Pheidole rojasae Vázquez-Franco, 2024

Vázquez-Franco, César Maximiliano, Castaño-Meneses, Gabriela, Ríos-Casanova, Leticia & Morrone, Juan J., 2024, Three new species of Pheidole Westwood, 1839 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae: Attini) from central Mexico, Zootaxa 5523 (2), pp. 192-210 : 203-208

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5523.2.3

publication LSID


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scientific name

Pheidole rojasae Vázquez-Franco

sp. nov.

Pheidole rojasae Vázquez-Franco sp. nov. 3D31E012-D714-484C-9E30-31CA107667E6

Figures 7 View FIGURE 7 , 8 View FIGURE 8 , 9 View FIGURE 9 and 10C View FIGURE 10 .

Diagnosis. Morphometric profile similar to P. eretizhon Wilson 2003 , P. nubicola Wilson 2003 , P. roushae Wilson 2003 , and P. sepultura Longino 2019 . Minor worker with morphometric profile similar to P. confoedusta Wheeler 1909 and P. tillandsiarum Wheeler 1934 . The most similar is P. nebulosa Wilson 2003 , they differ in the sculpture of occipital lobes, P. rojasae sp. nov. has a head foveolate with overlying rugoreticulum, including the occipital lobes, in comparison with foveolate occipital lobes of P. nebulosa , sometimes disperse rugae can be present, but never forming a rugoreticulum. Minor worker of P. rojasae sp. nov. has longer setae and deeper mesopropodeal sulcus in comparison to P. nubicola .

P. gulo Wilson 2003 is close to P. rojasae sp. nov. in the key of Wilson, because the key separates the species with occipital lobe with some sculpture, but both species have differences in the shape of the head in full-face view, the mesosoma profile in lateral view, and in general size. Pheidole rojasae sp. nov. has a more rectangular head (CI: 92.73), mesosomal profile with 2 convexities in lateral view (in both castes), smaller size (HW: 1.12, HL: 1.21SL: 1.10) and a dark brown color; P. gulo has a less rectangular head (CI: 96), with more concave sides, mesosoma profile only with promesonotal groove (in both castes), larger size (HW:1.46, HL:1.52, SL:1), and a yellow color.

Description and measurements.

Minor worker. (n=6) EL 0.13-0.18; HL 0.68-0.73; HW 0.55-0.62; PPW 0.18-0.20; PSL 0.04; PTW 0.11-0.13; SL 0.90-0.95; WL 0.92-1.10; CI 80.65-84.85; PPI 133.33-180; PSLI 6.06-6.45; SI 150-168.

Head: Rounded in full-face view; clypeus with longitudinal medial carina, anterior border almost flat; posterior margin of head flat; occipital carinae thin and poorly visible; scape surpassing occipital margin; head including frontal triangle and clypeus foveolate; frontal triangle with longitudinal carina and some rugae; head and scape covered by suberect pilosity.

Mesosoma: Promesonotal profile in lateral view with three convexities, one on pronotum and two in mesonotum, that have a small groove at the middle giving to mesonotum a discrete “S” shape, more evident than in major worker; metanotal groove deeper and visible; propodeal spines small and pointed, one fourth length of basal face of propodeum; basal face of propodeum flat; mesosoma strongly foveolate; mesosoma covered by disperse erect and suberect setae. Mesosoma profile in dorsal oblique view with two small convexities, one in the pronotum and another in mesonotum; at least two sensorial erect setae in inner margin of metatibia.

Metasoma: Petiole in lateral view longer than wide; petiolar node broad and rounded. Postpetiole in lateral view convex; ventral margin flat; rounded in dorsal view. First gastral tergite shagreened. Body sculpture foveolate; covered by dense, thin, long, erect setae.

Color: Brown to dark brown, tarsi light brown.

Major worker. Holotype: EL 0.18; HL 01.21; HW 1.12; PPW 0.37; PSL 0.09; PTW 0.20; SL 1.10; WL 0.97; CI 92.73; PPI 185.86; PSLI 7.27; SI 98.04. Paratypes (n= 5): EL 0.18-0.20; HL 1.19-1.21; HW 0.90-1.12; PPW 0.24-0.37; PSL 0.07-0.09; PTW 0.18-0.22; SL 0.86-0.97; WL 1.03-1.21; CI 75.93-92.73; PPI 130-185.86; PSLI 5.56-7.27; SI 84.31-9512.

Head: Oval in full-face view, sides subparallel; mandibles smooth and shiny, with apical tooth bigger than preapical; clypeus smooth and shiny, with longitudinal medial carina, anterior border crenate; four hypostomal teeth ( Fig. 10C View FIGURE 10 ); occipital cleft deeper; occipital lobes curved; scape not surpassing occipital lobes; head foveolate with overlying rugoreticulum, rugoreticulum stronger impressed in space between eye and antennal fossa but cover the head.

Mesosoma: Promesonotal groove in lateral view present, mesonotum with small groove at middle, giving mesonotum a discrete “S” shape; notopropodeal suture deep; propodeal spines one third length of basal face of propodeum; dorsal face of propodeum flat; mesosoma foveolate except for shiny patch in metapleuron above metacoxa. Humeri subangulate in dorsal oblique view; pronotum foveolate in dorsal view, with some disperse, rugae, slightly impressed, difficult to see.

Metasoma: Petiole in lateral view slightly longer than wide, with short peduncle; petiolar lobe rounded. Postpetiole in lateral view concave; ventral margin flat; lenticular in dorsal view. Gaster completely shagreened including ventral area; all body including scape, covered by thin, long, erect setae.

Color: Area under eyes, tarsi and mandibles pale yellow, remaining body brown, and gaster dark brown.

Queen (dealate). Paratype (n= 1): EL: 0.42; HL 1.28; HW 1.34; PPW 0.77; PSL 0.15; PTW 0.51; SL 1.12; WL 2.40; Indices CI 105.17; PPI 152.17; PSLI 12.07; SI 83.61.

Head: Subrectagular in full-face view; occipital lobes rounded; posterior border flat; longitudinal medial carina present, creating a groove, deeper between the posteriormost ocellus; anterior border of clypeus crenate, without medial longitudinal carina; hypostomal border flat, with five hypostomal teeth, outer hypostomal teeth reduced, near to mandibles; medial tooth present, rounded; scape surpassing occipital lobes, terete at base; mandibles smooth and shiny; clypeus and frontal triangle longitudinally carinulate, rest of head rugoreticulate, with foveae between rugae but shiny (generally, a foveolate pattern is usually matte), including head’s ventral area; head covered by dense, thin, suberect setae, including head’s ventral area; scape covered by thin, decumbent setae.

Mesosoma: Flat in lateral view; propodeum basal face flat; posterior face flat, propodeal spiracle ovoid; propodeal spine triangular; pronotum rugoreticulate; katepisternum and anepisternum shagreened; anapleural sulcus present, less impressed in posterior area; propodeum rugoreticulate, above and below spiracle, rest longitudinally carinate. In dorsal view, notaulus absent; parapsidal lines present; dorsal mesoscutum smooth and shiny, with two longitudinal rugoreticulate patches in sides, extended to posterior margin where converge; mesoscutellum and propodeum’s basal face longitudinally carinate; dense, thin, erect, and suberect setae, present in mesosoma and legs.

Metasoma: Petiole larger than wide in lateral view; petiolar lobe triangular, posteriorly oriented; ventral profile serrate. Postpetiole convex in lateral view, ventral margin with anteroventral process. Hexagonal in dorsal view, sides angulate; petiole and postpetiole with dense, erect to decumbent, thin, setae. Gaster completely shagreened and shiny, with longitudinal carinae close to postpetiole insertion; gaster with dense, stiff, erect to decumbent setae.

Color: Area under eyes, tarsi and mandibles pale yellow, rest of body and gaster brown.

Male. Unknown.

Etymology. The specific epithet is an eponym, derived from a noun in genitive case, honoring Patricia Rojas Fernández, a Mexican myrmecologist specialized in ant ecology, and pioneer in the study of the ecology and biodiversity of Mexican ants.

Geographic range. Mexico (Puebla). Only known from the type locality. Mexican Transition Zone (sensu Morrone 2019).

Biology. The type series was collected in a rotten fallen trunk, in a temperate forest.

Variation in type series. Color is the only variable character in the type series, some specimens are lighter than others. One specimen (CASENT0653352) has medial ocellus, but this specimen has damage (probably teratological).

Material examined: HOLOTYPE: 1 major worker, “ MÉXICO, Puebla / Tetela de Ocampo, Cuapancingo / 19.8505 N, - 97.8323 W ± 10m / 1740 msnm, 03/sep/2020 / C. M. Vázquez-Franco #170-N // Bosque de Pino Encino / Suelo, Nido en tronco de pino derribado y en descomposición / Aspirador bucal”. [ CASENT0653348 , CNIN] GoogleMaps . PARATYPES, 1 dealate queen, 5 major and 6 minor workers: same data as holotype [2s, CASENT0653352 , CASENT0653354 , GoogleMaps 2w, CASENT0653353 , CASENT0653355 , CCMVF; GoogleMaps 1s, CASENT0653350 , GoogleMaps 2w, CASENT0653349 , CASENT0653351 , GoogleMaps 1 dq, CASENT0653347 , CNIN; GoogleMaps 1s, CASENT0653356 , GoogleMaps 1w, CASENT0653357 , CZUG; GoogleMaps 1s, CASENT0653358 , GoogleMaps 1w, CASENT0653359 , IEXA] GoogleMaps




Mexico, Jalisco, Guadalajara, Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro de Estudios en Zoologia, Entomologia


Coleccion Nacional de Insectos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico


Universidad de Guadalajara,Centro de Estudios en Zoologia, Entomologia













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