Quedius (Raphirus) tenuiculus, Cai, Yan-Peng & Zhou, Hong-Zhang, 2015

Cai, Yan-Peng & Zhou, Hong-Zhang, 2015, Taxonomy of the subgenus Quedius (Raphirus) Stephens (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylinini: Quediina) with descriptions of four new species from China, Zootaxa 3990 (2), pp. 151-196 : 163-166

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3990.2.1

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scientific name

Quedius (Raphirus) tenuiculus

sp. nov.

Quedius (Raphirus) tenuiculus View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 5, 5-1 View FIGURE 5 )

Type material. Holotype ♂, CHINA: Fujian Province: Nanping City, Jianyang District, Huangkeng Township, Guilin Village, 270–410 m, 6. IV. 1960, coll. Yong Zuo. Paratypes: CHINA: Fujian Province: 1 ♂, Nanping City, Jianyang District, Huangkeng Township, 270–350 m, 27. III. 1960, coll. Chenglin Ma.

Description. Entirely dark brown to black; abdomen moderately iridescent; antennae dark brown, labrum and mandibles dark reddish brown, maxillary and labial palpi dark brown; legs blackish brown, with tarsi paler.

BL = 11.5 mm, BW = 2.7 mm, HL/PL/EL = 1.00: 1.47: 1.82, HW/PW/EW/AW = 1.00: 1.44: 1.67: 1.44, HW/ HL = 1.16, HEL/HTL = 3.84, PW/PL = 1.14, EW/EL = 1.07, ESL/EL = 0.49.

Head ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 A) round, wider than long; eye large and convex, in dorsal view tempora shorter than length of eye, markedly narrowed posteriad; no additional setiferous punctures between anterior frontal setiferous punctures; posterior frontal setiferous puncture situated behind level of posteriomedial margin of eye, separated by distance about as long as diameter of puncture; temporal setiferous puncture touching posterior margin of eye, with several small setiferous punctures arranged in oblique curve below it; one basal setiferous puncture situated closer to nuchal constriction than to posterior frontal setiferous puncture; head with very fine and dense microsculpture of transverse waves and meshes. Antenna slender, with segment I longer than segment II or III, segment III slightly longer than segment II, segments IV–XI slightly longer than wide.

Pronotum ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 B) wider than long, narrowed anteriad, posteriolateral and posterior margins continuously and broadly rounded, lateral margins not explanate; three setiferous punctures in each dorsal row and one or two setiferous punctures in each sublateral row, last sublateral row puncture situated distinctly before level of large lateral setiferous puncture; surface of pronotum with microsculpture similar to that of head, but even denser.

Scutellum ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 C) with dense setiferous punctures, surface with very fine and dense microsculpture of transverse waves.

Elytra ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 C) moderately long and broad, slightly wider than long, vaguely broadened posteriad, each elytron with surface covered with very dense setiferous punctures, transverse interspaces between punctures smaller than diameters of punctures; surface between punctures without microsculpture. Wings fully developed.

Abdominal tergite II impunctate, with some fine setae along posterior margin; setiferous punctures of other tergites finer and denser than those of elytra, becoming slightly sparser toward posterior margin of each tergite, and in general toward apex of abdomen; tergite VII with whitish apical seam of palisade setae.

Male with first four segments of foretarsus strongly dilated, sub-bilobed, each heavily covered with tenent setae ventrally, segment II slightly wider than apex of tibia; sternite VII with very inconspicuous medioapical emargination at apical margin; tergite VIII with basal ridge complete, nearly straight, with one long seta on each side; sternite VIII ( Fig. 5-1 View FIGURE 5 A) with basal ridge complete, nearly straight, with two long setae on each side, apical margin with a wide and deep sub-semicircular medioapical emargination, a large triangular area in front of the emargination impunctate; sternite IX ( Fig. 5-1 View FIGURE 5 B) with basal portion wide and short, with a small and shallow medioapical emargination apically; tergite X ( Fig. 5-1 View FIGURE 5 C) with basal side broadly and deeply concave, apical margin widely rounded; aedeagus in lateral view ( Fig. 5-1 View FIGURE 5 D) with apex of paramere protruding distinctly beyond that of median lobe, median lobe with tiny hook-shaped process at apex facing parameral side; aedeagus in parameral view ( Fig. 5-1 View FIGURE 5 E) with paramere quite narrow and elongate, nearly parallel-sided in about basal 3/4, apical portion gradually narrowed into narrowly arcuate apex, median lobe voluminous, almost evenly narrowed from base to about basal 4/5, then suddenly constricted into narrow apical portion with subacute apex ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 E, 5-1G); apical portion of paramere with four apical setae at apical margin, and two similar setae on each lateral margin far below apex, underside with numerous sensory peg setae, forming a small solid apical field extending posteriad as a long, longitudinal group along each lateral side ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 D, 5-1F).

Female unknown.

Distribution. Quedius tenuiculus sp. nov. is at present known only from the type locality in northern Fujian Province, at low altitudes between 270 m and 410 m. The specimens were collected from March to April.

Diagnosis. This new species belongs to the himalayicus group. Generally, it is most similar to Q. tian Smetana, 1996 , known from Sichuan, in both appearance and male genitalia. It can be distinguished from the latter by having male sternite VII with a very inconspicuous medioapical emargination, sternite IX with a small and shallow medioapical emargination, aedeagus with paramere somewhat more elongate, nearly parallel-sided in about basal 3/4, apical portion gradually narrowed into narrowly arcuate apex, with more sensory peg setae on its underside, median lobe suddenly constricted at about basal 4/5, with tiny hook-shaped process at apex; whereas Q. tian Smetana has male sternite VII with a more distinct medioapical emargination, sternite IX broadly arcuate apically, without medioapical emargination, aedeagus with paramere somewhat less elongate, lancet-shaped, with fewer sensory peg setae on its underside, median lobe almost conically narrowed to apex, without any constriction throughout its length, without any process at apex.

Etymology. The specific name is from the Latin adjective tenuiculus (rather thin), referring to the narrow paramere of the male aedeagus.



















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