Pimenta yumana (Alain) T. Vasc., 2018

Vasconcelos, Thais N. C., Lucas, Eve J. & Peguero, Brigido, 2018, One new species, two new combinations and taxonomic notes on the All-spice genus Pimenta (Myrtaceae) from Hispaniola, Phytotaxa 348 (1), pp. 32-40 : 37

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.348.1.4

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Pimenta yumana (Alain) T. Vasc.

comb. nov.

3. Pimenta yumana (Alain) T. Vasc. View in CoL , comb. nov.

Basionym:— Eugenia yumana Alain, Phytologia View in CoL 25: 268 (1973).

Eugenia yumana View in CoL and Eugenia samanensis View in CoL both present tetramerous flowers, inflorescences reduced to solitary flowers and two locules in each ovary. Both Eugenia View in CoL and Pimenta View in CoL can display such traits, which may explain the confusion. The combination of these traits with strongly aromatic leaves, coiled or c-shaped embryos, a single series of ovules around a protruded placenta and occasional dichasial inflorescences (observed in Eugenia samanensis View in CoL ), however, is unique to Pimenta View in CoL and supports moving these species into the latter genus. Eugenia yumana View in CoL is confirmed to be placed in Pimenta View in CoL by molecular analysis with high bootstrap (>70%) and posterior probabilities (>0.95) (see Figure 1B View FIGURE 1 and Vasconcelos et al., 2017) and the collection used in that study comes from the type location of that species, in boca de Yuma, sea level (voucher T. Vasconcelos 584).

Eugenia yumana View in CoL and Eugenia samanensis View in CoL are morphologically very similar and likely closely related or even the same taxon (see Liogier, 1986), but the distinct distribution within the Dominican Republic (see Figure 1A View FIGURE 1 , yellow triangle and star respectively) and subtle differences in inflorescence axis length (ca. 0.5 cm long in Eugenia yumana View in CoL and ca. 1.5 cm long in E. samanensis View in CoL ) led us to follow a conservative approach and move them into Pimenta View in CoL separately. Liogier (1973) emphasizes the slight resemblance of this species to others in the same genus when describing Eugenia yumana View in CoL : “this plant has little resemblance to any other species of Eugenia View in CoL in the West indies; its subsessile inflorescence, its ellipitic coriaceous leaves, with numerous nearly parallel nerves are the most outstanting characteristics” (1973: 269). Eugenia yumana View in CoL and E. samanensis View in CoL are also very distinct from other Hispaniola Pimenta species, especially regarding their reproductive features: both species are tetramerous, whilst all others ( Pimenta berciliae View in CoL , Pimenta haitiensis View in CoL , and all endemic varieties of Pimenta racemosa View in CoL ) are pentamerous, and its inflorescences are almost sessile with few flowers, whilst all others present longer dichasia or panicles. Leaves of Eugenia yumana View in CoL and E. samanensis View in CoL are similar to Pimenta ferruginea View in CoL (from Cuba), but the latter always presents dichasial inflorescences and longer pedicels (up to 4 cm) in comparison to almost subsessile inflorescences in the former two.














Pimenta yumana (Alain) T. Vasc.

Vasconcelos, Thais N. C., Lucas, Eve J. & Peguero, Brigido 2018

Eugenia yumana

Alain 1973: 268
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