Paraxenopygus peruvianus Bernhauer, 1915

Chatzimanolis, Stylianos, Brunke, Adam J. & Navarrete-Heredia, José L., 2024, A review of Paraxenopygus Bernhauer (Insecta: Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), with description of two new species, Journal of Natural History 58 (37 - 40), pp. 1509-1528 : 1521-1523

publication ID 10.1080/00222933.2024.2391450

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scientific name

Paraxenopygus peruvianus Bernhauer, 1915


Paraxenopygus peruvianus Bernhauer, 1915 View in CoL

( Figures 1C View Figure 1 , 2C View Figure 2 , 3C View Figure 3 , 4C View Figure 4 , 5G–I View Figure 5 , 6)

Paraxenopygus peruvianus Bernhauer, 1915, p. 298 View in CoL .

Type material

Lectotype, here designated, male with labels: ‘ Chanchamayo, Peru [ Peru: Junín: Chanchamayo, −11.00°, −75.25°] Heyne [leg.] Berlin-Wilm’ /‘ ♀ ’/ ‘ peruvianus Bernh Typus’ / ‘ Chicago NHMus M. Bernhauer Collection’ /‘FMNHINS4518387 ’/‘ Lectotype Paraxenopygus peruvianus Bernhauer des. Chatzimanolis, Brunke and Navarrete-Heredia’. In the collection of FMNH .

Additional materials

COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Rionegro [6.15°, −75.37°], Bernhauer coll . (1 female FMNH) ; ECUADOR: Orellana: [ Puerto Francisco de Orellana ] Coca [−0.46°, −76.98°], v .1965, Peña coll . FMNHINS4518388 (1 male [lacking barcode], 1 female FMNH) ; PERU: Cuzco: Quispicanchi, Marcapata [−13.59°, −70.98°], Fauvel coll . (1 female HNHM; 2 male, 2 female RISBN) ; Huánuco: Monzon Valley, Tinga María [−9.29°, −75.99°], 27 .x .1954, E .I . Schlinger and E .S. Ross leg . (1 male, 1 female CAS); Yurao , 67.5 mi . E. of Tingo María [−9.29°, −75.04°], 16 .xi .1954, E .I . Schlinger and E .S. Ross leg . (1 female CAS) ; Junín: Chanchamayo [−11.00°, −75.25°], Sharp coll . (1 male NHMUK); same locality, 800 m, 1 .ii .1939, in nest with Atta cephalotes, Scheerpeltz coll. (1 female NMW) ; Pasco: Villa Rica Rd . [−10.79°, −75.32°], 1475 m, 15–18 .x .1999, FIT, R. Brooks, D. Brzoska leg ., SM0149866 (1 female SEMC) ; Madre de Dios: CICRA Field Station , airfield, −12.558°, −70.106°, 290 m, 11 .vii .2010, hand collected, DJ Bennett leg ., SEMC0985413 About SEMC (1 male SEMC); CICRA Field Station , trail 6, research plot, −12.552°, −70.109°, 295 m, 7–9 .vi .2011, FIT, Chaboo team leg ., SEMC1014435 About SEMC (1 male SEMC); CICRA Field Station , garden, −12.569°, −70.101°, 260 m, 12–19 .vii .2010, malaise, M .J . Endara leg ., SEMC1095993 About SEMC (1 male SEMC); same locality and collector, 9–16 .ix .2010, SEMC1097837 About SEMC , SEMC1097839 About SEMC (2 male SEMC); same locality and collector, 23 .ix .–2.x .2010, SEMC1062346 About SEMC (1 female SEMC); same locality and collector, 26 . viii .–2.ix .2010, SEMC1061639 About SEMC (1 female SEMC); Pakitza Biol . Station Castanal Trail, Reserved Zone , Manu NP [−11.945°, −71.283°], 317 m, 15–16 .x .2000, FIT, R. Brooks leg ., SM0210549 (1 female SEMC); Pantiacolla Lodge 2–7 km NW El Mirador trail, Alto Madre de Dios River [−12.653°, −71.258°], 450–700 m, 23–26 .x .2000, FIT, R. Brooks leg ., SM0210968 (1 female SEMC); same locality and date, 8 km NW El Mirador Trail, 800 m, [−12.642°, −71.278°], SM0210921 (1 male SEMC); unknown state: unknown locality, Bang-Haas [leg.] (1 female AMNH); unknown locality (1 female NHMUK; 1 female MFNB) .


Among species of Paraxenopygus with metallic green head and pronotum, P. peruvianus can be distinguished from P. newtoni by having a pronotum with dense setose punctures in confused rows, nearly evenly distributed ( Figure 2C View Figure 2 ); tergite 7 with dark median band ( Figure 1C View Figure 1 ); apex of median lobe in ventral view converging to narrow rounded tip ( Figure 5G View Figure 5 ); and median lobe in lateral view with subapical tooth ( Figure 5I View Figure 5 ).


Forebody length 6.1–8.5 mm. Colour of head and pronotum shining metallic green; mesoscutellum, elytra, antennae and legs orange-brown. Abdomen orange-brown (but see Remarks below) except tergite 7 and sternite 7 with broad dark brown to black area medially ( Figure 4C View Figure 4 ). Epicranium ( Figure 2C View Figure 2 ) with small to medium punctures, distance between punctures as wide as 1–1.5 punctures. Antennomere 1–4 without tomentose pubescence. Mandibles straight, except apically. Neck with dense, small punctures. Pronotum width/length ratio = 0.96–1.00; pronotum with medium-sized punctures; pronotum with rows of punctures confused and nearly becoming evenly distributed ( Figure 2C View Figure 2 ); superior marginal line of pronotal hypomeron joins inferior marginal line before neck. Elytra length/pronotal length ratio = 1.06–1.15; elytra with small punctures and few wrinkled irregularities between punctures. Metacoxal shield slightly elongate and wide ( Figure 3C View Figure 3 ), but length of shield variable (see Discussion); abdominal tergites 3–4 without faint curved line posterior to anterior transverse basal line. Sternite 7 in males with small circular porose structure ( Figure 4C View Figure 4 ); sternite 8 with U-shaped emargination ( Figure 4C View Figure 4 ). Aedeagus as in Figure 5G–I View Figure 5 ; in ventral view paramere wide, converging to rounded apex; paramere shorter and narrower than median lobe; in lateral view paramere concave, with narrower rounded apex; paramere with peg setae in two short rows as in Figure 5H View Figure 5 . Median lobe in ventral view wide, converging to narrow rounded tip; in lateral view median lobe becoming much narrower near apex; median lobe with subapical tooth. Endophallus in ventral view wide, converging to pointed apex, in lateral view converging to narrow rounded apex.


Known from the department of Antioquia in Colombia, the province of Orellana in Ecuador, and the departments of Cuzco, Huánuco, Junín, Pasco and Madre de Dios in Peru ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 ). There is a female specimen of Paraxenopygus in FMNH from Tobago (10 km NE Roxborough, Gilpin Trail, 400–500 m, Montane Rain Forest , 26–, FIT, S. and J. Peck leg.) that is similar to P . peruvianus but the punctation pattern of the pronotum is a bit more sparse. This specimen may be P . peruvianus or a new species, but unfortunately we are unable to make a determination.


Collected in low- and mid-elevation tropical rainforests. There is one record indicating a host association with Atta cephalotes (Linnaeus) .


In a couple of specimens, the abdomen was much darker, almost brown, but no differences in the aedeagi were found.


Field Museum of Natural History


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


California Academy of Sciences


Natural History Museum, London


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute


American Museum of Natural History


Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale














Paraxenopygus peruvianus Bernhauer, 1915

Chatzimanolis, Stylianos, Brunke, Adam J. & Navarrete-Heredia, José L. 2024

Paraxenopygus peruvianus

Bernhauer M 1915: 298
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