CoL

30. Floral bracts magenta to rose coloured; flowers 4–10 per spike; petals 3–4 cm long, white; leaf blades 70–90 cm long, 2.3–2.7 cm wide at base; plants growing below 100 m a.s.l. .......................................................................... T. dasyliriifolia View in CoL

31. Petals 9–10.5 cm long, light green to white ......................................................................................................................... 32

31. Petals 2–7.5 cm long, violet, dark violet or occasionally yellow, rose-coloured or white (in T. matudae View in CoL ) ......................... 33

32. Flowering plants up to 100 cm high; inflorescence simple; leaf blades narrowly triangular; petals ca. 9 cm long ................ ............................................................................................................................... ............................................... T. viridiflora View in CoL

32. Flowering plants 130–175 cm high; inflorescence once branched; leaf blades strap-shaped; petals 11–12.5 cm long .......... .......................................................................................................................................................................... T. macropetala View in CoL

33. Peduncle absent or so short that inflorescence appears nidular ........................................................................................... 34

33. Peduncle present, conspicuous, inflorescence never looks nidular ...................................................................................... 38

34. Flowering plants 10–13 cm high; spikes up to 5 cm long; flowers 1–4 per spike ............................................................... 35

34. Flowering plants 40–45 cm high; spikes 12–14 cm long; flowers 8–10 per spike .............................................................. 37

35. Petals white; leaf blades grayish-green, 10–13 mm wide at the base .................................................................... T. matudae View in CoL

35. Petals violet; upper leaf blades reddish at anthesis, 3–7 mm wide at the base .................................................................... 36


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36. Rosettes falciform; inflorescence conspicuously pedunculate, 3–4 cm long .............................................................. T. kolbii View in CoL

36. Rosettes not falciform; peduncle absent or very short and inconspicuous ............................................................ T. ionantha View in CoL

37. Inflorescence digitately compound, with 5–6 spikes; spikes 10–12 cm long and flattened; floral bracts 5–6 cm long .......... .............................................................................................................................................................................. T. carlsoniae View in CoL

37. Inflorescence simple; spike 25–26 cm long, more or less terete; floral bracts 3.8–4 cm long ............................ T. chiapensis View in CoL

38. Leaf blades strap-shaped ...................................................................................................................................................... 39

38. Leaf blades narrowly triangular to linear ............................................................................................................................. 41

39. Inflorescences lateral, several per plant; spikes 3–5 cm wide; floral bracts red to scarlet ................................. T. multicaulis View in CoL

39. Inflorescence terminal, one per plant ................................................................................................................................... 40

40. Inflorescence pendulous, twice to thrice branched, branches 30–35 cm long; flowering plants over 100 cm high; leaf blades 70–120 cm long ........................................................................................................................... T. juerg-rutschmannii View in CoL

40. Inflorescence erect, once branched, branches 12–24 cm long; plants 60–70 cm high; leaf blades 15–25 cm long ... T. lucida View in CoL

41. Peduncle of the inflorescence very short, so that the branches appear like lateral Inflorescences ...................... T. flabellata View in CoL

41. Peduncle of the inflorescence elongated and conspicuous .................................................................................................. 42

42. Plants short caulescent; petals yellow ................................................................................................................. T. schiedeana View in CoL

42. Plants not caulescent; petals violet, dark violet or rarely yellow or rose coloured .............................................................. 43

43. Spikes less than 1 cm wide ................................................................................................................................................... 44

43. Spikes more than 1 cm wide ................................................................................................................................................ 47

44. Rosette broom type; leaf blades linear to linear-triangular, 1–6 mm wide at the base ....................................... T. festucoides View in CoL

44. Rosette tank type; leaf blades narrowly triangular, 7–25 mm wide at the base ................................................................... 45

45. Floral bracts 12–13 mm long, carinate, glabrous; spikes 2.3–2.7 cm long, 6–7 mm wide; sepals oblanceolate, 12–13 mm long ............................................................................................................................... .................................... T. chlorophylla View in CoL

45. Floral bracts 17–24 mm long, ecarinate or carinate only at the apex, lepidote; spikes 3.5–10 cm long, 8–13 mm wide; sepals elliptic, 14–18 mm long ............................................................................................................................................. 46

46. Spikes usually 1–5; primary bracts 2–3 cm long; sepals 3.4–4 mm wide; capsules 2.5–3 cm long; plants dull-green........... ............................................................................................................................... ................................................ T. variabilis View in CoL

46. Spikes usually 5–11; primary bracts 3.5–8 cm long; sepals 5–6 mm wide; cápsules 3.5–3.7 cm long; plants light green ..... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................. T. polystachia View in CoL

47. Inflorescence simple ............................................................................................................................................................. 48

47. Inflorescence compound ...................................................................................................................................................... 54

48. Spikes 6–7 cm wide; petals yellow. .................................................................................................................. T. lampropoda View in CoL

48. Spikes 1–3.5 cm wide; petals violet or dark violet .............................................................................................................. 49

49. Spikes rhomboid, thick, slightly flattened; petals dark violet with the apex white ............................................ T. punctulata View in CoL

49. Spikes oblong to elliptic, much flattened; petals violet, concolorous .................................................................................. 50

50. Spikes 10–30 cm long .......................................................................................................................................................... 51

50. Spikes 4–10(–13) cm long ................................................................................................................................................... 52

51. Spikes 15–25 cm long, flattened; floral bracts elliptic, 3–4 cm long, nerved ...................................................... T. compressa View in CoL

51. Spikes 7–14 cm long, terete; floral bracts suborbicular, ca. 2 cm long, even ................................................... T. rhomboidea View in CoL

52. Spikes 1.3–1.5 cm wide; peduncle very short, inconspicuous, 4.5–5 cm long ...................................................... T. concolor View in CoL

52. Spikes 1.7–3 cm wide; peduncle elongated, conspicuous, 11–32 cm long .......................................................................... 53

53. Peduncle 11–12 cm long; spike elliptic; floral bracts rose coloured, nerved toward the apex, not lustrous and sparsely lepidote; petals 4.8–5 cm long; stamens in two series unequal in length ................................................................... T. floresensis View in CoL

53. Peduncle 15–25 cm long; spike oblong; floral bracts red, yellow or green, even, lustrous and glabrous; petals 3.8–4 cm long; stamens all equal in length .............................................................................................................................. T. tricolor View in CoL

54. Inflorescence stout, cylindrical, spikes apressed, almost fully covered by the primary bracts ............................ T. ponderosa View in CoL

54. Inflorescence never stout and cylindrical ............................................................................................................................. 55

55. Leaf blades less than 8 mm wide at the base ....................................................................................................................... 56

55. Leaf blades more than 1 cm wide at the base ....................................................................................................................... 57

56. Spikes rhomboid, thick; petals dark violet with the apex white ......................................................................... T. punctulata View in CoL

56. Spikes oblong to elliptic; petals violet or rose-coloured, concolorous ................................................................................ 58

57. Inflorescence fasciculate-digitate or capituliform ................................................................................................................ 59

57. Inflorescence not fasciculate-digitate or capituliform .......................................................................................................... 63

58. Peduncle very short, inconspicuous; petals rose-coloured ..................................................................................... T. concolor View in CoL

58. Peduncle elongated, conspicuous; petals violet. ...................................................................................................... T. tricolor View in CoL

59. Inflorescence capituliform ................................................................................................................................................... 60

59. Inflorescence fasciculate-digitate but not capituliform ........................................................................................................ 61

60. Peduncle 15–20 cm long; primary bracts foliaceous, 8–12 cm long; floral bracts 1.5–2 cm long; sepals 1.8–2 cm long; petals 7–7.5 cm long ...................................................................................................................................................... T. lautneri View in CoL

60. Peduncle 30–35 cm long; primary bracts vaginiform, 4–5.6 cm long; floral bracts 3–4 cm long; sepals 2.8–3.5 cm long; petals 6–6.2 cm long ............................................................................................................................................ T. mateoensis

61. Spikes 8.5–12 cm long, oblong, 3–6(–9) per inflorescence; primary bracts ovate-elliptic, longer than wide ..................... 62

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61. Spikes 4.5–5 cm long, ellipsoid, 10–15 per inflorescence; primary bracts suborbicular, as long as wide ........... T. rotundata View in CoL

62. Spikes more or less terete, thick, 3–4.5 cm wide; floral bracts apparently inflated; petals 7–7.6 cm long .......... T. zoquensis View in CoL

62. Spikes flattened, 1.8–2.5 cm wide; floral bracts not apparently inflated; petals 4–4.5 cm long ........................ T. fasciculata View in CoL

63. Floral bracts lepidote, not lustrous ....................................................................................................................................... 64

63. Floral bracts glabrous, lustrous ............................................................................................................................................ 65

64. Inflorescence 20–25 cm long; spikes ovate-elliptic, 4–6 cm long, 2–3 cm wide; leaf blades 1.5–2.5 cm wide T. bochilensis View in CoL

64. Inflorescence 8–15 cm long; spikes elliptic, 3–4.3 cm long, 1.2–1.5 cm wide; leaf blades 0.6–1.5 cm wide ...... T. vicentina View in CoL

65. Leaf blades conspicuosusly contorted, recurved or hanging .......................................................................... T. xerographica View in CoL

65. Leaf blades not contorted, not more than arched ................................................................................................................. 66

66. Inflorescence 45 cm long; spikes linear-oblong, 27–30 cm long, with 26–28 flowers ................................. T. beutelspacheri View in CoL

66. Inflorescence 12–35 cm long; spikes elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 3.5–20 cm long with less than 20 flowers ...................... 67

67. Spikes 2–6 per inflorescence; floral bracts 3.5–4 cm long; petals ca. 7.3 cm long, dark violet ........................... T. salmonea View in CoL

67. Spikes 7–15 per inflorescence; floral bracts 2–3 cm long; petals 4–6 cm long, violet ........................................................ 68

68. Spikes 9–15 per inflorescence, narrowly oblong, 7–14 cm long ................................................................... T. rodrigueziana View in CoL

68. Spikes 4–10 per inflorescence, elliptic, 4.8–8 cm long ........................................................................................................ 69

69. Plants not stoloniferous; spikes 9–10 per inflorescence, 4.5–5 cm long, 1.2–1.5 cm wide; floral bracts 2–2.3 cm long ....... ............................................................................................................................... ...................................................... T. polita View in CoL

69. Plants stoloniferous; spikes up to 8 per inflorescence, 5–8 cm long, 2–2.5 cm wide; floral bracts 2.5–3 cm long ................ ............................................................................................................................... .............................................. T. crista-galli View in CoL

70. Inflorescence sessile or subsessile, peduncle absent or inconspicuous ................................................................................ 71

70. Inflorescence not sessile or subsessile, peduncle elongated, conspicuous ........................................................................... 72

71. Leaf blades 1.5–5 cm long, succulent, the upper (inner) ones reddish at anthesis; floral bracts 2–2.5 cm long, hidden between the leaves; petals 3–4 cm long ................................................................................................................. T. ionantha View in CoL

71. Leaf blades 8–10 cm long, not succulent, silvery cinereous-green (at anthesis); floral bracts 3–4.5 cm long, visible between the leaves; petals 7–7.3 cm long ........................................................................................................................ T. magnusiana View in CoL

72. Plants short-caulescent; leaves evenly distributed along the stems, not rosulate ................................................................ 73

72. Plants not caulescent; leaves rosulate .................................................................................................................................. 74

73. Petals lilac to white; peduncle filiform, less than 0.5 mm diameter; floral bracts less than 8 mm long; leaves distichous, leaf blades less than 5 cm long .............................................................................................................................. T. recurvata View in CoL

73. Petals yellow; peduncle not filiform, more than 0.6 mm diameter; floral bracts more than 15 mm long; leaves polystichous, leaf blades more than 5.5 cm long ....................................................................................................................... T. schiedeana View in CoL

74. Floral bracts not imbricate, rachis exposed .......................................................................................................................... 75

74. Floral bracts imbricate, rachis not exposed .......................................................................................................................... 76

75. Inflorescence simple, with 5–10 flowers; corolla tubiform; petals violet, 2.2–2.4 cm long; stamens longer than petals ....... ............................................................................................................................... ..................................................... T. fuchsii View in CoL

75. Inflorescence compound of 4–15 spikes, with 6–14 flowers per spike; corolla campaniform; petals lilac, 1.2–1.4 cm long; stamens shorter than petals ........................................................................................................................................ T. filifolia View in CoL

76. Spikes 5–12 mm wide; rosettes broom type ........................................................................................................................ 77

76. Spikes 17–30 mm wide; rosettes tank type .......................................................................................................................... 78

77. Spikes 3–4 per inflorescence, up to 5 mm wide; petals lilac to white ..................................................................... T. remota View in CoL

77. Spikes 5–9 per inflorescence, 8–12 mm wide; petals violet ................................................................................................ 79

78. Spikes rhomboid, thick, slightly flattened; floral bracts nerved and punctulate-lepidote, 3–4 cm long; petals dark violet with the apex white .............................................................................................................................................. T. punctulata View in CoL

78. Spikes narrowly oblong, much flattened; floral bracts even and lustrous, glabrous to glabrescent, 2–3 cm long; petals violet .............................................................................................................................................................................. T. tricolor View in CoL

79. Spikes linear, 4–6 cm long, ca. 5 mm wide; petals ca. 3 cm long................... .................................................... T. festucoides View in CoL

79. Spikes elliptic, 2–4.5 cm long, 8-12 mm wide; petals 3.7–4.2 cm long .................................................................... T. juncea View in CoL














Racinaea rothschuhiana (Mez) M. A. Spencer & L. B. Sm., Phtyologia

Espejo-Serna, Adolfo, López-Ferrari, Ana Rosa, Martínez-Correa, Nancy & Pulido-Esparza, Valeria Angélica 2017

Racinaea rothschuhiana (Mez)

Mez 1993: 157
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